时间:2023-07-15 来源:区块链网络 作者:文章汇
推文:https://twitter.com/Whaler_DAO/status/1679931979981287424 #011消息跨链专题 时间:7.15 16:00(UTC+8) 分享嘉宾;MiddleX 分享内容:消息传递 消息通道 消息格式 消息树 课程介绍: 消息跨链技术被视为连接不同区块链网络的重要纽带,为实现多链互操作性和数据共享提供了创新的解决方案,本周的跨链公开课我们将从消息层面解析教学这一重要而关键的挑战,从消息传递、消息通道、消息格式、消息树四个维度综合讲解如何进行消息跨链,以及逐步深入了解消息跨链技术的核心概念和原理,诚挚地邀请您参加我们即将播出的公开课程,请准备好问题和观点,我们期待与您互动交流! 直播链接: ü Youtube:https://youtube.com/live/lpk01ZCyV8M?feature=share ü Bilibili:http://live.bilibili.com/27945281 ü 腾讯会议链接:https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/FE3vd8011Tab #腾讯会议:129-682-700 海报: #012 AXELAR Turing-complete calls and messages 时间:7.16 10:00(UTC+8) 分享嘉宾;Sergey Gorbunov 课程介绍: Axelar is a blockchain interoperability platform designed to connect different blockchain networks and enable seamless communication and transfer of assets across them. It aims to address the issue of blockchain fragmentation by providing a decentralized network that acts as a bridge between different blockchains.Axelar's vision is to create a seamless and interconnected blockchain ecosystem where different networks can communicate and collaborate, fostering innovation and expanding the capabilities of blockchain technology. Welcome to the WhalerDAO‘s Cross-Chain Public Courses on Sunday. We are honored to have invited Sergey Gorbunov ,the CEO of Axelar, to give a special sharing and look forward to your interaction! 直播链接 ü Youtube:https://youtube.com/live/mEoBbTszPEo?feature=share ü Bilibili:http://live.bilibili.com/27945281 ü ZOOM会议链接:https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kbgrwGZX 会议号:820 5044 9276 密码:0716 海报: 报名链接:https://docs.qq.com/form/page/DWXRab0dBS3RFTUhJ#/fill 课程封面: #011消息跨链专题 时间:7.15 16:00(UTC+8) #012 AXELAR Turing-complete calls and messages 时间:7.16 10:00(UTC+8) 查看更多 |