Africa’s first stablecoin, the Africa Stable-Coin(ABCD) is backed by Nigeria’s national currency, the Naira. Also, the fiat-backed crypto is built on Binance’s native blockchain, the Binance Chain. 非洲第一枚稳定币,非洲稳定币(ABCD)得到尼日利亚国家货币奈拉的支持。同样,由法令支持的加密货币建立在Binance的本地区块链Binance Chain上。 The crypto momentum in Africa doesn’t seem to die down. Budding startups are leveraging blockchain and decentralized ledger technology to create novel applications that will change the future of finance on the continent. 非洲的加密货币势头似乎并没有消亡。萌芽的初创企业正在利用区块链和去中心化账本技术创建新颖的应用程序,这些应用程序将改变非洲大陆金融的未来。 Africa Stable-Coin is the brainchild of Ghana-based cross-border money transfer startup Bit Sika. According toreports, the project was fulfilled in collaboration with Linovo Capital was unveiled just last week. 非洲稳定币是总部位于加纳的跨境汇款初创公司Bit Sika的创意。据报道,该项目是与Linovo Capital合作完成的。 It got enrolled in the Binance Labs Incubation Program earlier this year. Bit Sika CEOAtsu Davoheven met Jack Dorsey, when the Twitter chief was on his trip to Ghana. Now we know who was the person from Jack’s Ghana Bitcoin meetup picture which got circulated a lot citing hisinterestto grow Africa’s BTC and crypto ecosystem. 它于今年早些时候加入了Binance Labs孵化计划。当Twitter负责人前往加纳之行时,Bit Sika首席执行官Atsu Davoh甚至遇到了Jack Dorsey。现在我们知道杰克(Jack)的加纳(Ghana)比特币聚会照片中的人物是谁,他以发展非洲的比特币(BTC)和加密生态系统为兴趣而广为流传。 SO WHAT’S THE ABCD STABLECOIN ALL ABOUT?那么,ABCD稳定币到底是什么呢? According to the project’swhitepaper: 根据项目的白皮书: The text also mentions ABCD combining Naira’s high liquidity and Nigeria’s high population with the ‘technological advancements in cryptocurrency’. It is a stablecoin token made for use on the Binance Chain just likeTrustToken‘s tokenized versions of USD, GBP, AUD, CAD, and HKD. 文本还提到ABCD将奈拉的高流动性和尼日利亚的高人口与“加密货币的技术进步”相结合。这是一个稳定币令牌,可用于币安链,就像TrustToken的令牌化版本的USD,GBP,AUD,CAD和HKD一样。 “Africa Stable-Coins ($ABCD) are created at the time of withdrawal from $ABCD Collective and redeemed or “destroyed” at the time of deposit back”, the whitepaper adds. 白皮书补充说:“非洲稳定币($ ABCD)是在从$ ABCD集体提款时创建的,并在返还时进行了赎回或“销毁”。 Project founder Atsu feels that the Naira stablecoin has a lot more usage other than allowing users to purchase crypto with their local currencies. According to him, 项目创始人Atsu认为Naira stablecoin除了允许用户使用其本国货币购买加密货币以外,还具有更多用途。据他介绍, BUT WHY PEG TO THE NAIRA?但是为什么要钉在奈拉上呢? Bitcoin and cryptocurrency enjoy immense popularity in Nigeria, Africa’s largest economy. The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has warned that digital currencies are not legal tenders but Nigerians don’t seem to care. 比特币和加密货币在非洲最大的经济体尼日利亚非常受欢迎。尼日利亚中央银行(CBN)警告,数字货币不是法定货币,但尼日利亚人似乎并不在意。 Binance Research’s Analysisof BTC’s Google search heat rankings by country/region from 2011 till September of this year revealed that Nigeria and South Africa have been ‘bitcoin hotspots’ of the world since 2017. 币安研究(Binance Research)从2011年到今年9月按国家/地区对BTC的Google搜索热度排名的分析显示,尼日利亚和南非自2017年以来一直是世界上的“比特币热点”。 Actually this is what drove Binance tolaunchits first fiat trading pair with the Naira. As per Davoh, 实际上,这就是驱使Binance与Naira推出其第一个法定交易对的原因。根据达沃 A FEW MORE THINGS ABOUT THE BINANCE CHAIN POWERED ABCD 关于由币安链驱动的ABCD的其他一些事情 To ensure trust around ABCD’s usage, issuer ABCD Collective’s funds will be audited by an independent Certified Public Accountant at the end of every month. 为了确保对ABCD用法的信任,发行人ABCD Collective的资金将在每个月底由一名独立的注册会计师进行审计。 The Binance chain powered stablecoin is supported by 9 cryptocurrency exchanges – Busha and Bitmama. 由Binance链供电的稳定币得到Busha和Bitmama等9个加密货币交易所的支持。 原文地址: —- 编译者/作者:zachzorro 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
2019-12-12 zachzorro 来源:区块链网络
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