第一篇章“区块链搜索” 在市场经济中,谁快速的寻找到有价值的资源信息,他就可以在公司的内部运作中获得绝对的优势成功,在互联网的第一个时代,公司内部搜索成本大幅度降低,网络上各种业务外包,因为好多公司发现内部的力量不足以支撑它们的快速发展,某些公司超过一半的创新成果来源于公司之外,因为这些公司很聪明,通过搭建挑战平台激励,在全网集结最聪明的人才去解决它们的难题,搜索的力量很强大,在这个区块链超级账本中,这是一个能够执行所有事情的工具,例如知识产权的登记、转让和生产产品,大学内部哪些教师拥有什么样的经历和学历以及这家供应商是否靠谱?这些呈现在我们眼前的是交易的历史,这也是一种声誉的管理。 传统的互联网搜索与区块链搜索还是有很大的差距,例如用户的隐私权,在区块链上交易透明但是我们可以设置一个授权访问私钥,我们可以决定谁来调用我们的信息资料。互联网搜索就是中心化的掌控,我们把简历或者后台数据交给它们保管,一旦泄露,谁也没有办法管控,而且我们只有使用权,归属权是后台的公司。在人才招聘的时候,应聘者担心被公司欺骗,同样公司也担心应聘者履历不属实,我们可以利用区块链搜索声誉系统管理,我们让预期的人才把相关的专业信息放在区块链上,当然这些信息可信,我们会给予他们相应的激励,同样公司方面也可以上链登记自己的信息,这样人才被发掘的概率会大幅度的提升,还有一点,我们在搜索时候经常由于时间久了,一些记录会被覆盖,区块链可以让搜索增加额外的时间维度,区块链提供的一个几乎考古般的记录,所有的信息上链永久保存起来,有人担心存储空间不足,记得全球范围内的可闲置计算机空间都可以帮助你存储信息,因为这也是双赢。 In the market economy, whoever quickly finds the valuable resource information, he can obtain the absolute superiority success in the company's internal operation. In the first age of the Internet, the company's internal search cost was greatly reduced, outsourcing all kinds of business on the web, because many companies find that internal forces are not enough to sustain their rapid growth, and some companies derive more than half of their innovation from outside the company because they are smart, the power of search is strong, and in this blockchain super book, it's a tool that can do anything, by building a platform of challenges and motivating the smartest people on the web to solve their problems, for example, the registration, transfer and production of intellectual property rights, what kind of experience and educational background does the university have, and is the supplier reliable? This is the history of trading, which is also a management of reputation. There is still a big gap between traditional Internet search and blockchain search, such as the privacy rights of users, transactions on the blockchain are transparent but we can set an authorized access private key, we can decide who will access our information. Internet search is centralized control, we put the curriculum vitae or background data to their custody, once the leak, no one can control, and we only have access to the ownership of the backstage company. We can use blockchain search reputation system to manage the fear of being lied to by the company and the fear of not having a proven track record, we get prospective talent to put relevant professional information on the blockchain, and of course we give them incentives to put that information on the blockchain, and the company can also register its own information on the blockchain, the probability of talent being discovered increases dramatically, and we often overwrite records when we search for them over time. The blockchain adds an extra dimension to the search, the blockchain offers an almost archaeological record of all the information stored permanently on the chain, and some worry about the lack of storage space. Remember that there is free computer space around the world that can help you store information, because it's a win-win. 第二篇章“行情解读” 每日行情走势,大饼从3月12号开始爬升,初始点为3800点,今日6月5号7点26分为9826点左右,一路飙歌,势如破竹,走势健康稳健,从日曲线来看9000-9300之间目前支撑点很多,庄家买入挂单持仓1.2万BTC,持续三个月的走势,接下来到了变盘的时刻,分析师无法预测,需要自己判断方向,凡是给出接下来走势的都是骗子。 从15分钟曲线可以看出,比特币在10299美元就是一个诱多盘,一张大口吃完后,此次吃了不少的跟进买单,大饼瞬间从10299跌落至9300美元,然后持续拼命的跑直线,这个直线行驶已经跑了48小时,接下来就是变盘时刻或者就是持续的横盘。小编结论很简单,没有金叉,没有支撑点,没有抛盘点,最近关注了CPM,感觉可能会搞事情。 备注:以上中英文,中文部分为原创内容,英文为对应的翻译,为了更好的学习英语和服务于读者,所以陈述如上,随着区块链巡回内容不断的展示,后期内容会越来越精彩。 —- 编译者/作者:醉玲珑 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
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