技术 & 产品周报 公链建设 测试链V3.0测试(80%)修改喂价参数的格式(100%)研发链大规模场景测试(80%)解决调用合约RPC接口异常,导致服务崩溃的问题(100%)应用建设 Wayki-X项目抵押端测试(25%)Wayki-X增发奖励的增发、结算开发(80%)Wayki-X行情页面推送通信协议(100%)Wayki-X完成交易模块前端调试(100%)Wayki-X解决领取奖励金额错误的问题(100%)Wayki-X交易页面对话框的BUG修复(100%)Wayki-X项目增发奖励测试及BUG修复(90%)Wayki-X交易端对接联调,交易详情调测(80%)Wayki-X解决查询用户债务无返回值报错的问题(100%)Wayki-X解决新用户能领取上一周期的奖励问题(100%)Wayki-X抵押端页面完善、上链流程以及动画的添加(90%)Wayki-X抵押端抵押、铸造、销毁、赎回、数据准确性 BUG 修复(100%)Wayki-X抵押端前后端联调,抵押、铸造、销毁、赎回、领取奖励等基本完成调测(90%)DEX完成跳转链接查询(100%)维基时代Android原生接口调试(80%)区块链浏览器WGRT展示完成开发(100%)本周规划 公链建设 测试链V3.0测试Wayki-X合约测试研发链大规模场景测试WASM合约优化交易性能应用建设 Wayki-X项目测试Wayki-X编写拍卖端Wayki-X后端调测、数据调测Wayki-X实现EChart横轴显示价格和K线推送维基时代Android中英文适配维基时代Android原生接口联调市场周报 市场进展(海外) AMA:6月16日凌晨2点,维基链土耳其大使Vincent受土耳其著名数字货币交易平台“RESPECT TRADE”(共4009名社群成员)邀请出席AMA活动,当晚参与AMA的成员达800+。AMA活动期间,Vincent为社群成员分享了治理币WGRT的模式以及维基链的生态规划等,社群成员对于维基链以及治理币WGRT的热度很高。6月17日晚10点,维基链土耳其大使Vincent受越南著名区块链电报社群“Nhóm VBC”(共6102名社群成员)邀请出席AMA活动,当晚参与AMA的成员达1000+。Vincent为越南社群详细介绍维基链DeFi生态、维基链三币机制以及新上线OKEx的治理币WGRT等。AMA活动期间,社群成员情绪高涨,维基链为社群提供代币奖励。AMA活动内容同步更新到维基链官方Medium等平台。6月19日晚7点30分,维基链CEO高航出席由著名区块链媒体499Block和数字货币交易所BITRIBE联合举办的全球区块链直播节:Super Token Shopping Day。同期出席的还有Tron创始人 Justin Sun(孙宇晨)、Huobi Global CEO Livio Weng(七爷)等。活动期间,维基链CEO高航分享了关于“How DeFi should be?”、维基链项目介绍、治理币WGRT以及维基链的DeFi机制与生态规划等内容。KOL&媒体&论坛:6月15日至17日,包括digitaljournal,finanznachrichten,newsbreak,birminghamnews,theusnews,stlouisstar等在内的19家全球知名的区块链、财经以及新闻媒体发文“WaykiChain WGRT Launched IEO on OKEx on June 17”,预告以及祝贺维基链治理币WGRT上线OKEx。6月17日至22日,俄罗斯著名区块链媒体russiablockchainnews,全球知名区块链媒体worldcryptotimes,kryptowings,rolebitcoin发布文章:WaykiChain CEO: DeFi to Break Loose BTC From the King。Medium:6月16日,维基链官方Medium账号发布文章:WaykiChain CEO Gordon Gao: How does WaykiChain compete with Ethereum?文章同步维基链telegram、推特等各SMN社区渠道,获得社群成员一致好评。推特:6月17日,OKEx官方推特账号发推祝贺维基链治理币WGRT IEO开盘价涨2.3倍,该推特互动量达100+,维基链官方转发该推特。6月17日,OKEx官方推特账号发推祝贺WGRT当日IEO期间交易量高达38,467,312,442。该推特互动量达80+,维基链官方转发该推特。社群:SMN项目动态运营:电报社群日常投发WGRT各国翻译版本(日语、韩语、越南语、俄语、法语)白皮书。同步运营:“WGRT bounty race”社群,“WGRT to the moon”,“WGRT Holders”,维基链俄罗斯群”,“维基链韩国群”,"维基链土耳其群"等20+个国家,15+种语言,共48个社群,50000+群成员及该国家地区推特、论坛;同步项目最新动态,包括治理币上所OKEx倒计时、解说视频、全球大使文森特治理币普及视频、DeFi数据以及项目知识。市场进展(国内) 维基链战略分析师陶敬受牛市财经媒体邀请,出席第284期牛市共享课。牛市财经随后发表《王牌对王牌——MKR的最强对手WGRT》,受到业内各大媒体转载,并且维基链官方微博阅读量突破14万。维基链联合创始人&CPO张曦受邀出席陀螺财经 【Value100】活动,并在其社区做了问答分享。随后陀螺财经在其网站和微博平台发表《不容忽视的DeFi治理币——WGRT》,引发业内关注,激起用户讨论WGRT。维基链联合创始人&CPO张曦出席ZT Global主办的“星”后浪Ⅳ之DeFi力量峰会,发表了主题为“维基链CPO张曦解读DeFi以及以太坊项目的三个硬伤”的分享。ZT Global于本周发布《“星”后浪Ⅳ之DeFi力量之星嘉宾之维基链张曦》的文章,激发各大平台用户对维基链DeFi及以太坊平台上DeFi的讨论。6月16日,维基链治理币WGRT线上见面会开启,主题为《聚焦DeFi生态 见证金融变革》,此次分享邀请到数位业内重量级嘉宾:比特时代创始人黄天威、币世界创始人谭晨辉、创世资本创始合伙人孙泽宇、Bying钱包联合创始人&CEO廖伟、维基链联合创始人&CEO高航、维基链副总裁卢蕊。直播期间,维基链派送30根纯金金条、华为荣耀手环、周边礼物、WICC空投等福利。8.9万人观看直播,此次直播可在维基链一直播官方帐号“维基链WICC”上回看。6月17日,维基链治理币WGRT上线OKEx。认购期间,WGRT份额创下OKEx年内最高纪录!认购超过100倍!两轮预约认购总量共计达到384,673,124,42WGRT,售价为0.003美元。开盘价格高达0.007美元,相当于中签价格(0.003美金)的2.3倍。6月17日,维基链官方微博发布WGRT上线OKex的相关内容,阅读量破万。同时,OKEx官方微博同步发布WGRT上线OKEx平台官宣内容、预约总量及上线涨幅三条微博,引起业界广泛关注。Technology & Product Weekly Report Public Chain Development Tested test chain V3.0. (80%)Modified the format of feed price parameters. (100%)Ran Research&Developmenty chain large-scale scenario testing. (80%)Solved the problem of calling the contract RPC interface because of an exception that causes the program to crash. (100%)Application Development Ran Wayki-X project collateral end test. (25%)Developed Wayki-X additional issuance bonus issuance and settlement development. (80%)Developed Wayki-X market page push communication protocol. (100%)Completed Wayki-X the front-end debugging of the transaction module. (100%)Solved the problem of Wayki-X receiving the wrong reward amount. (100%)Fixed BUG for dialog on Wayki-X trading page. (100%)Finished Wayki-X project additional reward test and bug fix. (90%)Completed Wayki-X trading terminal docking joint debugging, transaction details commissioning. (80%)Solved the problem of Wayki-X querying