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2021-09-24 sky110 来源:区块链网络




Charlie?- Polygon China主管

Nicolas Contasti?- Into TheBIock业务发展主管

Ori Levi?-?NFTrade首席执行官

Onur Altan Tan?- BITCI 首席执行官

Weber Woo?- XT.com 首席执行官

2021年9月23日15:30 (UTC+8),XT.COM又开启了一次AMA直播!



Hi,?everyone. Our AMA will start soon.?To celebrate the third anniversary of XT.com, we are holding this event on the official XT telegram channel.?Welcome to today's event. I am Maxwell, the host of this event, from Jinse Finance, a leading cryptocurrency media in China.?Our event’s topic is “Metaverse Virtuality or Reality”. We are honored to invite four key opinion leaders from the crypto community.?They are Charlie, head of Polygon China.?Nicolas Contasti, Head of Business Development at IntoTheBlock.?Ori Levi, CEO of NFTrade.?Onur Altan Tan, BITCI CEO.?Weber WOO, CEO of XT.COM.



Charlie?- Polygon China主管、Nicolas Contasti?- Into TheBIock业务发展主管、Ori Levi?-?NFTrade首席执行官、Onur Altan Tan?- BITCI 首席执行官、Weber Woo?- XT.com 首席执行官


Hi everyone, honor to be here in XT community.



They will share their valuable deep insights with us.?Once again welcome, glad to have you with us today!?The event will be conducted into two sessions. Session 1 will be the keynote speech presented by each of the guests.?Session 2 will be free Q&A by guests and community members.?Important: Please @ the speaker you want to ask. Each speaker will choose 3 high quality questions to answer. Lucky members whose questions picked by the guests will get 10 USDT per question! The Winners should contact @Joyce_Dong.?The agenda of Session 1 is as follows:

Let's invite @CBB12345 Charlie to speak first.

他们将与我们分享宝贵与深刻的见解。再次欢迎大家参加本次活动! 活动将分为两个环节进行。首先是各位嘉宾的主题演讲。其次是嘉宾和社区成员的自由问答环节。请注意:请@嘉宾提问,每位嘉宾将抽选回答3个高质量的问题。被嘉宾选中的每一位幸运儿将获得10美元的奖金!获奖者请联系@Joyce_Dong。

让我们欢迎@CBB12345 Charlie?作为第一个出场的演讲嘉宾。


Thanks a lot @Maxwellsdemo for the host and opening. Hi everyone, once again, so glad to have the opportunity to present here in XT community today. This is Charlie Hu, the Head of China in Polygon.

About Polygon, Polygon is the first well-structured, easy-to-use platform for Ethereum scaling and infrastructure development. Its core component is Polygon SDK, a modular, flexible framework that supports building and connecting Secured Chains like Optimistic Rollups, zkRollups, Validium, etc, and Standalone Chains like Polygon POS, designed for flexibility and independence. Polygon’s scaling solutions have seen widespread adoption with 500+ Dapps, ~567M+ txns, and ~6M+ daily txns.If you’re an Ethereum Developer, you’re already a Polygon developer! Leverage Polygon’s fast and secure txns for your Dapp.

非常感谢Maxwell的主持和开场,大家好,很高兴今天能有机会在XT社区的发表这次主题演讲。我是Polygon的中国区负责人Charlie Hu。


Polygon是第一个结构优越、方便使用的以太坊扩展和基础设施开发平台。它的核心组件是Polygon SDK——一个模块化、灵活多变的框架;它支持构建和连接安全链,如Optimistic Rollups、zkRollups、Validium等,以及独立链,如Polygon POS,旨在实现灵活性和独立性。Polygon的扩展解决方案已被广泛采纳,有500多个Dapp,约567M的TXN,以及600M的日常TXN。


In a nutshell, Polygon is one of the biggest ecosystem, most battle tested full stack blockchain scaling solutions in the space with fastest growth rate in the space so far.

