当前位置: 玩币族首页 > 行情分析 > LABSGroup正式宣布与Polkacover在DeFi和NFT产品上建立合作关系


2021-02-18 区块链蓝海 来源:区块链网络

中文翻译:LABSGroup 中文社区

HongKong, Feb 7, 2021 - LABS Group, a Digitized Real Estate InvestmentEcosystem, announced a strategic partnership with Polkacover toprovide DeFi and NFT insurance products. Polkacover is the First DeFiinsurance marketplace for the global crypto ecosystem. Thepartnership will bring DeFi and NFT insurance products to theuntapped Digitised Real Estate Ecosystem market.


Beingbuilt on Polkadot, PolkaCover is creating the first insurancemarketplace for securing crypto, DeFi & NFT assets for retailcrypto users, as well as providing crypto focused insurance productsbacked by both traditional and decentralized insurance providers.With the ever-increasing number of hacks, scams and rug pulls in theDeFi/ crypto sector, the growing demand for crypto insurance productsis inevitable.


Recently,LABS Group has partnered with Enjin to create fractionalized NFTProperty Assets, which are freely tradable and easily accessible,allowing people to invest in real estate for as little as US $100.LABS also work with Centrifuge to provide Defi collateralizedproperty backed lending to LABS token holders.


Polkacoverwill be collaborating with LABS Group to provide insurance productslike homeowner insurance, property insurance against catastrophes,Landlord personal liability cover and impermanent loss cover on theNFT Property Assets.


“Ourvision is to bring the crypto ecosystem as a whole, enhancedsecurity, and unparalleled end-user ease of interaction”,said Kunal Sadani, CEO of Polkacover. “Weare excited to work with LABS Group, who has a potential massivecommunity base in the untapped Digitized Real Estate Investmentmarket. The partnership will help us to align with our mission tobring insurance products to the masses.”


“It’srare to find an insurance marketplace for crypto, especially for DeFiand NFT assets. Through this partnership, we will provide innovativecrypto insurance products with easy-to-use interface for our LABStokens holders, mitigating their risks and offering them theprotection through transforming insurance products”, saysYuen Wong, CEO of LABS Group.


LABSGroup has gained strategic partnership in the blockchain and realestate space around the world, covering America, Europe, GreaterChina Region, Middle East, etc. For now, LABS has received strategicinvestment from some top property fund companies. LABS Chairman is amember of the Harilela family, one of the most prominent families inHong Kong.


AboutLabs Group 关于LABSGroup

LABSis a digital investment platform that provides access tofractionalized property ownership and enables the continuous tradingof real estate assets-backed tokenized shares on a regulated securityexchange.


LABSuses blockchain technology and smart contracts to ensure completetransparency over a borderless ecosystem where property developersand investors can interact seamlessly and with unprecedentedefficiency.


Realestate and blockchain professionals have brought together theirexpertise to devise an ecosystem of services that make propertyinvestment more accessible, more secure and more liquid. For moreinformation on LABS, feel free to find us on https://labsgroup.io.



Polkacoveris a global Defi-Insurance marketplace that provides will severalinsurance products geared in providing safeguards for Crypto, DeFi &NFT asset users from over 120 countries. Individuals can use theupcoming Polkacover marketplace to search, compare & buy multipleinsurance products backed by traditional insurers or through ourcommunity governed P2P insurance platform.


Polkacoveris being built on the polkadot ecosystem, Polkacover aims to be themissing link that will connect the mass crypto market users with aunique marketplace to provide them insurance coverage on theircrypto, DeFi & NFT Assets.



