How to trade the second generation of Dogecoin DOGV2 on the HECO chain MDEX 上文已介绍了二代狗狗币DOGV2的基本情况,如链接: DOGV2(二代狗币)由DOGE社区早期投资者团体发起、且选择在HECO链首发,DOGV2为去中心化社区建设实验DOGE理念的全球升级版。由中本聪、马斯克、Vitalik、赵长鹏四人荣誉持有。原始发起方共18人,号称“2代狗币18罗汉”,他们都是DOGE社区的长期支持者。 作为传播二代狗狗币DOGV2的原始火种,践行DOGE精神!18罗汉无任何预留,全部1000万亿交给社区投票支配,地址全公开!实现社区自治!希望华人社区能享受到社区币给所有人的带来的认可和收益回报,希望投入3-5年时间再造DOGE精神新传奇! 接下来我们介绍如何交易。 Telegram: At present, DOGV2 has supported the MDX transaction of Huobi HECO chain, and you can choose USDT-DOGV2 trading pair to buy and sell.目前DOGV2已支持火币HECO链的MDX交易,可选择USDT-DOGV2交易对买卖。 MDEX交易所网址: DOGV2合约(HECO)地址(MDEX搜索): 0x6BC130930dCA5F99F21cb701202cCEA8a03bf182 TP wallet download link: It can be traded and the liquidity of the fund pool can be increased xFarmer (HECO) Wallet: Can be traded, you can see K-line TP钱包下载链接: 可以交易 可以增加资金池流动性 xFarmer(HECO)钱包: ?可以交易 可以看K线 Take: TokenPocket as an example: Open the wallet: click the 1 arrow marked "discover" button. Choice: 2 arrows marked "MDEX" icon: 以:TokenPocket为例: 打开钱包:点击1箭头标示“发现”按钮。选择:2箭头标示“MDEX”图标: Enter the MDEX decentralized exchange. Click 1: "Exchange", and then click 2 "HT", the next step will pop up 进入MDEX去中心化交易所。 点击1:处“兑换”,然后点击2处“HT”,弹出下一步 Search and select in the pop-up box: USDT 在弹出框中搜索选择:USDT Then, as shown in the figure below, click on the arrow pointed out: select the pass, and the page will pop up. 然后如下图,点击箭头所指:选择通证,弹出页面。 Search the DOGV2 contract (HECO) address in the pop-up page: 0x6BC130930dCA5F99F21cb701202cCEA8a03bf182 As shown in the figure below, click the red box area: Add. 弹出页面中搜索DOGV2合约(HECO)地址:0x6BC130930dCA5F99F21cb701202cCEA8a03bf182 如下图,点击红框区域:Add。 Then it becomes the following figure: Remove, select the currency. 后续变为下图:Remove,选中该币种。 It becomes the following picture: enter the amount of USDT you want to buy in the basket, and then you can purchase. 即变为下图:篮框中输入您要购买的USDT数量,即可进行购买。 Enter the amount of USDT you want to buy in the red box marked 1, and the corresponding green box marked 2 will automatically calculate the amount of DOGV2 that can be purchased, and then click the button in the yellow box marked 3: confirm the exchange, and you can follow the payment Process operation purchase. 标记1的红框中输入要购买的USDT数量,则对应的标记为2的绿框中自动算出能够购买的DOGV2数量,之后点击标记为3的黄框中的按钮:确认兑换,即可按照支付流程操作购买。 —- 编译者/作者:二代狗狗币DOGV2 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
2021-05-07 二代狗狗币DOGV2 来源:区块链网络
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