Today's topic is mainly focus on metaverse, which I want to deep dive into the scaling part.?MetaVerse is one of the most important, highest priority application adoption sector that Polygon wants to focus and push.

In Polygon, we believe metaverse is one of the most important technology era that consists of many important layers, technology modules and solutions to push the society into a better digital, interconnected and fruitful world.





With this chart and diagram, you can find that there are many modules that need to be improved, rebuilt that can push the metaverse world to the next level. So far, in polygon, one of the most important and fastest growing dapp sector is web3 gaming, gamefi areas, which already has hundreds of projects that are already deployed on polygon or going to be built on Polygon.?Web3 Gaming, Gaming on Blockchain is one of the most and first established field within the full scope metaverse field. Polygon believes that gaming is one of the most long-lasting digital applications in the modern times, which can bring billions of users to interact and have good experiences with each other digitally. However, one of the biggest challenges that have been in the blockchain space for many years is the lack of scalability and high transaction cost. Polygon's mission for Metaverse is to be the full scaling solution for all kinds of high frequent usage mass adoption applications.

通过这个图表,你可以看到有很多模块需要改进、重建,以推动元宇宙进入下个层次。到目前为止,polygon最重要且发展最迅速的Dapp部门之一是Web3 Gaming,已在polygon上部署或建立了数百个项目。区块链上的Web3 Gaming是全元宇宙中最重要、最早建立的领域之一。我们认为游戏是现代最持久的数字应用之一,它可以给数十亿用户带来虚拟的互动和良好体验,而区块链领域多年来存在的问题是缺乏可扩展性和高额的手续费。就元宇宙而言,Polygon致力于成为各种规模化应用的全面扩展解决方案。

There are more than 300 nft and gaming projects that are already built and cooperated with Polygon.


Polygon believes with all these various types of scaling solutions, polygon would like to empower and support all kinds of exicting metaverse projects to grow further, with polygon's high throughput, low transaction fee, 100% EVM compatibility.


Most of the top NFT and gaming projects have already been working closely with Polygon with good feedback, including OpenSea, SandBox, Decentraland, Atari, Zed Run, Neon District. Also, we are very excited to talk with all kinds of new metaverse projects, also including the other guest speakers today in the online summit.

We believe there are a lot of great metaverse innovations been built, with the help of polygon's full stack scaling solutions.?We launched our new entity called Polygon Studio which specifically focus on this field.?We are also in talks with many strong brands, funds and corporations, in the pipeline of building metaverse alliance and metaverse DAO.

Just 1 hour before our summit today, the NASDAQ listed company. They also launched our cooperation with Polygon.


We hope we can bring more and more interesting metaverse applications to the world, also to XT community. Once again, thanks a lot for XT.com giving us this great opportunity to share our metaverse vision and recent updates from Polygon side.

For anyone who wants to work with Polygon or interested in the polygon ecosystem, feel free to reach out to me: CBB12345.?Or join our ecosystem communities.?https://t.me/polygonofficial.?Thanks a lot. my talk ended here. Thank you!

大多数行业领先的NFT和游戏项目已经与Polygon达成紧密合作,且备受用户的好评,包括OpenSea、SandBox、Decentraland、Atari、Zed Run、Neon District等。此外,我们非常高兴能与各种新兴的元宇宙项目交流,当然也包括今天来到这次峰会的其他演讲嘉宾。

我们相信,在Polygon的全栈式扩展解决方案的作用下,许多伟大的元宇宙创新已经来临。我们推出了名为Polygon Studio的新实体来专门开发这一领域;?我们还在与众多知名品牌、基金和企业商谈,以建立元宇宙和元宇宙DAO。






Thanks Charlie @CBB12345 for your great speech.

感谢Charlie @CBB12345带来如此精彩的演讲。


Thanks @Maxwellsdemo



I believe most people in this group are polygon users.?The insights we can get are that the key to the future of Metaverse is scalability. Polygon is one excellent scaling solution.




Next speaker is Nicolas Contasti @ncontasti.?Welcome to his speech.

