1、闪电网络的起源 闪电网络是一个去中心化系统,不需要第三方机构的介入可以实现实时、大量的交易。闪电网络应用最早于比特币交易,中本聪设计区块体积最大有1MB,随着比特币交易数量的每年增加,区块空余存储空间越来越小,比特币大量交易受限问题得到了重视。业内人士提出了两大类方案短期和长期: 1、短期思想:短期方案侧重于快速解决目前的问题,例如扩容方案BIP100,由矿工进行投票,将新的区块上限值上浮20%左右,全网超过八成算力可以激活新的区块空间,缺点是投票过程复杂。 2、长期思想:长期派出发点是一次性长远解决所有比特币空间问题,例如BP103。设定每个特定周期增长固定比例,到一定年份到达固定体积,经过理论讨论长期方案效果差,不可实施。 无论是长期方案还是短期方案都没有得到实施,真正的原因是,区块限制值上调无法解决比特币扩容问题,所以闪电网络诞生了。 The lightning network is a decentralized system that enables real-time, large-scale transactions without the involvement of third parties. Lightning was first used in bitcoin trading, and Satoshi Nakamoto designed blocks with a maximum size of 1 mb. As the number of BITCOIN transactions increased every year, the free storage space in the blocks became smaller and smaller. Industry insiders suggest two broad categories of short term and long term solutions: Short term thinking: Short term solutions focus on quick solutions to current problems, such as the expansion plan BIP100, where miners vote to raise the new block cap by about 20 percent, more than 80% of the power of the network can activate new block space, the disadvantage is that the voting process is complex. Long term thinking: The long term starting point is a one time, long term solution to all bitcoin space problems, such as BP103. Set a fixed percentage of growth in each specific cycle, to a certain year to reach a fixed volume, after theoretical discussion of long-term program effect is poor, can not be implemented. Neither the long-term nor the short-term plan was implemented. The real reason was that the block limit increase could not solve the problem of bitcoin expansion, so the lightning network was born.
每日行情走势,大饼从3月12号开始爬升,初始点为3800点,今日08月23号07点02分11664美元左右,加上大放水严重,近期走势明显,变盘已经到来,持续12000美元的测试,目前处于回调阶段。从日曲线看11000-11600之间目前支撑点很多,庄家买入挂单持仓0.65万BTC(高危险),上方阻力0.6万BTC(上方也很松动)。 持续五个月的走势,接下来到了变盘的时刻,再次测试12000高位压力点,突破之后稳住,小牛来临。 从15分钟曲线可以看出,比特币从11380美元爬升到11664美元一个相对高点,合约不玩牛市必来,继续震荡起来目前回调处于11660点,相对指标USDT目前6.93,至于小牛是否开启,至于后市是否持续开启情况,看庄家心情。行情继续震荡起来,行情回调开始,需要自己把握。这次回调如果是小牛的回调,有可能大跌眼镜。
PI也可以关注一下:对于普通用户来说或许是一种机会,有PI用户发表个人言论: 有用户接到KYC认证 提示:如果您没有护照,略表遗憾,不过没有关系,身份证或驾照都有吧,下一步更大范围的解决方案会出炉,专门为没有护照的派友解难哟!
以上内容仅供参考,不提供投资、时间定投导向。 —- 编译者/作者:醉玲珑 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
区块链大型巡回播放【第25期】#闪电网络的起源# &“行情解读”&“PI网友观点摘
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