中新网沈阳7月22日电 (王景巍)由辽宁省技术创新研发工程中心主办的首期区块链技术与应用培训班,7月22日开班。来自辽宁省直有关部门,省内高校、科研院所,辽宁省创新研发与成果转化联盟理事单位以及科技型典型企业的相关负责人近200人参加培训。 Shenyang, July 22 (Wang Jingwei) the first block chain technology and application training course sponsored by Liaoning technology innovation research and Development Engineering Center opened on July 22. Nearly 200 persons in charge from relevant departments directly under Liaoning Province, universities and scientific research institutes in Liaoning Province, governing units of Liaoning innovation research and achievement transformation alliance and typical scientific and technological enterprises attended the training. 此次培训邀请上海玄贝科技有限公司CEO古千峰、中国分布式总账基础协议联盟技术委员会主任白硕、临港科创研究院区块链技术应用中心主任萧疆以及万商天勤律师事务所合伙人张烽等区块链领域金牌讲师,围绕区块链技术发展轨迹、区块链与人工智能的关系及区块链治理现代化等主题,采用专题讲授、案例分析、交流互动等方式进行集中培训。 Gu Qianfeng, CEO of Shanghai xuanbei Technology Co., Ltd., Bai Shuo, director of Technical Committee of China distributed general ledger infrastructure agreement alliance, Xiao Jiang, director of blockchain technology application center of Lingang science and Innovation Research Institute, and Zhang Feng, partner of Wanshang tianqin law firm, were invited to participate in the training Block chain governance modernization and other topics, the use of special lectures, case analysis, exchange and interaction and other means of centralized training. 当前,区块链技术高速发展,已成为世界关注的焦点。全球主要国家和地区都在加快布局区块链技术发展,我国亦将区块链技术作为核心技术自主创新的重要突破口和主攻方向,加大投入力度,着力攻克一批关键核心技术,加快推动区块链技术和产业创新发展。 High speed blockchain has become the focus of the world. Major countries and regions in the world are speeding up the development of blockchain technology. China has also taken blockchain technology as an important breakthrough and main direction of independent innovation of core technology, increased investment, focused on tackling a number of key core technologies, and accelerated the development of blockchain technology and industry innovation. 辽宁省技术创新研发工程中心党组书记、主任田东泉表示,举办此次区块链技术与应用培训活动,旨在探索构建辽宁区块链产业生态,加快区块链和人工智能、大数据、物联网等前沿信息技术的深度融合,有效推进科技创新引领产业振兴发展。同时,结合辽宁省产业技术研究院体制机制创新工作,建立新型研发机构,培育区块链科技成果转化高端人才。 Tian Dongquan, party secretary and director of Liaoning technology innovation research and Development Engineering Center, said that the purpose of the activity was to explore the construction of Liaoning blockchain industry ecology, accelerate the in-depth integration of blockchain and advanced information technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data and Internet of things, effectively promote scientific and technological innovation and lead the revitalization and development of the industry. At the same time, in combination with the system and mechanism innovation work of Liaoning Industrial Technology Research Institute, a new R & D institution is established to cultivate high-end talents for the transformation of blockchain scientific and technological achievements. 培训结束后,辽宁省技术创新研发工程中心与上海玄贝科技有限公司签署了战略合作协议。双方将在区块链技术培训、区块链产品溯源、共建辽宁科技链、共同推进区块链科技成果转移转化等方面开展深度合作。 After the training, Liaoning technology innovation R & D engineering center and Shanghai xuanbei Technology Co., Ltd. signed a strategic cooperation agreement. The two sides will carry out in-depth cooperation in blockchain technology training, blockchain product traceability, CO building Liaoning science and technology chain, and jointly promoting the transfer and transformation of blockchain scientific and technological achievements. 签约仪式后,双方围绕辽宁区块链产业生态、区块链和人工智能、大数据、物联网等前沿信息技术深度融合等内容进行深入交流。 After the signing ceremony, the two sides conducted in-depth exchanges on the content of Liaoning blockchain industrial ecology, block chain and artificial intelligence, big data, Internet of things and other cutting-edge information technologies. —- 编译者/作者:区块脉动 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
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