时间:2014-11-14 来源:比特儿 作者:Lily
bytemaster 13 日发了一篇帖子,认为在 DPOS 版本发布前,可以通过将默认交易费提高到 10 PTS 来拯救 PTS。 “这不会是个硬分叉,但是可以让人们转账并让矿工在生成区块时有利可图。 对于大笔交易,2.50 美元的费用不是件坏事,而且在这个时候,PTS 不是小笔交易的理想选择。” I think we can save PTS by increasing the default transaction fee to 10 PTS. This wouldn't be a hard fork but would allow people to transact and make it profitable for miners to produce blocks. $2.50 to make a transaction isn't that bad for large transactions and PTS isn't really ideal for small transactions at this point in time. TestZ if you want to release a point update to help keep PTS alive until DPOS version can be made. 论坛: topic=11359.0 稍早一点,bytemaster 为了向捐赠 PTS 的用户退款,已经通过高额交易费激励矿工挖矿。 bytemaster 13 日早晨的帖子:PTS 挖矿赠送 -300 PTS 交易费 “周四早上,我将要广播 PTS 退款交易。为鼓励挖矿,我将设置 300 PTS 的高的交易费用。总共有大概 10 多笔交易。所以,请弹去矿机的灰尘,帮助保持 PTS 网络的活跃,让我们的交易通过。” |