下一位发言人是Nicolas Contasti @ncontasti。请开始您的演讲!


Hello everyone!... It's a pleasure being here, so thanks to the XT.com team for having invited us.?Today I'll be sharing 10 simple slides of a presentation called "A Data-centric Overview of the NFT Summer ".

Probably most of you already know this, but NFTs are digital assets or tokens that are UNIQUE and can’t be replaced with something else. Most of them meet the following key characteristics:

- They are verifiable (artist, provenance)

- They are programmable through particular features (royalties, utility)

- They are portable (They can be displayed on multiple places at once)

Nowadays, the NFT space is mostly divided into these three categories:

1) Collectibles like Art (PFPs, Avatars, pictures), Gaming Assets, Moments like TopShots, Eternal).

2) Securities like Bonds, Real Estate, and other tokenized securities

3) DeFi, like insurance tokens and Tokenized Liquidity

Nicolas: 大家好!很高兴来到这里,所以感谢XT.COM团队的邀请。今天我将简单分享一下10张的图片,我演讲的主题是:以数据为中心的NFT?Summer概况。


- 可验证性(艺术家,创作出处)

- 可通过特定功能进行设计(版税费,实用性)

- 可移动性(可同时在多个地方展示)



2) 证券,如债券,房地产,和其他代币化证券

3) DeFi,如保险代币和代币化流动性

There was a breakout quarter in Q1 2021 with Beeple’s “The First 5000 Days” piece and other multiple million-dollar sales.

NFTs have also been embraced by companies (like Visa), renown auction houses (like Sotheby and Christies), Musicians, Sports Professionals and influencers (like Logan Paul, Snoop Dog, Steph Curry, etc).

After Q1/2021, the NFT space then went through a cool down in Q2, only to surge again in Q3 to what has been called “The NFT Summer”.

NFT也被各大公司(Visa等)、知名拍卖行(苏富比和克里斯蒂等)、音乐家、体育专业人士和知名人士(Logan Paul,?Snoop Dog,?斯蒂芬-库里等)所接受。

NFT空间在2021年第二季度冷却下来,却在第三季度再次勃发,这就是我们所说的“The NFT Summer”("NFT之夏")。

OpenSea has become the biggest aggregator for NFTs on Ethereum and Polygon.

The company raised Series A + B in 2021 with a total of $127m raised, and currently sits a $1.5b valuation



OpenSea has approx 95% market share in terms of NFTsales and Volume.

From 2018 to 2021, the company has increased 12,000x in volume traded, and only in 2021, the growth in volume has been over 3,000x YoY



But Volume traded is not all.

Another important metrics is the Number of Monthly Collectors or Monthly Transacting Addresses (MTAs), which surpassed 200k in August 2021. This represents more than 100x YoY.

In addition, we have observe significant more volume per address (30x Volume/MTA), which means that collectors individually are purchasing more NFTs.




So, this year has been completely out of the norm for the NFT space. All top 10 sales have happened in 2021, and 7 of those 10 actually took place this August.

Interestingly, 7/10 of these sales were CryptoPunks, and two others were Art Blocks pieces.


更有趣的是,前10里的7个是CryptoPunks,有两个是Art Blocks作品。

But the CryptoPunks are not the only ones with huge success. Other collections and communities have also increased in collectors and in value.

For example: In ETH Terms Squiggles from Art Blocks have seen an increase of 48,000%; Bored Apes Yatch Club (BAYC) increased about 23,000%, and CryptoPunks about 700%, Although recently we have seen a slight drop on floor prices.

So, at IntoTheBlock we are working toward bringing a set of metrics to analyze the NFT space and follow the activity behind these interesting assets.


比如,Art Blocks里的ETH Terms Squiggles增长了48,000%;Bored Apes Yatch Club(BAYC)约增长23,000%,CryptoPunks约增长700%,尽管最近我们看到底价略有回落。


In Q4/2021, IntoTheBlock will have a special release for NFTs including:

General metrics - volume, standout prices

For creators - top artists, average prices

For collectors/speculators - top projects/artists, new buyers

For particular collections - trait rarity, additional utility.

