专题缘起 机缘巧合下,MoMo接触到几个大神黑客。深聊数日,某夜,众人都对一个话题特别感兴趣,"BTC能否被量子计算机破解"。经大神仔细调教,MoMo凑齐巨大资料库后,终于跟Boss申请成功。
摘要 6-10年内,量子计算机定成熟商用于各行各业,也必定用于破解BTC签名(私钥)。
正文 对币民而言,新年最大的新闻,一定不是特朗普即将下台,一定是BTC单价首次突破4万美金。这意味着:按现有价格,2100万BTC对应市值将达到惊人的8400亿美金。黄金市值达到11万亿美元,用时5000年;达到黄金市值的10%,BTC仅用12年。 BTC大涨,币民和机构都很开心;而美国和中国相继宣布获得量子优势,币民又为以下问题而内心紧张。 量子计算机何时大规模成熟商用? 黑客是否会等大规模商用后再动手? 黑客将如何破解BTC签名? 破解后,顶级黑客将如何最大化获得商业利益? 顶级黑客会在何时借助量子算力破解BTC? 如何抵御量子破解? 这关系到BTC市值的数学基础是否牢靠,从而关系到所有BTC持有者的财产安全。因此,以维护区块链社区公平为己任的墨媒体,决定推出"防量子破解及公链专题",第一篇文章是对Mr Onion的采访。Onion既是黑客大神也是破解算法专家,据说他是美国NIST专家组的核心成员。 洋葱先生简要介绍 NIST(https://www.nist.gov/) expert.
Encryption algorithms experts.
A number of well-known hacker organizations algorithm consultant and Government public relations consultant.
您认为量子计算机何时会大规模商用? Mr. Onion: IBM, Google, and China have invested heavily in quantum computers. Based on public information and the information we have in our circles, quantum computers could be commercially available in as little as six years, and in as little as 10 years.
作为知名黑客组织顾问,您认为黑客是否会坐等量子计算机大规模商用? Mr. Onion: Whether the hacker will wait, whether it will wait six years or how many years, depends not on what the average hacker thinks, depends on what the top hacker thinks. From what I've seen firsthand, which is not known to the outside world, the top hackers think that as long as the value of a crack is greater than the cost of the quantum computing power required to crack it, the top hackers don't want to be left behind.
您是算法专家,请问顶级黑客将如何破解BTC签名? Mr. Onion: Whether the hacker will wait, whether it will wait six years or how many years, depends not on what the average hacker thinks, depends on what the top hacker thinks. From what I've seen firsthand, which is not known to the outside world, the top hackers think that as long as the value of a crack is greater than the cost of the quantum computing power required to crack it, the top hackers don't want to be left behind.
通过量子算力,万倍亿倍加速用穷举法生成有效私钥 通过量子算力,破解私钥 破解后,顶级黑客将如何最大化获得商业利益? Mr. Onion: Hackers and organizations all act for profit, but it is for the collective interest. Here's my view on how top hackers can maximize their business gains:
The identity and signature of the BTC holder can be completely camouflage after obtaining a valid private key through exhaustive computation or cracking the signature algorithm through quantum computing power. On the premise of not causing drastic fluctuations in the market price, gradually and slowly sell 10-20% of BTC through the market. Monetize BTC as much as possible before the news of BTC cracking is widely known. 洋葱先生:黑客及组织所有行为都是为了利益,只不过是集体利益。顶级黑客将如何最大化获得商业利益,我的观点如下:
通过量子算力,通过穷举获得有效私钥或者通过破解签名算法,然后就可以彻底伪装BTC持有者的身份及签名 以不造成市场价格剧烈波动为前提,逐步的慢慢的将10-20%的BTC通过市场出售而自然变现 在BTC被破解消息广为人知之前,尽可能最大化的将BTC货币化(出售)