如果你运行一个项目,然后这个项目的通证下跌,你应该做些什么? FTX创始人兼Serum顾问SBF:当市场呈下行趋势,我们能做什么? ——本文翻译自FTX创始人、Serum顾问SBF于2020年10月7日发布的最新推特,文末附推特原文。 给持有数字资产,但这些资产在今日(这里指10月7日)下跌的投资者的一些建议。 以下内容均不做为投资建议。 好吧,首先要说,并且这可能涉及到每个人,今天大家所投资的数字资产都在下跌(除了USDT上涨了2个基点)。如果你运行一个项目,然后这个项目的通证下跌,你应该做些什么? 首先,你能做的并不多,投资者有的时候会买入,有的时候会卖出。深呼吸一下吧,我敢打赌,你的Telegram上已经有很多人都在讨论价格的下跌,那就顺其自然吧。 那么接下来呢? 我经常提醒自己两件事情。第一件事情是,世界上有两种类型的数字资产(coins)。例如:FTT属于其中一个类型,SRM属于另外一个类型。 FTT在目前来看,是一类比较成熟的数字资产。它的持续性销毁量很高,FTX目前正在稳步成长,关于FTT的价格详见:http://ftx.com/trade/FTT/USD FTT事实上并没有所谓的“牛市”或者“熊市”,它是随着FTX、回购销毁、交易折扣、SRM空投等等而发展的。它的波动性较低,并且十分稳定,可以说是一种基础资产。 SRM却不同,详见:http://ftx.com/trade/SRM/USD。SRM的价格上涨和下跌的幅度都比较大。 它的波动性更高,因为SRM是基于未来:https://bonfida.com/dex/#/是这个概念的证明(同时可以作为一个非常有说服力的证明!),并且在未来会有更多的内容参与进来:包括生态、高交易量、和增长。 并不是说一个比另一个“更好”,这两者是有区别的。但这也凸显出:一种资产除非100%明显被低估,否则,项目不经历被低估,也就不可能上涨。没有什么项目是可以100%保证其通证价格每个月都可以翻倍。 所以,如果一种资产可以翻倍,那么它必须经历减半;并且当资产减半时,就意味着它可以翻倍。这是我提醒自己的第一件事情:还记得上涨时有多兴奋吗? 但现在,它们跌了。这给了它们更多的空间进行回升。事情的发展都是有起有落,希望它们最终都在上涨的道路上。 第二件事情是:专注于你可以掌控的事情。 你可以控制公关和信息传递(PR and messaging) - 当事情变糟糕或者变好的时候,这尤其重要。但是你控制不了其他的事情。有时候事情会变差、有时候一些刺激政策会被取消、或者标普500下跌。 BTC在下跌,ETH、LINK、DOT、FTT、SRM也是。FTT下跌幅度较低,SRM的跌幅更高一些,这也反映出了相对积极的一面:有些事物的波动性会更高。 但是你不能控制的事情是:当整个市场都在下跌时,你不可能让其中的某个币种上涨。所以,你可以在公关事务上做一些力所能及的事情,然后开始进行搭建。 进行搭建,因为这是你能为项目所做的事情。对项目进行搭建,受益的也将是其项目通证。在最后,这会起到重要作用。 因为如果你致力于项目搭建,不管事情是好是坏,你把产品推广好、把公关事宜处理好、组建一个优秀的团队,发布出色的用户图形界面(GUI)、并选择正确的产品。 如果这些都可以做到,那么当整个市场准备好的时候,你就会把这个项目通证拉回到一个再次上涨的通道。 ———————— 以下内容为推特原文: 1) Advice for people whose coins are down today 2) NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE.NOT ADVICE. 3) Well, first, that's everyone. Everyone's coin is down today. (Except USDT which is maybe up 2bps.) But some have never been here before. So what do you do, if you run a project, and that project's coin is down? 4) First of all: there's only so much you can do. Sometimes people buy, sometimes they sell. Take a deep breath. I'm sure your Telegram is blowing up with people pointing out the coin is down. So be it. 5) What next? Well, I always remind myself two things. The first is that there are two types of coins in the world. E.g. FTT is in one category and SRM in another. 6) FTT is, at this point, a somewhat mature coin. The burn is big, FTX is stable and growing, and FTT's price is....http://ftx.com/trade/FTT/USD 7) FTT doesn't really have 'bull runs' and 'bear runs'. It just, you know, grows with FTX, and with the buy/burns and trading discounts and SRM airdrops and stuff. It's low volatility, and stable, and mostly a fundamental asset. 8) SRM is different:http://ftx.com/trade/SRM/USD 9) SRM goes up, a lot; and it goes down, a lot. It's more volatile.Because SRM is based on the future: the notion that https://bonfida.com/dex/#/ is a proof of concept (a powerful one!) and that the future will involve more: an ecosystem, and large volume, and growth. 10) This isn't to say that one is 'better' than the other. They're different. But it also underscores something: unless an asset is just obviously 100% massively underpriced, _you can't go up if you can't go down_. Nothing is 100% going to double in price every month. 11) And so for an asset to be able to double, it has to be able to halve; and when an asset halves, it means it can double. 12) That's the first thing I remind myself: remember how exciting it was when things went up? Now things are going down. That gives breathing room to go back up. Things go up, and they go down, and they go up, and they go down. And hopefully, they go up. 13) The second is: Focus on what you can control. You can control PR, and messaging -- and that really matters, when things are bad and when they're good. But you can't control others. Sometimes, things go down. Sometimes a stimulus is canceled, and the S&P500 is down. 14) BTC is down, as is ETH, and LINK, and DOT, and FTT, and SRM. And FTT is down less, and SRM is down more, and that reflects the upside too: some things move more than others. 15) But you can't control that -- you can't will a token to go up when everything else is down. So do what you can on PR. And then build. Build, because that's what you can do for the project. Build a project the token will be proud of. In the end, that matters. 16) Because if you build--whether things are good or bad--and you promote the product well, and handle PR, and build a good team, and release good GUIs, and choose the right product--if you do those, then you put the token in a position to go up again, when the market is ready. 官网:https://projectserum.com/ 微博:https://www.weibo.com/u/7483904107 Serum DEX交易网址名单:https://serum-academy.com/zh/dex-list/ Serum微信客服:ProjectSerum Serum微信公众号:Serum资讯平台 本文来源:Serum资讯平台 —- 编译者/作者:Serum资讯平台 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
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