We are about to finish. So, what are the next steps for NFTs?







And as a conclusion

NFTs have had a breakout year in 2021 with lots of activity in the space.

Volumes have increased over 1,000x

Collectibles (especially Avatars) have dominated.

We are still in the early days!

Most impactful use-cases to come as the market evolves!!

For anyone wanting to contact us, you find us through www.intotheblock.com, and you can send me an email to [email protected], or find me in twitter under “@ncontasti”

Thank you very much!






您可以访问www.intotheblock.com,发送邮件到[email protected],或在twitter上“@ncontasti”与我们联系。


Thanks Nicolas Contasti @ncontasti.

感谢Nicolas Contasti @ncontasti.


Thank you @Maxwellsdemo.



You reviewed this NFT summer from a data perspective. It is a great keynote.



Thank you!!




Next speaker is Onur Altan Tan @onuraltantan.?His presentation called "Fan Tokens 101: Introduction to Fan Token World".

接下来的演讲嘉宾是Onur Altan Tan @onuraltantan。他的演讲主题为:粉丝代币101,走进粉丝代币的世界。


Hello everyone!... It's a pleasure being here, so thanks to the XT.com team for having invited us. I will give you information about bitcicoin and fan tokens today.

Fan Tokens are assets that are produced for any team or individual with a specific audience and offer special rights or uses. So, why should these assets be considered as investment tools, while they do not go beyond answering pools and events in today's world?

Fan token producers are trying to market these assets in today's world with slogans such as "Have a say in your team" or similar slogans. however, the fans can have a say in the issues sent by means of polls or changing the presentations if they want.

Our aim is to take this issue one step further. We aim to produce tokens that are more adaptable to the real world on the subject and provide better experiences to the fans.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the real needs of the fans and act accordingly. What are these? eg: obtaining a match ticket for an important match using the staking system.?Or having dinner with a player you admire, or being able to buy a special collectible with Tokens only. Of course, apart from these, we also produce tokens in the TV industry, unlike other manufacturers.

NR1 Token can be given as an example. Currently, our users are giving their concert tickets in Turkey with the NR1 token staking system or taking them to different events.?In this way, its adaptation to the real world is realized more effectively. The most important point that users should pay attention to when investing in these tokens is not short-term profit, but rather basic things such as what the project is based on, its integration with the real world.



Fan代币的生产商正运用?"让你拥有对球队的发言权" 或类似口号,试图向全世界推广这些资产。实际上只要粉丝们愿意,他们就可以通过民意投票或其他仪式获得对队伍的发言权。




As Bitci Teknoloji, we are much newer than our biggest competitor in the industry. but we made a lot of important deals.

Currently, we integrate the tokens we produce with the real world more and make them usable, and we are making improvements regarding this. In the near future, we are trying to gather the features that sports fans will like very much and that are offered in other applications with paid or continuous advertising content in a single sports application. We are also planning to use these fan tokens as a means of payment for purchases.

In the fan token world, the most common mistake is price. In general, if the price of this is cheap and the other is expensive, why does the same quality suit cost less? This is actually a misconception and not a comparison criterion. no matter what fan token it is, survey activity etc. If it doesn't have real-world usability, it won't go beyond just buying and selling.?Of course, it will never grow in parallel with this. Anyone who does not develop in this direction in the fast-growing fan token market will lose in the long run. And the biggest impact of this will be on the Fan Token World, and it will lose its charm as quickly as it gained. Also, the biggest factor to be considered is the networks where these tokens are produced and the transaction fees. Bitci Fan Tokens run on the bitcichain network and their transaction costs are around $0.00008. This is one of the biggest advantages of doing this business in our own network.?https://www.bitcichain.com/en.

