亲爱的 NULS 社区成员: 大家好,我们计划在新加坡时间2020年6月2日( GMT+8 14:00),发布一个新的NULS主网钱包升级版本V2.6.0。本次升级为强制升级,将在80%共识节点全部升级到最新版本,并继续产生10000个区块后,切换至新协议。请大家及时完成更新操作。 更新内容: 新增:异构跨链协议支持; 优化:跨链验证人机制更新,优化极端情况下的处理逻辑; 优化:优化跨链通信机制,保证基本信息的同步效率; 优化:网络时间同步机制优化,解决备选方案获取时间不准确的bug; 修复:NRC20 Token跨链交易处理规则优化,解决个别情况下发生错误的bug。 钱包下载地址: 节点钱包升级指南: 特此公告 NULS团队 2020年6月1日 —————————————————————————————————————— Dear NULS Community, NULS team plans to initiate a mainnet node wallet upgrade to V2.6.0 on June 2, 2020 (GMT+8 14:00). The V2.6.0 node wallet upgrade is mandatory. Once 80% of the consensus nodes have been upgraded to the latest version, the chain will continue to generate another 10,000 blocks before switching to the new protocol. Node operators must upgrade to the latest version as soon as possible to avoid impacting their credit scores. Ordinary users do not need to take any action. Update Enhancements and Fixes: New : Supporting heterogeneous cross-chain protocol Optimization : Cross-chain validator mechanism update, optimize processing logic in extreme cases Optimization : Optimize the cross-chain communication mechanism to ensure the synchronization efficiency of basic information Optimization : The network time synchronization mechanism is optimized to solve the bug of inaccurate acquisition time of alternative solutions Fix : Optimization of NRC20 Token cross-chain transaction processing rules to resolve bugs in individual cases You can download it here: https://github.com/nuls-io/nuls-v2/releases 7 Node wallet upgrade guide: https://docs.nuls.io/Guide/g_upgrade_node.html 6 Thank you for your cooperation! NULS TEAM June 1, 2020 楼主签名:认真做人,认真做事,认真爱区块链。 —- 编译者/作者:不详 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
关于NULS主网升级至V2.6.0的公告|NULS Mainnet Wallet V2.6.0 Upgrade
2020-06-01 不详 来源:区块链网络
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