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2021-01-25 币赞财经 来源:区块链网络


IPFS/Filecoin is a long-term vision, and its future development is enough to match with today's network ecosystem. At the same time, it solves the problems of data confirmation, privacy protection and rights protection, which will play an important role in welcoming the arrival of the comprehensive digital era.


Compared with the traditional storage technology, the advantages of distributed storage in cost are in line with the commercial law, and also represent the future development trend of data storage technology. Based on the current market, although it has given investors a big impact, the real value of the technology will be greatly reflected on the day when it is widely used in the future!


In the future market of big data era, including blockchain, big data, cloud computing, Internet of Things, etc., Filecoin is a solid foundation for storage and retrieval, and real data storage is the real value of storage mining. In the data market, application landing must be an important part. Since the birth of IPFS (Interstellar File System), it has been used by at least 50 organizations or projects, such as smart contract, cross-chain heterogeneity, digital wallet K and so on. However, there is still a long way to go before the large-scale commercial landing of IPFS. Although distributed storage is gradually recognized by people and its influence scope is gradually expanded, except for industries, there are actually not many people who really know about IPFS technology and Filecoin, and the future value of Fil coins can be expected.


IPFS is a new generation that can completely subvert the whole ecology of the internet and make the whole internet develop faster, more efficiently and safer. with the advent of 5G era, data storage and data transmission are the most basic architecture of the internet. the traditional internet protocol has now reached the bottleneck, and its defects become more and more obvious in the process of large-scale diffusion. compared with TP, IPFS has obvious advantages. IPFS project is very reliable, and the platform chosen is also very important.


The turbine honeycomb mining machine abandons the irresistible factors of traditional mining machines, such as clustering, pledge mining, long warehouse lock and return period, server, machine room and power consumption. Swiss mechanical engineers applied the acceleration principle of Beech turbocharged engine, and established a huge IPFS cluster by crowdfunding honeycomb miner to start AI intelligent honeycomb miner mode.


Turbine community consensus mechanism, creating a distributed storage network for the most important information of mankind, will build a new ecology of data value circulation, let everyone fully control their own identity, assets and data, and the mining mechanism is open, transparent, credible and automatic. Use mobile phone to decentralize APP honeycomb mining machine, and quickly open mining ecological model. Let 5.4 billion mobile phone users around the world have the opportunity to dig out FIL. Thereby promoting IPFS to accelerate global consensus and making FIL more valuable.


IPFS network is based on content addressing and will allow content and programs to be directly linked to each other in a more robust way. Blockchain technologies such as Bitcoin in digital cash and Ethereum, an intelligent contract platform, use indestructible public key encryption technology to protect the connection between programs and protect data. At present, there are more than hundreds of IPFS application projects, which are growing rapidly. We look forward to a better tomorrow for the turbine honeycomb miner!


