8月26日在整个加密世界中标记为一个值得铭记的日子——$DOGS代币的发布。Kine Protoco是一家全网领先的去中心化衍生品,采用「peer-to-pool」的模式,以 DeFi /去中心化的模式为衍生品提供「无限流动性」,支持高杠杆的衍生品交易,始终走在加密潮流的前沿,全网首发引入DOGS/USDT的永续合约,支持高达50X的杠杆交易,同时推出7天0%手续费活动受到KINE所有社区用户们的喜爱。 那么,为什么这个$DOGS的上线会在市场上引起如此大的轰动,而其他项目代币却显得平淡无奇?答案在于该项目的背景和机制等因素,使其成为热门成功的代表,而不是被遗忘的项目。 $DOGS的故事从它的吉祥物Spotty开始,这只可爱的狗狗是项目的关键视觉象征。Spotty的起源独特:它是由Pavel Durov在慈善拍卖中绘制的,旨在支持儿童孤儿院。Spotty很快成为Telegram社区关爱、善良和团结的象征——在加密世界里,这种现象非常少见,因为大多数人追逐下一种希望带来财富的memecoin。然而,Spotty却脱颖而出。 随着另一个Telegram本地项目$NOTCOIN的发布,Telegram迷你应用的受欢迎程度急剧上升。$NOTCOIN的用户能够通过奖励兑现,轻松赚取“互联网货币”。$DOGS的初始分配采用了类似的方式,根据用户的Telegram账户年龄和活跃度进行奖励。实际上,仅仅在Telegram上活跃,用户便能获得$DOGS代币。社区迅速壮大,额外的活动如完成迷你应用中的任务和邀请朋友赚取更多代币进一步推动了参与度。 自7月初项目发布以来,社区的增长速度惊人。到代币生成事件(TGE)时,$DOGS Telegram迷你应用已注册了超过5100万个账户。 这种前所未有的关注度促使各种交易所推出了$DOGS的预售市场,允许用户在代币正式上市之前进行价格预测。然而,名气也带来了风险。除了合法的预售活动,一些欺诈性的$DOGS仿冒品也在不同链上出现,其唯一目的是欺骗无辜的加密持有者,将资金转入他们自己的钱包。确实,名声往往伴随着代价。 memecoin现象推动了加密市场的发展,吸引了新用户,这无可否认。但问题是,这些用户会停留足够长的时间以探索DeFi协议及其独特的金融机会吗?他们会发展成为成功的交易者或质押者吗?只有时间能证明。然而,有一点是确定的——我们正生活在令人兴奋的时代。WAGMI! Kine Protoco基于其合成资产机制能够全网第一时间上线DOGS合约,并推出多样性运营活动,在众多DEX中脱颖而出,为用户创造更多的可能,更多的玩法,更高的价值。 Kine let the $DOGS out: Trade the hottest TON season with 0% Fees The entire crypto world marked August 26th as the day to remember – the launch of the $DOGS token by the DOGS project. Kine Protocol, always at the forefront of the crypto meta, seized the opportunity to be a part of this significant event. With the introduction of a perpetual contract for the $DOGS/$USDT pair, Kine’s community now has the chance to trade with leverage up to x50, all while enjoying 0% fees. But why did the launch of this particular token create such a buzz in the market, while others seemed to fade into the void? The answer lies in the project's background and mechanics, which distinguish viral successes from those forgotten soon after their launch. The story of $DOGS begins with its mascot, Spotty, which serves as the project's key visual symbol. This endearing dog has a unique origin: it was drawn by Pavel Durov during a charity auction to support children’s orphanages. Spotty quickly became a symbol of care, kindness, and unity within the Telegram community – an unusual occurrence in the crypto world, where most are chasing the next memecoin with the hope of overnight wealth. But Spotty managed to stand out. The popularity of Telegram mini-apps surged following the launch of another native Telegram project, $NOTCOIN. Users who joined $NOTCOIN could cash out with bonuses, effectively earning free "internet money" with minimal effort. The initial distribution of $DOGS followed a similar approach, rewarding users based on their Telegram account's age and activity. Essentially, by doing nothing more than being active on Telegram, users found themselves with $DOGS tokens in hand. The community grew rapidly, fueled by additional events that encouraged participation, such as completing tasks in the mini-app and inviting friends to earn more tokens. Following the project’s launch in early July, the community's growth was nothing short of exponential. By the time of the Token Generation Event (TGE), an incredible 51 million accounts had been registered within the $DOGS Telegram mini-app. This unprecedented level of interest led various exchanges to introduce pre-market trading for $DOGS, allowing users to speculate on its price long before it officially hit the market. However, with popularity comes risk. Alongside the legitimate pre-market activities conducted by well-established exchanges and protocols, several fraudulent $DOGS knockoffs were launched across different chains. Their sole purpose? To deceive unsuspecting crypto holders and siphon funds into their own wallets. Indeed, fame often comes at a cost. The memecoin phenomenon is driving the cryptocurrency market forward by attracting new users – this is undeniable. But the question remains: will these users stay long enough to explore DeFi protocols and their unique financial opportunities? Will they evolve into successful traders or stakers? Only time will tell. But one thing is certain – we are living in fascinating times. WAGMI! 查看更多 —- 编译者/作者:Kine 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
2024-09-03 Kine 来源:区块链网络
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