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2021-06-10 三元区块链 来源:区块链网络

感谢大家关注三元社区最新一期的 AMA,今晚我们有幸请来 Logan Saether、David PerryThank you for your attention to the latest AMA of Sanyuan Community. We are fortunate to have Logan Saether and David Perry tonight


感谢:链闻 ChainNews、、Odaily 星球日报、PANews、Tokenview、三元资本 TernaryCapital 对本次活动的大力支持。Thanks: ChainNews, Odaily Planet Daily, PANews, Tokenview, Ternary Capital for their strong support for this event.

1、先请嘉宾简单的介绍下自己,以及 Zeitgeist 的团队背景吧~First, please let the guests briefly introduce themselves and Zeitgeist's team background~

David:我是 Zeitgeist 的 CIO David Perry。 我在 2004 年创?了?家名为 Consensus Point 的公司时开始与预测市场合作。 我们以企业规模的要求部署了预测市场——数?家财富 500 强公司和数百家其他组织参与了进来。 预测市场的发明者 Robin Hanson 后来成为该公司的?席科学家。当以太坊推出时,我开始专业地参与区块链,并于 2017 年初加? ConsenSys。在加?到 Polkadot ?态系统之前,我在那?待了?年。 很?兴认识?家!I’m David Perry, CIO at Zeitgeist. I started working with prediction markets in 2004 when I founded a company called Consensus Point. We deployed prediction markets at an enterprise scale - dozens of Fortune 500 companies and hundreds of other organizations. Robin Hanson, the inventor of prediction markets, later became the Chief Scientist of that company. I became professionally involved with blockchain when Ethereum was launched, and I joined the venture studio ConsenSys in early 2017. I spent a few years there before diving into the Polkadot ecosystem. It's great to meet everyone!

Logan:?家好!我是 Logan Saether,我是 Zeitgeist 的 CEO。我的背景是?名技术专家,最初在 2016 年底涉?区块链。起初,我开始在以太坊?态系统中开发产品并从事开源项?。我参与的?个项?是以太坊闹钟重启,这是?种集成在 MyCrypto 钱包中的去中?化调度协议。之后,我参与了?个名为 Convergent 的项?,该项?使?结合曲线作为原语,使?们可以根据??的创意发? token。?约在这个时候,我开始感受到在 EVM 环境内部开发的限制,并开始关注其他技术。于是我发现了 Substrate 和 Polkadot ?态系统。此时,我参与了?些早期的 Substrate 模块编写(甚?在 Substrate 1.0 之前),并拿到了 Web3 基?会的赏?。在这之后,我发现 Web3 基?会正在招聘并有机会加?技术教育部?。最初,我致?于从头开始构建 Polkadot Wiki 和?档。我还完成了?些开发任务,例如创建 Claims 智能合约,并在 Kusama 推出期间开始围绕链迁移创建?具。今年早些时候,我开始研究基于 Substrate 并针对 Polkadot ?态系统的预测市场。多年来,我是 Augur 和其他预测市场的忠实粉丝,?睹了这些预测市场并未取得成功。随着我阅读了有关基于预测市场的治理(称为 futarchy)的?章和论?,这促使我开始了?个新的预测市场项?。于是 Zeitgeist 诞?了,在构建了?个初始原型之后,我离开了 Web3 Foundation,将我的全部时间投?到它上?。Hi! My name is Logan Saether and I’m CEO of Zeitgeist. My background is as a technologist and I originally got involved in blockchain in late 2016. At first, I started to build products in the Ethereum ecosystem and work on open-source projects. Over time, I began to feel the constraints of developing inside of the EVM environment and started to look at other technologies.This is when I discovered Substrate and the Polkadot ecosystem. I joined the Web3 Foundation for two years and helped build the Polkadot Wiki, tooling for the Kusama launch, and the Thousand Validator Programme. Earlier this year I started to work on a prediction market built on Substrate and targeting the Polkadot ecosystem. Out of this Zeitgeist was born, and after building an initial prototype, I left Web3 Foundation to commit my full time to it.

2、可以详细介绍下?Kusama Derby 赛吗?Can you introduce the Kusama Derby game in detail?

David:Kusama Derby 是?项测试?活动,奖励正确预测前三个 Kusama ?络平?链插槽获胜者的参与者。 如您所知,许多区块链团队都试图在 Kusama 上获得插槽席位,因此我们认为预测获胜者会很有趣,也是宣布我们的测试?开启的好?法。The Kusama Derby is a testnet campaign which rewards participants who correctly predict the winners of the first three Kusama network parachain slots. As you may know, many software teams are trying to get slots on Kusama, so we thought it would be interesting to predict the winners and also a great way to announce our testnet.

