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【第295期】#区块链网络安全保障工具专利# &“行情解读”&“PI网友观点摘录”

2020-07-29 醉玲珑 来源:区块链网络







Bank of America recently obtained a patent aimed at controlling Filesystem permissions on the blockchain network. The patent, entitled "Security Management and Resource subcomponent access system" , explains that security-type Tokens will allow users to access information contained in a particular block. The system will be automated and will be granted or accessed by the network itself. A criminal group masterminded a phishing attack, according to Riskiq, a security research firm, the attack uses an automated money transfer system to empty the balance of the target's ether square wallet without being detected. Ether Square Wallet appears to be the most affected wallet platform in this malicious phishing attack. The reason for this is that the ethereal wallet is simple to use and lacks security features -- such as the ability to detect suspicious script inserts in active Web sessions. Regular banks provide additional security, but unlike banks, the ethereum Wallet Program gives users direct access to the ethereum network, this vulnerability was exploited by hackers to steal various login credentials. The present common chain three main problems, 1. The problem of capacity expansion, the existing block chain network, in the block time, transfer speed, system high concurrency, fault-tolerant stability, and other aspects of commercial applications (reference to banks, stock exchanges trading throughput) , there is still a large gap. 2. Distributed storage problem, the current blockchain, small capacity, resulting in network congestion. A large amount of block data, where to store, how to store, how efficient storage is difficult. 3. System security issues, smart contract vulnerabilities, frequent hacking incidents, as the pain of the industry! The security of the public chain, the ability to repair the vulnerability, determines the fate of the public chain. On the other hand, it shows that the security of ethereum's wallet is imminent. The multi-layer protection measures of the banking system are indeed better than ethereum's wallet. Hackers have turned from exchanges to wallets, professionals advise users to transfer assets to hardware wallets, such as Ledger and Trezor. It was timely that Bank of America filed for the patent. That Bank of America has realized the weakness of Cryptocurrency, how to protect its private key is a difficult problem, the patent automation function will control the entity or the user to the region chain access time, thus reducing the risk, the point is to reduce, not eliminate, so the technology will continue to evolve.






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