users' debts with no return value and reporting errors. (100%)Solved the problem that Wayki-X new users can receive the rewards of the previous cycle. (100%)Finished Wayki-X collateral terminal page improvement, chaining process and addition of animation. (90%)Finished Wayki-X collateral end collateral, casting, destruction, redemption, data accuracy BUG repair. (100%)Finished Wayki-X collateral end front-end and back-end joint debugging, mortgage, casting, destruction, redemption, receiving rewards, etc.Basically completed the commissioning. (90%)Completed DEX query of the jump link. (100%)Completed Android native interface debugging in WaykiTimes. (80%)Completed blockchain browser WGRT demonstration development. (100%)Following Work Plan Public Chain development Run test Chain V3.0 testRun Wayki-X contract testRun R&D chain large-scale scenario testingWASM contract optimizes transaction performanceApplication development Run Wayki-X project testWrite Wayki-X auction sideTest Wayki-X backend commissioning, data commissioningComplete Wayki-X implements EChart horizontal axis display price and K line pushComplete WaykiTims Android Chinese and English adaptationAndroid native interface joint debugging in WaykiTimesMarketing Weekly Report Marketing Report (Overseas) AMA: At 2 a.m. on June 16, Vincent, WaykiChain’s Turkish Ambassador, was invited by the famous Turkish digital currency trading platform “RESPECT TRADE” (a total of 4009 community members) to attend the AMA event, and 800+ members participated in the AMA that night. During the AMA event, Vincent shared the model of the governance coin WGRT and the ecosystem planning of WaykiChain for community members. The community members are very enthusiastic about WaykiChain and the governance coin WGRT.At 10pm on June 17, WaykiChain Turkey Ambassador Vincent was invited to attend the AMA event by the well-known Vietnamese blockchain telecom community "Nhóm VBC" (a total of 6102 community members). The number of members participating in the AMA that night reached 1000+. Vincent introduced the WaykiChain DeFi ecosystem, WaykiChain three-token mechanism and the newly launched OKEx governance coin WGRT to the Vietnamese community. During the AMA event, the members of the community are in a high mood, and WaykiChain provides token rewards for the community. The contents of AMA activities are updated to the official Medium and other platforms of WaykiChain.At 7:30 on the evening of June 19, WaykiChain CEO Gordon Gao attended the Global Blockchain Live Festival: Super Token Shopping Day, jointly organized by the famous blockchain media 499Block and the digital currency exchange BITRIBE. At the same time, Tron founder Justin Sun, Huobi Global CEO Livio Weng and so on. During the event, WaykiChain CEO Gordon Gao shared about "How DeFi should be?", WaykiChain project introduction, governance coin WGRT, and WaykiChain's DeFi mechanism and ecosystem planning.KOL&Media&Forum: From June 15 to 17, 19 global well-known blockchain, finance and news media including digitaljournal, finanznachrichten, newsbreak, birminghamnews, theusnews, stlouisstar, etc. post "WaykiChain WGRT Launched IEO on OKEx on June 17", a preview and congratulations to the launch of OKEx on the WaykiChain governance coin WGRT.From June 17 to 22, Russia's famous blockchain media russiablockchainnews, world-renowned blockchain media worldcryptotimes, kryptowings, rolebitcoin published articles: WaykiChain CEO: DeFi to Break Loose BTC From the King.Medium: On June 16, the official Medium account of WaykiChain published an article: WaykiChain CEO Gordon Gao: How does WaykiChain compete with Ethereum? The article synchronized with WaykiChain telegram, Twitter and other SMN community channels, and received unanimous praise from community members.Twitter: On June 17th, the official OKEx Twitter account tweeted congratulations that the opening