还记得昨天,肖恩写了篇文章,告诉大家如何创建一家去中心化加密基金吗?《机会来了,去TokenSets当个加密基金操盘手如何?一些人觉得自己投资能力不错,但是资金规模不够,想募集更多资金,这在...》 这不,为了进一步体验产品,肖恩打算亲自创建一个,不过没有想到,注册过程竟然还需要回答很多问题,有肖恩这样的币圈名人为它宣传竟然还需要这么麻烦,真是有眼不识泰山啊。
问题4: What is your background and what qualifying trading experience do you have? 肖恩的回答:Im a CEO of a blockchain media company with more than 5 years trade experience and also a famous KOL in the area with many followers in china. My current work is to analyze projects and give reports to help my followers to better invest. I think tokensets maybe a good opportunity for our team to expand our vision.
问题10: Anything else you'd like to tell us? 肖恩的回答:This project has a bright future but how to make profit to cover the cost is the key whether you can surrvive long, and this is also the key for the majority of projects in this area , many choose to Ico , but I do not think its the best way out.Its not the token but the team which eventually determines the success of the project.
币事不决问肖恩(v: xiaoenshuolian)