一 一天,尼克请朋友来聚餐。他在厨房准备大餐时,突然发现盐没了。尼克叫来了儿子,说:“去买些盐,买的价钱要公道,不要太高也不能太低。” 儿子有些不解,“不多付钱,还好理解。但是,要是我付得少一些,我们不是能多省点钱吗?” 爸爸说,“在大城市,这么想当然没问题。但在小地方这么做,咱们村子就完了。” 尼克的客人听了他们的话,就问为什么不能买尽可能低价的东西。 尼克回答: “在这种小地方,一个人如果以更低的价格卖盐,是因为他非常非常需要钱。在这种情况下,任何想占这个便宜的,都是对他人的艰辛和挣扎缺乏尊重。” “但这点小事,并不会毁掉一个村子吧。”客人说。 “一开始不会,因为世上只有一点点的不公。但是,当每个人都增加一点不公和掠夺,同时认为自己的这一点微不足道……到最后,你就看到了社会今天的样子。” 是的,当每一个ICO(prs,plustoken,vds,dew,fc……)都觉得,从每个韭菜兜里掏出的只是一点,并不足以让他们更穷,而且自己不干别人也会干,况且,“投资是自己对自己负责,没有人拿*逼着TA*”,市场就是弱肉强食……币圈就成了今天的样子。追求卓越不放过每一分钱、竭泽而渔者,最后失去的也很多,包括坦然的心情、一个受敬重的名声。这个名声可以带来更长远的收益的。 当今是大争之世,回归熟人社群也不可能。但区块链的不可删改已经可以制约行为肆无忌惮的陌生人社会。尼克的智慧在币圈是极为稀缺的。他如果出手,不会比镰刀差,但他选择了中道而行。 二 我们无时无刻不在免费的信息海洋里挣扎。在业务里,在家庭中,甚至在床头,互联网无处不在。千千万万的构架设计师、数据工程师日夜奋战,千方百计让我们在他们的设计中多停留一会儿。我们的喜怒哀乐等一切情绪,已经被科技巨人精心设计后,贴上“全部免费”的漂亮标签,打包后又卖给了我们。 但是,这一切不是免费的。我们支付的是看不见的钱,比如宝贵的时间和隐私。但是,人们现在刚刚明白这一点。 币圈各种项目的在线meetup、系列讲座、推介会,不仅免费,还有可观的糖果、有奖提问,对互动非常看重。内容基本上是真实的、诚恳的,但作为抢食的鱼,我们不妨问问,这些项目的目的也那么单纯吗?真是为区块链繁荣而进行的公益活动吗? 想起了一个魔幻的事情。前年大约也是这个时候吧,好多群里的好多小伙伴,哀叹的都是这么一件事:年纪轻轻的,因为比特币或者柚子,再或者PRS,身家过亿,以后再也不用为钱发愁了,也不用打卡上班,未来的七八十年,怎么过啊? 唉……币圈是怎么了? 原文如下: A One day, Nick invited his friends to supper. He was cooking some delicious food in the kitchen. Suddenly, hefound that he had run out of salt. So Nick called to his son,“Go to the village and buy some salt, but pay a fair price for it: neither too muchnortoo little.” His son looked surprised.“I can understand why I shouldn’t pay too much, Father, but if I can pay less,Whynot save a bit of money?” “That would be a veryreasonable thing to do in a big city, but it could destroy a small village like ours,” Nick said. Nick’s guests,whohad heard their conversation, asked why they should not buy salt more cheaply if they could. Nick replied,“The only reason a man would sell saltata lower price would be because he was desperate for money. And anyone who took advantage of that situation would be showing a lack of respectforthe sweat and struggle of the man who worked very hard to produce it.” “But such a small thing couldn’tpossibly destroy a village.” “In the beginning, there was only avery small amount of unfairness in the world, but everyone added a little, alwaysthinking that it was only small and not very important ,and look where we have ended up today.” B We are drowning in a sea of free information. The internet is in our businesses, homes and our bedrooms. An army of designers and data engineers spend their working life figuring out ways to make us plugged in for longer. Our desires are repackaged by giant tech companies and then sold back to us under the cover of free content, but it isn’t free. We are paying for it with invisible currencies, such as our time and privacy. But people now are only now beginning to understand. —- 编译者/作者:蜗牛0718 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
2020-10-18 蜗牛0718 来源:区块链网络
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