Logan:当然,Kusama Derby 是我们参与 Kusama 第?轮平?链拍卖的?式,这是我们多年来?直在努?的?标。 由于我们直到今年晚些时候才计划我们??的 PLO,我们决定通过推出?个主题预测市场来展?我们的测试?,以预测谁将赢得前 3 个平?链插槽。预测市场的?作原理是,我们假设有 10 种可能的结果,9 个平?链团队(前 9 个连接到 Rococo 测试?络的项?),以及代表以上团队都没有赢得插槽的结果——“?” 。 所有这些结果在市场上都作为单独的代币表?,因此有“Karura Wins”代币、“Moonriver wins”代币等。 当市场结束时,获 胜的结果代币可兑换 1 ZBP,而所有其他结果代币将?即销毁。Sure, The Kusama Derby was our way of participating in the first round of parachain auctions on Kusama, something that we’ve been building toward for years. Since we aren’t planning our own PLO until later this year, we decided to demonstrate our testnet by launching a themed prediction market for predicting who will win the first 3 parachain slots.How the prediction market works is that there are 10 possible outcomes, 9 parachain teams (the first 9 that connected to the Rococo test network), and the catch-all outcome “None” which represents the outcome that none of the teams win the slot before the market ends. All of these outcomes are represented in the markets as separate tokens, so there is a “Karura Wins” token, a “Moonriver wins” token, and so on. When the market concludes, the winning outcome token is redeemable for 1 ZBP, while all the other outcome tokens are instantly destroyed.

3、Zeitgeist 主要解决哪些问题呢?能给用户带来哪些好处?What problems does Zeitgeist solve? What benefits can it bring to users?

David:???,Zeitgeist 预测市场解决了错误信息收集的问题。 在我们的现代经济体系中,虚假信息的?泛传播既容易?便宜。 如果?们依赖该信息做出重要决定,这将会导致混乱或使情况变得更糟。 有了预测市场,这个问题就解决了,因为?们将会把??的?为和钱挂钩。这听起来像是在下注,但事实恰恰相反——下注是为了娱乐而追求?险,但预测市场通过揭?真相帮助?们规避?险。For one thing, Zeitgeist prediction markets solve the problem of misinformation. In our modern economy, it is easy and cheap for false information to spread widely. This causes confusion or worse if people are depending on that information to make important decisions. With prediction markets, this is solved because people can ‘put their money where their mouth is.’ They may sound like betting but it is the opposite - betting is pursuing risk for entertainment, but prediction markets help people avoid risk by revealing the truth.

Logan:Zeitgeist 正在构建?个完整的预测市场?态系统,包括预测市场?具和预测市场应?程序。 因此,我们为产品中不同领域的不同??解决了不同的问题。 在最底层,我们正在为预测市场协议构建?个区块链,该协议具有链上治理,允许 ZTG 持有者指导协议如何发展。在上层,我们开发了?套 SDK ,旨在解决预测市场构建者和企业家的痛点,他们可能对基于预测市场的应?程序有?个好主意,但缺乏?个易于使?的?具集将预测市场集成到他们的?站中。最后在应?层,我们为交易者和市场创建者创建了?个易于使?的界?,他们想要使?预测市场来 获得潜在的预测,或者想要创建市场以获得未来事件概率的准确信号。

Zeitgeist is building a prediction market ecosystem, the tooling for prediction markets, and a prediction market application. So we solve different problems for the different users of these different areas of our product. At the lowest layer, we are building a blockchain for a prediction market protocol that has on-chain governance that allows the ZTG holders to direct how the protocol evolves over time.On the layer above that, the SDK is solving the pain point of builders and entrepreneurs who might have a good idea for prediction market based applications but don’t have an easy to use toolset to integrate a prediction market into their website.And finally on the application layer we are creating an easy to use interface for traders and market creators who want to either use prediction markets to get exposure to the underlying prediction, or want to create markets to get an accurate signal for the probability of a future event.

4、波卡生态市场上很多类似项目,与他们相比 Zeitgeist 的优势是什么呢?There are many similar projects in the Polkadot ecological market. What are the advantages of Zeitgeist compared to them?

David:我们的优势之?是强?的团队。 我们已经实现了数百次预测市场,我们知道怎么做是可以成功的。 另?个优势是我们的技术——我们在构建和扩展这些系统??拥有多年的经验。 你不会在 Polkadot 的其他任何地?找到 Futarchy 这个概念,我们认为这正是我们的??优势。One of our advantages is the strong team. We have implemented prediction markets hundreds of times and we know what success looks like. Another advantage is our technology - we have years of experience building and scaling these systems. You won’t find Futarchy anywhere else on Polkadot, and we think this is a large part of our value proposition.