In a short summary, fan tokens should be usable, transfer fees should be low and the fans should have a voice in the team. Unless these 3 issues are together, Fan tokens will lose their appeal. We are planning to integrate these 3 issues into our own systems and offer different and better experiences to the fans in the future.

作为Bitci Teknoloji,我们还比不上那些发展成熟的同行们,但我们也实现了很多重要交易。




I hope it was simple, informative and in a way that everyone can understand. thank you everyone.



Thanks to Onur Altan Tan @onuraltantan for taking us into the new and exciting world of fan tokens.

感谢Onur Altan Tan @onuraltantan带领我们进入Fan代币这个新兴的、令人振奋的世界。



Next speaker is Harrison Seletsky @rissyquix, Head of Communications of NFTrade.

下一位演讲嘉宾是NFTrade的公关负责人Harrison Seletsky @rissyquix。


Hey everyone! Thanks for having us.

So, before discussing segration of the NFT marketplace and how to improve the flow of liquidity, let's highlight what NFTrade is and what we are trying to accomplish.

NFTrade is the first cross-chain and blockchain-agnostic NFT platform. We are an aggregator of all NFT marketplaces and host the complete NFT lifecycle, allowing anyone to seamlessly create, buy, sell, swap, farm, and leverage NFTs across different blockchains. Using NFTrade, anyone can gain access to the entirety of their NFT, unlocking the total value of the NFT market.

Currently, most of the NFT liquidity is hosted on Ethereum, but with the massive gas fees experienced on the network, this is not sustainable for most average users. This is doubly true for NFT based gaming, where many times, the cost of the gas transaction fee will be multitudes higher than the NFT itself.

This reason alone explains the massive hype and growth in NFT and gaming ecosystems across alternative smart contract networks, such as Polygon, Avalanche, and BSC, all of which can host similar functionality at a fraction of the price.

So, there are robust ecosystems across different smart contract networks, many with amazing collections and awesome games, but without properly liquidity flow, these projects will always trail behind mainstream alternatives. Without proper capital allocation capabilties, these projects and collections will struggle.

With current segregation between blockchains, it's easy to understand why users care so much about which chain their NFTs are hosted on. Considering that the majority of NFT liquidity is on networks like Ethereum, launching on alternative chains can greatly impact the value flow into an asset. We believe that once cross-chain accessibility is available for everyone, the flagship feature we are creating at NFTrade, the host blockchain will become a lot more irrelevant, as capital can flow freely into any NFT asset regardless of its native chain.

Right now, just by introducing multi-chain accessbility, the access to all relevant NFTs have increased. When our cross-chain capabilities are launched, the flow of NFT assets will become even easier, bringing together all of the previously segregated liquidity into one easy-to-use platform.

For more information on NFTrade, check out our recently released interview with the XT!


You can also follow us on our social channels

Telegram: @nftrade

Twitter: https://twitter.com/NFTradeOfficial

We also just launched a community fundraising round for early backers!



大家好! 感谢邀请!











Telegram: @nftrade

Twitter: https://twitter.com/NFTradeOfficial





Thanks, Harrison Seletsky @rissyquix.

As we know, Cross-chain is one of the most important infrastructures in the blockchain and NFT industry. NFTrade provides us a cross-chain NFT platform.

感谢Harrison Seletsky @rissyquix!




The last speaker is Weber WOO @TrueWeber, XT.COM CEO

最后的演讲嘉宾是XT.COM的首席执行官,?Weber WOO @TrueWeber。


Thanks, @Maxwellsdemo?Hello Communities.?I am Weber WOO from the XT.COM exchange. Welcome all to join our 3rd Anniversary. Thanks for Maxwell from Jinse finance, Charlie from Polygon, Nicolas Contasti from?IntoTheBlock, Ori Levi from NFTrade, Onur Altan Tan from BITCI.

The first BTC-KLine in?XT.COM?was released on 25th September 2018 and with over 4 millions registered users today,?XT.COM?has achieved astonishing results in only 3 years.