price of WaykiChain governance coin WGRT IEO increased by 2.3 times. The interaction amount of this Twitter reached 100+, and WaykiChain official retweeted the tweet.On June 17, the OKEx official Twitter account tweeted congratulations on the WGRT's trading volume of 38,467,312,442 during the IEO period. The amount of interaction on this Twitter reached 80+, and WaykiChain official retweeted the tweet.Community: Dynamic operation of the SMN project: The Telegram community daily publishes translations WGRT whitepaper translations in various countries (Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Russian, French). Simultaneous operations: "WGRT bounty race" community, "WGRT to the moon", "WGRT Holders", WaykiChain Russia group, "WaykiChain Korea group", "WaykiChain Turkey group" and 20+ countries, 15+ 48 languages in total, 50,000+ group members and Twitter and forums in the country; synchronization of the latest developments of the project, OKEx countdown and commentary videos on the governance coin, global ambassador Vincent governance currency popularization video, DeFi data and Project knowledge.Marketing Report (China) Tao Jing, strategic analyst of WaykiChain, was invited by the bull market financial media to attend the 284th bull market sharing class. Bull Market Finance subsequently published "Ace to Ace-MKR's strongest opponent WGRT", and was reprinted by major media in the industry.WaykiChain co-founder & CPO Zhang Xi was invited to attend the Gyro Finance [Value100] event and did a Q&A in the community. Subsequently, Gyro Finance published "DeFi Governance Coin-WGRT that cannot be ignored” on its website and Weibo platform, which attracted industry attention and stimulated users to discuss WGRT.WaykiChain co-founder & CPO Zhang Xi attended the "Star" Houlang IV DeFi Power Summit hosted by ZT Global and published a sharing on the theme "WaykiChain CPO Zhang Xi's Interpretation of DeFi and the Ethereum Project's three flaws". ZT Global released this week's article "Way of Stars "DeFi Power Star Guest of WaykiChain Zhang Xi", inspiring major platform users to discuss WaykiChain DeFi and DeFi on the Ethereum platform.On June 16, the online meeting of WaykiChain's governance coin WGRT started with the theme of "Focus on DeFi Ecosystem to Witness Financial Reform". This sharing invited several big guests in the industry: Huang Tianwei, the founder of the Bit era, Tan Chenhui, the founder of the coin world, Sun Zeyu, founding partner of Genesis Capital, Liao Wei, co-founder & CEO of Bying Wallet, Gordon Gao, co-founder & CEO of WaykiChain, and Lu Rui, vice president of WaykiChain. During the live broadcast, WaykiChain distributed 30 pure gold bars, Huawei Honor bracelet, peripheral gifts, WICC airdrop and other benefits. Eighty-nine thousand people watched the live broadcast. This live broadcast can be viewed on the official account of WaykiChain WICC.On June 17th, WaykiChain's governance coin WGRT launched OKEx. During the subscription period, WGRT's share reached the highest record in the year of OKEx! Subscription is over 100 times! The total amount of the two rounds of subscription subscriptions reached 384,673,124,42WGRT, and the price was $0.003. The opening price is as high as 0.007 USD, which is equivalent to 2.3 times the winning price (0.003 USD).On June 17, WaykiChain official Weibo released the content of WGRT launched on OKEx, and the number of readings exceeded 10,000. At the same time, OKEx official Weibo synchronously published three weibos with the content of the official announcement of WGRT listing on OKEx, the number of appointments and the increase of price. The isting have aroused widespread concern in the industry.本文来源:维基链WICC —- 编译者/作者:维基链WICC 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
维基链WICC | 项目进展周报第72期(6.15-6.21)
2020-06-23 维基链WICC 来源:火星财经
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