Logan:其他项?正在构建特定的预测市场应?程序,? Zeitgeist 正在构建它以及预测市场的技术堆栈和?态系统。 由于我们正在构建?个协议,?不仅仅是?个应?程序,这意味着我们可以进?治理,帮助我们随着时间的推移发展网络。Other projects are building specific prediction market applications, while Zeitgeist is building this as well as the tech stack and the ecosystem for prediction markets. Since we are building a protocol, and not just an application, this means we can have governance which helps us to evolve the network over time.

5、跟大家讲一下 Zeitgeist 代币模式吧,作为代币持有人,他们可以获得哪些好处呢?Tell everyone about the Zeitgeist token model. As token holders, what benefits can they get?

David: ZTG 是 Zeitgeist 上的原?代币,它有多种?式可以使?,例如创建市场、选择预?机、创建 DAO、?付交易费?以及协议的?般治理。ZTG is the native token on Zeitgeist and it is used in several ways, such as the creation of markets, selecting oracles, creating DAOs, paying transaction fees, and the general governance of the protocol.

Logan:Zeitgeist 拥有??的原?代币 ZTG。 ZTG ?于协议的许多部分,包括交易费?、作为?于创建市场的存款和债券、?于注册成为法院的?部分、参与治理和在市场上交易。 ZTG 具有 5% 的低通胀率,因为它会连接到 Kusama 中继链,因此它不需要向 collator (区块?产者)?付太多费?,但会进?质押。 Zeitgeist 还将维护?个类似于 DAO 的链上国库,?于资助有益于 Zeitgeist ?络的项?提案。 ZTG 还可?于提供市场流动性并获得奖励。Zeitgeist has its own native token, the ZTG. ZTG is used in many parts of the protocol, including transaction fees, as deposits and bonds for creating markets, for registering to become part of the court, engaging in governance, and trading on markets. ZTG has low inflation of 5% because it will connect to the Kusama relay chain so it doesn't need to pay too much to the collators (block producers) but will have staking. Zeitgeist will also maintain an on-chain treasury, which is used similar to a DAO, to fund project proposals that will benefit the Zeitgeist network. ZTG can also be used to provide liquidity in markets and earn rewards.

6、目前面临的挑战是什么呢,你们打算如何克服这些挑战呢?What are the current challenges and how do you plan to overcome them?

David:?个巨?的挑战是让?们了解 Zeitgeist,并且使?预测市场为他们提供?从任何其他来源获得的信息更精准的信息。 另?个挑战是在决定如何发展业务时处理的不确定性。 幸运的是,我们拥有丰富的运营成?型公司的经验,?且我们还拥有使?预测市场进?内部决策的优势。 这有助于我们克服挑战,同时改进预测市场产品。A big challenge is educating people to make them aware of Zeitgeist and that using prediction markets provides them with better information than they can get from any other source. Another challenge is dealing with the uncertainties as you make decisions about how to grow the business. Fortunately, we have experience growing companies and we also have the advantage of using prediction markets for internal decisions. This helps us overcome challenges while also improving the prediction market product at the same time.

Logan:尽管从理论的?度来看,构建协议核?部分的?部分初始?作并不具有挑战性,但以安全且 可维护的?式构建它,并且随着时间的推移很容易扩展,这是?项?程挑战。 ?前团队的?部分初始?作是确保链不仅能正常?作,?且是安全且经过良好测试的。 为此,我们不仅优先考虑单元测试,还优先考虑模糊测试,并且?直在维护外部测试的基准。展望未来,?旦我们开始实施更?级的预测市场功能,例如我们的改进版 LMSR 和组合市场,我们将?临?些更具理论性的额外挑战。当然,我们的主?发布是我们期待的另?个挑战。Although most of the initial work of building out the core parts of the protocol is not challenging from a theoretical point of view, building it in a secure and maintainable way that will be easy to extend over time is an engineering challenge. Most of the initial work from the team at the moment is ensuring that not only does the chain work, but it is secure and well-tested. For this, we’ve been prioritizing not only unit tests, but also fuzzing, and have been maintaining benchmarks of the extrinsics.Going forward, we will have some additional challenges that are more theoretical once we begin to implement more advanced prediction market features, such as our LMSR variant and combinatorial markets.Of course, our mainnet launch is another challenge that we’re looking forward to that will happen later this year.

7、其实社群支持对于项目来说非常重要,你们有多什么规划来吸引和扩大国内社区呢?In fact, community support is very important to the project. What plans do you have to attract and expand domestic communities?

