这两年我们见证了DeFi的快速发展,特别是2020年DeFi代币价格暴涨,将DeFi代币总市值推向新的高点,而彻底爆发。目前,DeFi是区块链行业最大的热点之一。 这两年我们见证了DeFi的快速发展,特别是2020年DeFi代币价格暴涨,将DeFi代币总市值推向新的高点,而彻底爆发。目前,DeFi是区块链行业最大的热点之一。 去中心化金融(DeFi)指的是基于区块链的金融服务体系。在这套体系中,用户可以完全控制自己的资产,并且能够获得相关的金融服务。随着DeFi的应用广度和深度的不断拓展,未来将会看到越来越多的去中心化金融服务,提供更多切实的价值。 而DeFi的透明、高效、便宜的新一代金融体系,围绕资产衍生出的各种DeFi产品,也吸引了很多投资者加入其中。 依托Whitecoin跨链生态,DeFi项目可以享受Whitecoin 每秒万次的TPS以及容纳包括BTC、ETH、LTC等多条公链的跨链体系,搭建出更加广阔的应用场景,突破目前在单链上的瓶颈。
以下是H.K参与XT DeFi专题AMA活动中的对话内容,为保证中文社区的阅读,我们为大家进行了翻译,同时我们在文末附上英文原稿。 第一部分:Whitecoin项目介绍 主持人:每个嘉宾和项目的简介。 H.K:您好,我是Whitecoin的H.K,感谢您欢迎我参加本次圆桌会议AMA。Whitecoin是一个社区化的去中心化项目,于2014年初启动。我们最初的开发团队成员来自荷兰,德国,芬兰,澳大利亚以及其他国家。 Whitecoin是一条通过创新的Multi Tunnel Blockchain Communication Protocal (MTBCP)协议实现区块链间价值互通互联的公有链,它作为Whitecoin生态系统的重要组成部分,通过Random Proof of Stake(RPOS)共识、Whitecoin Axis、Whitecoin wallet、去中心化矿池、智能合约平台构建成一个跨链的区块链生态综合体。 上个月,Whitecoin成立了一个200万美元的DeFi基金会,该基金会将支持Whitecoin生态系统内的项目。 第二部分Whitecoin参与的问答 主持人:您认为DeFi的价值在哪里?这一轮DeFi行情爆发的原因是什么?DeFi项目从小众玩家走入大众的深层逻辑是什么? H.K:DeFi让便利的中介行为得以发展,包括处理诸如抵押贷款和根据合同和波动性清算抵押资产等基本任务。 DeFi吸引了投资者的注意力,代币价格飞涨,人们在了解基本驱动因素的同时也开始关注。 在过去三个月中,DeFi的总市值从20亿美元增加到140亿美元。随着更多项目的成功,更多的投资者加入,这从DeFi的总市值快速增长中就可以看出。 随着技术的快速发展和新业务模型的可能性,DeFi将继续发展并成为加密领域不可或缺的一部分。 第三部分Whitecoin的DiFi布局 主持人:Whitecoin作为一个6年历史的区块链项目,在DeFi领域有什么布局?在DeFi这个赛道的规划是什么? H.K:我们采取的第一个行动是提供基金会支持,Whitecoin已经预留了200万美元来支持DeFi和Oracle项目。 二是生态公司。Whitecoin将与全球中心化金融公司合作,以支持其DeFi的需求。 第三,额外的跨链资产。BTC、ETH和LTC已加入到Whitecoin中。USDT,EOS,XRP和其它代币也即将加入我们,这将有助于支持Whitecoin跨链生态系统中的多种项目。 主持人:根据当前市场,您如何看待DeFi的未来发展趋势?未来DeFi将面临什么挑战? H.K:我们的观点是,随着技术的发展,集中财务将进入DeFi。随着越来越多的用户参与DeFi空间,DeFi代币将进入前100名的市值排名,这只会帮助DeFi更快地增长。 DeFi将在这一过程中遇到挑战。最大的担忧之一是,当前大多数DeFi项目都是以太坊链构建的。成为ERC-20代币会带来网络过载和不可持续的汽油费问题。即使必须使用不同的区块链网络来实现更稳定的环境,也必须找到解决方案。对于终端用户而言,找到正确的解决方案对于避免事故至关重要。我们都见证了过去失败的加密项目。 以下为英文对话原稿: Host:Brief introduction of each guest and projects. H.K:Hello, I am H.K from Whitecoin, andthank you for welcoming me to this Roundtable AMA. Whitecoin is acommunity-based decentralization project that launched in early 2014 more thansix years ago. The team members of the original development team are from theNetherlands, Germany, Finland, Australia, and a few other countries around theworld. Whitecoin is a public chain, whichrealizes value interconnection among blockchains through the innovativeMulti-Tunnel Blockchain Communication Protocol (MTBCP). Whitecoin constructs across-chain blockchain ecosystem through Random Proof of Stake (RPOS)consensus, Whitecoin Axis, Whitecoin Wallet, decentralized mineral pools, andsmart contract platforms. Last month, Whitecoin launched a $2million DeFi foundation that will support projects within the Whitecoinecosystem. Host:In your opinion, What’s the intrinsic value of DeFi? Whatmade DeFi so popular recently? As currently DeFi is going from a “minority” to the spotlight,in your opinion, What’s the logic of this trend? H.K:DeFi allows the facilitationintermediary’s actions, which include handling essential tasks such ascollateralized loans and liquidating collateral assets dependant on thecontracts and volatility. DeFi has grabbed the attention ofinvestors, which was reflected in the price of many DeFi tokens. Token priceshave skyrocketed, and people are paying attention while learning about thefundamental driving factors. The total market cap of DeFi hasincreased from $2 billion to $14 billion just in the past three months. As moreprojects succeed, more investors join, which is reflected in the quicklygrowing total market cap of DeFi. With quickly developing technologiesand possibilities of new business models, DeFi will continue to grow and becomean integral part of the crypto space. Host:As a blockchain project with 6 years’ history, Whitecoinhas been launched for 6 years. So what’ s the development plan of Whitecoin inthe DeFi field? H.K:Our first action is to provideFoundation support, Whitecoin already set aside $2 million to support DeFi andOracle projects. Second, ecosystem corporation.Whitecoin will corporate with global centralized finance companies to supporttheir DeFi needs. Third, additional cross-chain assets.BTC, ETH, and LTC have been integrated into Whitecoin. USDT, EOS, XRP, and morecoins are soon to follow. That will help support different projects in theWhitecoin cross-chain ecosystem. Host:Based on the current market, what do you think of thefuture development trend of DeFi? And what challenge will DeFi face in thefuture? H.K:Our view is that centralized financewill move into DeFi as the technology develops. As more users become involvedwithin the DeFi space more, DeFi tokens will enter into the top 100 market caprankings, which will only help boost DeFi to grow faster. DeFi will encounter challenges alongthe way. One of the biggest concerns is that most DeFi projects are currentlybuilt off of the Ethereum chain. Being an ERC-20 token poses problems withnetwork overloads and unsustainable gas fees. Solutions must be created even ifthey must use a different blockchain network to achieve a more stableenvironment. For the end-users finding the right solution will be crucial toavoid mishaps; we have all witnessed in the past failed crypto projects. 本文来源:白币说 —- 编译者/作者:白币说 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
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