Australian bitcoin bill payment processor Living Room of Satoshi (LRoS) has announced it is reopening for business, after closing in October citing the country’s sales tax rules. 澳大利亚比特币付款处理器——中本聪会客室(LRoS),已经宣布重新开放,今年10月曾因援引该国销售税规则而关闭。 Founder Daniel Alexiuc said that, while the Australian Tax Office’s imposition of the 10% Goods and Services Tax (GST) on customers acquiring bitcoin has not changed, “the resourceful bitcoin industry has”. 创始人Daniel Alexiuc表示,尽管澳大利亚税务局向拥有比特币的客户征收10%商品及服务税(GST)的决定并没有改变,但足智多谋的比特币行业开始改变了。 “There are now many more options for small Australian businesses like ours to buy and sell bitcoins internationally and locally in compliance with the tax ruling, which has allowed us to reopen for business.” “现在像我们这样的小型澳大利亚企业选择越来越多,并且买卖比特币也符合国际上和当地的税务裁决,我们就重开了业务。” Speaking to CoinDesk, Alexiuc would not elaborate on exactly which services were offering the better deals, but recommended any of his fellow bitcoin businesspeople attend local meetups in their state/city to hear the latest information. Alexiuc告诉CoinDesk,但没有详细说明哪些服务可以提供更好的交易,但推荐同行的比特币商人参加当地聚会,了解最新的消息。 It is still not economically possible under the ATO’s rules for GST-registered businesses for LRoS to continue buying all its bitcoins on the local market, he continued. 在澳大利亚税务办公室(ATO)对商品及服务税注册业务的规则之下,中本聪会客室(LRoS)依然在当地市场购买所有比特币,显然是不经济的,他继续说。 “As a company, I am disappointed that we can’t support most Australian exchanges at the moment, because there are some very talented and professional outfits operating here. However, we are able to sell our coins overseas, and to Australian exchanges that comply with the GST ruling for business customers.” “作为一个公司,我很失望,目前我们不能支持大多数澳大利亚交易所,因为那里有非常有才华并且专业的操作机构。然而,我们却能将货币销售到海外,或在澳大利亚遵守商品及服务税规则的交易所。” The industry’s development, he said, means there are now more options to do this cheaply without needing to charge customers extra fees. 他说,该行业的发展意味着现在无需收取客户额外费用的便捷选择越来越多了。 Free bitcoin bill payment service 免费的比特币付款服务 Living Room of Satoshi is a non-profit company and Alexiuc has provided the service for free since its launch last April, citing bitcoin promotion and user adoption as his main motivating force. 中本聪会客室是一家非盈利的公司,自从去年4月推出以来,Alexiuc也提供了免费的服务,将促进比特币和用户采用作为他的主要动力。 Focused entirely on bill payments and with Alexiuc as its only full-time employee, LRoS was previously processing AUD$20-25,000 ($16-20,000) worth of bill payments per week. Alexiuc作为唯一的全职员工,完全集中于账单支付。以前中本聪会客室每周会处理价值1.6万到2万美元的账单支付。 Being able to make mundane payments like utility and commercial bills is vital to bitcoin adoption among the general public, Alexiuc said, along with making it easier for people to receive their salaries in digital currency. 在公众眼中,使得一般支付就如公共事业和商业票据一样,对于比特币采用而言是至关重要的,Alexiuc说,人们会更加容易接受他们的数字货币薪水。 LRoS works by integrating with the popular national electronic payments network BPAY, which allows Australians to pay utility and commercial bills directly from bank accounts via phone or web. 中本聪会客室通过与全国电子支付网络BPAY合作工作,澳大利亚人可以直接经过电话或网络用银行账户支付公共事业和商业票据。 Australian bitcoin exchange igot also allows customers to pay with BPAY from their accounts, while CoinJar uses it as a means for users to fund their accounts. 澳大利亚比特币交易所igot还允许客户用账户与BPAY合并付款,而CoinJar把它作为一种用户给帐户融资的方式。 Double taxing 双重征税 The ATO’s sales tax ruling in August upset several stakeholders in the Australian bitcoin community, who say it unfairly “double-taxes” users: once to acquire the bitcoin and then again when purchasing everyday goods or services with it. 澳大利亚税务办公室的销售税规则于8月执行,在澳大利亚比特币社区的一些利益相关者感到十分不安,都说这是对用户不公平的“双重税收”:获得比特币,然后用它购买日常商品或服务,都要收税。 A campaign supported by local businesses is underway to petition the government to legislate on the matter, with some telling CoinDesk they are quietly confident the current Senate inquiry into digital currency will convince those in power to adopt a more favorable approach. 由当地企业支持运动的正在请求政府立法,并告诉CoinDesk,他们相当自信参议院调查数字货币后会说服当权者采取更加有利的方法。 It is still infeasible for Australian businesses to use bitcoin as a day-to-day currency due to the ATO’s stance, Alexiuc continued, though adding it was “just an unfortunate side-effect of the existing legislation”. 考虑到澳大利亚税法办公室的立场,澳大利亚企业仍然不能将比特币作为日常货币来使用,Alexiuc继续说,这就是就现有立法不好的副作用。 “I don’t think the government is specifically interested in preventing bitcoin adoption in Australia. I was heartened by the questions asked during the recent Senate hearing, and impressed by the efforts of Ron Tucker and the ADCCA.” “我不认为政府对在澳大利亚抑制比特币采用特别感兴趣。在最近参议院听证会上提出的问题,让我很受鼓舞,对Ron Tucker和ADCCA所付出的努力感到印象深刻。” The ATO’s view 澳大利亚税务办公室的观点 The ATO, for its part, acknowledged the provisional nature of its ruling in its own submission to the Senate inquiry, describing it as a “preliminary view” and a “draft ruling”. The submission dated 26th November reads: 澳大利亚税务办公室,就其本身而言,在提交给参议院调查里承认了规则的临时性,并把它描述成一种“初步观点”和“执法草案”。提交日期为11月26日的协议书写道: “The ATO’s views were developed by an impartial consideration of the existing law and without any pre-conceived preference to whether bitcoin should, or should not, be regarded as money for tax purposes.” “澳大利亚税务办公室观点来自对现有法律公正考虑,没有任何先入为主的偏见,不把比特币应不应该被视为货币而作为税收目的。” Whether bitcoin or other crypto-currencies should be treated as ‘money’ or ‘currency’ is a question of government policy, it said. 而比特币或其他加密货币是否应被视为“钱”或“货币”是政府政策的问题。 BPAY widely used BPAY广泛使用 Nationwide, the BPAY network processed over A$260bn ($218.5bn) in regular dollar payments last year, with the average payment being around A$785 ($647). 在全国范围内,BPAY网络处理了超过2600亿澳元(合2185亿美元)的定期支付,去年的平均支付785澳元(合647美元)。 Living Room of Satoshi users, meanwhile, pay with bitcoin through the service by entering their BPAY reference code and bill amount, for which the service generates a unique payment address with QR code. 与此同时,中本聪用户会客室通过服务进入其BPAY参考代码和账单数额,支付比特币,然后这项服务用二维码生成了一个唯一的付款地址。 Alexiuc said he has some assistance with development and marketing, but that LRoS is “always keen to explore partnerships or funding”. Alexiuc说他能提供一些关于开发和市场营销的帮助,但中本聪会客室总是“热衷于探索合作或投资”。 —- 文章来源: 原文链接: 原文作者:Jon Southurst 编译者/作者:cici 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
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