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2021-05-25 币赞财经 来源:区块链网络


Gather consensus and take advantage of the trend. On May 25, 2021, Tengsheng Mining Chia Nuggets Consensus Conference, led by Tengsheng Mining Group, will be held in Nanning, China. This Nuggets Consensus Conference brings together industry consensus and big coffee leaders to gather important consensus on mining Nuggets, and jointly create a new era of digital mining, which will have far-reaching significance for accelerating the pace of Chia Nuggets, and become a powerful booster for mining track to quickly overtake in corners!

腾生矿业Chia(奇亚)挖矿黑马在矿业浪潮中破局而生,Chia(奇亚)重新颠覆比特币,背靠丹华资本、a16z等华尔街14家顶级机构的投资,以打造绿色区块链为初衷,全力打造绿色区块链挖矿。Chia编写一套全新的编程语言, 弥补了BTC和ETH两条公链的所有缺陷和不足全力破解挖矿难题,兼具了点对点交易、去中心化存储、分布式智能合约,包括:原子兑换、授权收款人、可恢复钱包、多重签名钱包和限价钱包。Chia是首个企业级数字货币,首创时空验证,成为行业新风向标。

The mining dark horse of Tengsheng Mining Chia came into being in the mining wave, and Chia subverted Bitcoin again, relying on the investment of 14 top Wall Street institutions such as Danhua Capital and a16z, with the original intention of building a green blockchain, and made every effort to build a green blockchain for mining. Chia has written a brand-new programming language, which makes up for all the defects and deficiencies of BTC and ETH, and fully solves the mining problem. Chia has both point-to-point transactions, decentralized storage and distributed intelligent contracts, including: atomic exchange, authorized payee, recoverable wallet, multi-signature wallet and limited-price wallet. Chia is the first enterprise-level digital currency, which is the first time and space verification, and has become a new trend in the industry.


As we all know, bitcoin mining consumes a lot of energy, which is well known. Chia is a decentralized open source global blockchain. Compared with the traditional workload proof cryptocurrency, it has less energy waste, higher decentralization and safer. In Chia, resources are not computing power, but disk space. To achieve this goal, the "work proof" used in Bitcoin is replaced by "space proof". Instead of competing for computing power and power to get block rewards, users allocate free hard disk space on their computers to the network for "farming". The probability of successfully digging blocks will be proportional to the disk space allocated by miners and the total capacity of the network. This is the "farming mechanism" of Chia network, which is very similar to the "mining mechanism" of Bitcoin.


In Chia network, miners submit certificates to the network through a hard disk, promise to gain computing ability, and then compete to generate blocks. The production competition of tokens is similar to that of BTC, and the income of miners is determined by the half ratio of the computing power of the whole network. At the same time, Chia's economic model, farming, adopts a block reward halving measure similar to Bitcoin. Due to the fluctuation of the space to join the network and the increase or decrease of Timelord speed, the actual distribution schedule will be slightly different from that of Bitcoin in history. However, because Chia mainly consumes hard disk space, and does not need to consume too much power and bandwidth, the whole mining process is greener than BTC.


Based on the deep accumulation of distributed systems, blockchain consensus mechanism, data storage and other technologies, and the research, testing and improvement of blockchain for more than 3 years, Mine No.7 has the full-stack service capability for the design, construction, management and cluster operation of green blockchain nodes. With the best performance in the Chia test network, No.7 Mine will provide users with the world's leading Chia package solutions.


Digital new infrastructure, mining blue ocean is profitable! With more and more people exploring Chia mining, the demand for hard disk space is also rising, and the future prospect of No.7 Mine is infinite.


