Aurora: Q1:Hi, Emre! We are so glad to see you here.You have been in the community since long time ago, but this is your first time to be invited to the Chinese community~We are so gald to see you here! First of all, could you introduce yourself to us? 1.你好,Emre!比较早就在社区见过你,但这还是你第一次做客中文社区,非常开心能够邀请到你!首先,你可以给大家做个自我介绍嘛? Emre :?Hi friends , I am founder and NULS Ambassador Emre. I have been working as an IT specialist more than 10 years, I completed a master’s degree in computer programming and Management Information Systems. I am doing research and publications about cryptocurrencies almost 3 years. I really enjoy being a part of this industry. 译文:大家好,我是Koinmilyoner.com的创始人和NULS土耳其大使Emre。作为一个IT专家,我已经在这个领域工作了10多年,并获得了计算机编程和信息管理系统的硕士学位。我从事加密行业的研究和网站运营工作近3年。我真的很荣幸也很享受成为这个行业的一员。 Aurora: 原来是资深的IT大使一名~我们的NULS大使真是各有专长~~接下来我们进行第二个问题。 Q2:?One midnight in 2018, I was so excited to see you post some NULS articles in Turkish in the English community, and I immediately shared them with the core eam.Are you running your own website?Can you share it with us? 2.18年的一天晚上,我看到你在英文社区发了一些NULS土耳其语的文章,当时我非常兴奋,立马就和团队分享了。你是有运营自己的网站嘛?能否和我们分享一下? Emre:?I was giving advice to my close friends about cryptocurrencies. Then those recommendations reached more people. I set up my own website and reached out to more people. Leading people started following me. I publish articles and analyses on my website. People love analysis. I have 3 other friends I support. Our goal is to reach more people. We are among the best cryptocurrency news sites in Turkey.CZ also follows my personal twitter。 译文:是的,在我从事加密行业研究以来,开始不断的为我的好友提供相关的建议,这些建议逐渐被更多人采纳。于是,我建立了自己的网站,接触到更多的人。我在我的网站上发布文章和行业分析,一些行业里具有有影响力的人开始关注我。分析师也总是深受人们喜爱,这份工作得到了我另外三个朋友的大力支持。我们的目标是影响更多的人,我们是土耳其最好的加密新闻网站之一,CZ也关注了我的个人推特。 Aurora: Emre也是在尽自己一份力积极在土耳其布道区块链行业啊,能够将网站做到这样有影响力,一定付出了很多。相信Emre的网站一定会在土耳其成为最优秀的网站之一! Q3:You’ve been NULS Turkey ambassador for over six months. Why did you want to apply for NULS ambassador at the beginning?What are the major developments during this time?What’s the most rewarding part of your tenure in your eyes? 3.你做NULS大使也有半年多了,当初为什么想要参与NULS大使竞选?这半年来你的主要进展有哪些呢?任期间最让你觉得有成就感的事情是什么? Emre:?I was publishing the significant and remarkable articles about NULS before i became an ambassador. I did some sharing on NULS forum and Nuls team member pointed the way of becoming Nuls ambassador to me. Than i met Aurora and Penny; Penny helped me the way of became an ambassador. I put together 1000 person on telegram group in Turkey. More people reached to articles and news about NULS day by day and investors get in touch with me. I tweeted and share more than 80 articles about NULS as long as i am ambassador and the sharing are viewed over 100.000 times. Local websites reshare the articles and news i published and it brings Nuls more popular in Turkey. 译文:在我成为大使之前,我发布了很多关于NULS的重要文章。我在NULS论坛上分享了其中的一些,NULS核心团队的成员在帖子下留言,希望我可以参与NULS大使竞选。 然后我遇见了Aurora和Penny,Penny帮助我成为了一名大使。 我在NULS 土耳其的电报群增加了1000人。 渐渐的,越来越多的人阅读有关NULS的文章和新闻,投资者也与我取得了联系。在大使任期期间,我在推特上分享了80多篇关于NULS的文章,这些文章的浏览量超过10万次。我也会在我的本地网站转载这些文章和新闻,让NULS在土耳其更受欢迎。 Aurora: 土耳其社区最近一段时间来,确实发展的不错,比之前更活跃了。Emre发布的文章我也有看,虽然谷歌翻译出来效果不太好。但可以看到Emre常常有为文章设计新的图片,文章也不是直接的翻译,会加入自己的元素,这一点做的很棒。 Q4:?The crypto market develops well in Turkey. How is the development of NULS Turkish community ? 4.