Now we are Top 40 in coinmarketcap and coingecko. Currently, XT.COM more than 300 cryptos, including mainstream coins, popular DeFi, layer 2, MEMES, and also Metaverse, all of which can be visited on?XT.COM.

感谢@Maxwellsdemo。大家好,我是XT.COM交易所的Weber WOO,欢迎大家参加我们的三周年纪念活动。再次感谢区块链网络的Maxwell,Polygon的Charlie,IntoTheBlock的Nicolas Contasti,NFTrade的Ori Levi,BITCI的Onur Altan Tan。

2018年9月25日XT.COM 的第一根BTC创世K线诞生。从001号用户到如今超过400万的注册用户,XT.COM 用3年的时间实现了跨越式发展。

目前XT.COM 在CoinMarketCap 上稳定排名TOP 40,上线数字资产已有300余种,无论是主流币种还是热门的DeFi, Layer2, NFT还是Metaverse ,都可以第一时间在XT.COM 上找到。

We are the world's first social infused exchange. Being the World's first social infused exchange, XT.COM has been expanding globally, standing out from competition in the crypto industry. After these years of unremitting efforts, social trading has become integrated in every detail of XT.COM. XT.COM?develops social trading partnerships with?BTOK, the world's largest Chinese blockchain social platform, and?Tapatalk, the world's largest converged forum. BTOK currently has over 10 millions registered users and 1 million active users, 90% of whom are Chinese speakers. Tapatalk has over 20 million registered users and nearly 1 million active users, with 50% of its users from North America and 30% from Europe.

作为全球首家社交化数字货币交易平台,XT.COM 在日渐饱和、竞争激烈的交易所赛道中一直通过差异化方式拓展全球市场。经过3年时间的拓展,社交化交易已经根植于XT.COM 的每一个运营细节之中。

目前XT.COM 的社交化交易合作伙伴包括,全球最大的中文区块链社交软件BTOK、全球最大的聚合论坛软件Tapatalk。 Btok目前拥有超过1000万注册用户,100万活跃用户,90% 用户为中文用户。Tapatalk 超过2000万注册用户,近100万活跃用户,50%的用户来自北美,30%来自欧洲。

Does Metaverse is virtuality or reality?

From Statista, most Americans spend 3-6 hours in their celphone. If we add laptop for work, it will be 8-10 hours.

Human beings is migrating from reality world to virtuality world.




From the market size, it will pump in the next decade. Data from PwC show, that will be 1542.9 billion in Usd at 2030.

Everyone in blockchain (of course in this group) will share this opportunity.



Time is real, money is also real. The most limited resource tell the truth is Metaverse reality. For you, for me, for all of us.

About The 3rd Anniversary Celebration - Metaverse Adventure

On this 3rd anniversary occasion, XT.COM will be launching a special "Metaverse Adventure" event on 15th September 2021 to reward its XT users for their support and trust!



值此三周年之际,为回馈全球用户对平台的支持与信任,XT.COM将于2021 年 9 月 15 日推出“Metaverse元宇宙大冒险”三周年特别活动。

Every participant will have the chance to win the hottest Metaverse treasures, from Axie's Elf Clan, SANDBOX's LAND, to NBA Top Shot Moments.?Participants can also get the chance of winning a surprise gift supported by Blocsport.one - the Porsche 911!

参与活动,即有机会获得时下最热门的Metaverse稀缺物品。无论是Axie的精灵战队,SANDBOX 的LAND, 还是NBA TOP SHOT 的明星瞬间,都可以在本次活动中获得。甚至您还有机会获得由Blocsport.one赞助的惊喜大奖——保时捷911!

It's classic?version sell in 1976.?Join our event to get rewards at?https://www.xt.com/activity/3rd.

@Maxwellsdemo Done



@Maxwellsdemo 我的演讲到此结束。


Thanks @TrueWeber





Telegram: https://t.me/XTensupport

Twitter: https://twitter.com/XTexchange

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/XT.comexchange