David:中?社区对 Zeitgeist 能否成功?关重要。 我们正在努?让那些希望在中国建?和运营预测市场的中国开发者和企业家通过使?Zeitgeist 来完成他们的想法。 我们会?常认真听取中?社区对 Zeitgeist 的需求,并期待帮助他们取得成功。The Chinese community is very important to the success of Zeitgeist. We are working hard to make Zeitgeist available to Chinese developers and entrepreneurs who have an interest in building and operating prediction markets in China. We are listening very carefully to what the Chinese community wants and needs from Zeitgeist and we look forward to helping them be successful.

Logan:中?社区对我们?常重要。 我们已经确定了我们正在建设华?社区的?个不同点,并将继续努?。 其中之?是提供翻译材料和教育,以便准确解释预测市场并减少对此的误解。 另?种?法是在?对?的活动中建?存在感。 随着我们的不断发展,我们计划继续建?我们的内部中国团队,以帮助我们实现这些?标。The Chinese community is very important to us. We have identified a few different points where we are building the Chinese community and will continue to put effort behind. One of these is providing translated materials and education, so that prediction markets can be accurately explained and the stigma that surrounds them can be reduced. Another one is by building a presence at in-person events. As we continue to grow, we are planning to continue to build our internal China team to help us achieve these goals.

8、能介绍一下项目的发展路径及对未来的一个期待吗?Can you introduce the development path of the project and an expectation for the future?

David:是的,我们与 Kusama Derby ?起推出了测试?,我们将继续向该平台添加功能。 今年晚些时候,我们会发? ZTG ,代币将提供给想要?持该项?的?。 与此同时,我们将发布我们的平台, 允许?们??创建和交易市场。 这将是?常充实但令?兴奋的?年!Yes, we launched the testnet along with the Kusama Derby and we are continuing to add features to the platform. Later this year will make the ZTG token available to people who want to support the project. Along with that we will release the platform which will allow people to create and trade in markets themselves. It’s going to be a very full but exciting year!

Logan:当然,如前所述,?前的主要优先事项是确保以安全、可扩展和强鲁棒性的?式构建核?协 议。 随着我们向版本发布发展,我们将继续并完成我们的 Court、LMSR 和组合市场功能的实施。主?启动后,我们将专注于发展?态系统,并将开始构建我们?前所说的“Zeitgeist 空间”,这是 Zeitgeist 上经济独?的区域,嵌?式预测市场可以使???发?的代币并利?Zeitgeist 的技术,同时 建?他们的社区。Sure, as mentioned earlier, the main priority at the moment is ensuring that the core protocol is built in a secure, extensible and robust way. As we move forward toward launch we will continue and finish implementations of our Court, LMSR, and combinatorial markets features. Following the mainnet launch, we will be focusing on growing the ecosystem and will begin building what we’re currently calling “Zeitgeist Spaces”, which are economically independent zones on Zeitgeist where embedded prediction markets can launch using their own token and leverage Zeitgeist’s technology while building their community.

我们了解到很多关于 Zeitgeist 的项目信息,那么接下来就是我们的社区提问环节啦。We learned a lot about the Zeitgeist project, so next is our community questioning session.

对项目有疑问的社群小伙伴们大胆地抛出你们的问题吧~Friends from the community who have questions about the project boldly throw up your questions~

1、When will the mainnet be released?

We are planning deployment for later this year in either late Q3 or early Q4.

2、I heard that it has just received financing. Who are the investors?

You can visit our website and see the list of investors for our seed round,?https://zeitgeist.pm/.They include D1 Ventures, GenBlock, DRF, A195 capital, and others

3、Question: Black Swan incidents caused by hackers emerge in endlessly. Can Zeitgeist break through the current blockchain bottleneck in terms of security?

Great question regarding black swan events. Zeitgeist is able to provide insight on these things by collecting information about potential outcomes. It also enables insurance contracts to be created to protect against bad outcomes.

4、hello,Want to participate in the Kusama Derby competition, is there a tutorial for Substrate wallet?

Yes, we have instructions in written form,?https://docs.zeitgeist.pm/how-to-participate-in-derby, and in video form,?https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdOlgpqyU8ROp-paOErlL_aSFQor-9NP1

5、Question:NFT concept is very popular. Do you think this year will be the year of NFT concept explosion? Does Zeitgeist have plans to enter the NFT sector?

I'm very excited by the potential of NFTs personally, and we are exploring ways we can merge the concept of NFT and prediction markets on Zeitgeist. We recently announced our partnership with the RMRK team to add NFT capability to the Zeitgeist chain and will release more information about this soon.https://blog.zeitgeist.pm/zeitgeist-partners-with-rmrk-to-bring-nft-functionality-to-its-ecosystem/

最后感谢大家一直以来对我们的支持和关注,我们将持续输出更多优质资产和项目,谢谢大家今天的陪伴。Finally, thank you all for your continued support and attention. We will continue to output more high-quality assets and projects. Thank you for your company today.