土耳其的加密市场发展的非常不错,NULS土耳其社区发展的怎么样? Emre:?World stock markets such as Binance, Huobi and Kucoin in Turkey are getting a lot of attention. We don’t have to access exchanges and make/withdraw. Cryptocurrencies are in high demand because we are a country that likes to invest and people from Turkish lira want to invest in dollars. Turkish society now recognizes NULS, which googletrends supports data. After my ambassadorial job, there was a lot of web searches, and many people started investing. I’m getting questions from Telegram. 译文:全球知名的交易所,如币安,火币和Kucoin在土耳其的加密市场很受欢迎。我们不需要去兑换和取钱,加密货币需求量很大,因为我们是一个喜欢投资的国家,而土耳其里拉的人倾向于投资美元。从谷歌趋势的数据可以看出,土耳其的加密圈也在认可NULS。在我担任大使以后,NULS出现了大量的搜索,许多人开始投资NULS。我也常常从电报上收到一些来自社区的问题。 Aurora: 数据是最直观的成果展示,Emre任职大使以来,我们可以看到数据明显的增加,这都归功于Emre的付出。土耳其是一个非常不错的市场,我们应该好好的把握,NULS在这里有很多的机遇。 Q5:What do you think are the most charming and promising parts of NULS? 5.我想问一问Emre,你认为NULS最吸引你和最具有潜力的地方是什么? Emre:?NULS is a project that is very open to development like a baby, integrated with blockchain and will invest in the world’s blockchain technology to follow the cryptocurrencies that go after it, the picture below shows that much more investors against NULS competitors are more likely to come. Big projects like chain factory, Nerve Network are now known to everyone .I see it like watching a little baby grow NULS give me a thrill. 译文:NULS是一个非常开放的开源项目,就像一个孩子一样,充满了可能性。它与区块链相结合,并将投资世界上的区块链技术来不断增加它的价值,未来可能出现更多对标NULS竞争对手的投资者。 还有大家都很熟悉的,NULS的杀手级应用-----链工厂,还有异构跨链生态NerveNetwork。我看着他们,就像看着一个小婴儿长大,不断的带给我鼓舞和力量。 Aurora: NULS一直以来都在积极地促进这个行业发展,区块链和币圈,一直都是两个不同的圈子。NULS始终坚持初心,真正的在做促进行业进步的事情,NULS充满了可能性。我和社区的朋友们一样,我们都在陪伴和见证这个孩子的成长,每一步,都带给了我们鼓舞和力量。一直以来,那份热爱未曾改变。 Q6:Do you have any plans for community building to strengthen the communication with local community? 6.在与建设社区方面,你有什么计划来壮大社区和增进交流嘛? Emre:?We can’t really predict the future too well, and we can’t really forecast our detailed plans too much ahead of time, and things change. I have created a lot of tags in Turkey on Google about NULS. Telegram groups are just turning into chat groups of too many people.I’m trying to get attention on the web for NULS and I’m doing it. Investors arriving at NULS will come through www (internet) calls, not telegram. I’m going to publish more articles about NULS. 译文:对于未来,我们不能很好地预测,也不能提前太多地预测我们的详细计划,因为事情常常会改变。 我在土耳其的谷歌上创建了很多关于NULS的标签;电报群也越来越活跃。 我试着在网上吸引更多的关注,这是我正在努力做的事情。投资者将通过网站来获得NULS信息,而不是电报。我也将发表更多关于NULS的文章。 Aurora:?社区建设是项目发展非常重要的环节,期待Emre未来能建设一个更加强大的土耳其社区! Q7:The new ambassador compaign of Q3 will start soon, will you apply for it? What’s your new plans for the ambassador program? 7.第三季度的NULS大使竞选很快就要开始了,你会继续参与嘛?接下来的大使计划是什么? Emre:?I’m going to apply. HOLD time for NULS in 2020. I’m preparing Nuls very well for 2021. People before the big bang are NULS? They’ll have access to a lot of information online. I plan meetings in different provinces when coronavirus effects pass. I will participate in invitations from binance, Huobi and Blockchain conferences and interact with important people about Nuls. 译文:我依然要去申请新季度的大使竞选,2020年是紧紧持仓NULS的时间。我正在为NULS2021年的发展做好准备。在新的牛市开启之前,所有人面临的都是0的局面,他们可以在网上获得很多信息。当新冠疫情的影响过去后,我计划在不同的省份代表NULS出席会议。我将参加币安,火币等项目举办的区块链峰会,并与重要人士宣传NULS。 —- 编译者/作者:NULS 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
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