2020年1月28日晚9点,Uniswap中文社区分析师 墨客对话Ocean Protocol联合创始人 Bruce,进行了“Ocean:数据经济生态王牌项目,如何稳扎稳打扩展版图”的主题AMA活动。本次直播活动由区块方舟BlockArk支持,链闻ChainNews、星球日报Odaily、区块律动BlockBeats、陀螺财经、深链财经、PANews、火星财经、Blocklike、博链财经、链向财经媒体支持,直播分享内容整理如下: 墨客:Hello everyone, I’m Moc, and I’m very happy to invite Ocean to come and share with us.The Ocean Protocol is a decentralized data exchange protocol.The Ocean Protocol team is a team I know that few have a deep understanding of the blockchain. Friends who are interested can read various discussion articles published by their Medium. 大家好,我是墨客,很高兴邀请到Ocean过来与我们做分享。海洋协议是一个去中心化的数据交换协议。海洋协议团队是我知道少有对区块链有深刻理解的团队,有兴趣的朋友可以去看他们Medium发布的各种探讨文章。 Bruce:Nice to see everyone here! 很高兴见到大家! 墨客:First, let's ask Bruce, the co-founder of Ocean, to introduce ourselves. 首先我们请Ocean联合创始人Bruce做下自我介绍。 Bruce:Hi Everyone, I'm Bruce - founder of Ocean Protocol. I'm excited to be here. And I hope I can answer your questions. 大家好,我是布鲁斯,海洋协议的创始人。我很兴奋来到这里。也希望能回答你的问题。 墨客:Okay, thank you Bruce.Our AMA will start right away. First, we will enter the moderator communication session. After the end, we will have free communication time. 好的,谢谢Bruce。我们的AMA马上开始,首先会进入主持人交流环节,在结束之后,我们会有自由交流时间。 墨客:Please briefly introduce Ocean's development process. From V1 to V3, what functions have been added or changed in different stages of Ocean? In conclusion, what are the main focus of the Ocean now? 请您先简单的介绍一下Ocean的发展历程,从V1到V3,在不同阶段的Ocean都做了哪些功能的新增或者改变?最后总结一下,Ocean现在主要有哪几个的板块? Bruce:Ocean V1 had decentralized access control, and had a basic template to create data marketplaces. Ocean V1具有去中心化的访问控制,并具有创建数据市场的基本模板. Ocean V2 added the ability to buy & sell private data while retaining privacy, via the Ocean Compute-to-Data feature. Ocean V2通过Ocean Compute-to-Data功能增加了在保留隐私的同时买卖私人数据的功能。 Ocean V3 is Ocean's most important release yet. It introduces the concept of datatokens for access control, securitization of data, liquidity pools for dynamic pricing - all through the Ocean Market. Datatokens makes Ocean tools simpler, easier to work with, and more interoperable with crypto & DeFi tools. Ocean Market is the first community data marketplace, with key features like Compute-to-Data, and automated price discovery using Balancer AMM. Ocean V3是Ocean迄今为止最重要的版本。它介绍了数据令牌访问控制,数据证券化,及用于动态定价的流动性池的数据令牌的概念,这些将全部通过海洋市场来进行。Datatokens使Ocean工具更简单,更易于使用,并且可以与加密和DeFi工具互操作。海洋市场是第一个社区数据市场,其主要功能包括“Compute to data”以及使用Balancer AMM进行自动价格发现。 We have a working product and a vibrant community. Our task now is to work with users to fill the Ocean Market with data and services. We see that there is similar work to get adoption and kickstart a Data Economy. If we do our work well, Ocean Market will be play an important role in the Data Economy. Our job for 2021 is to get more data, DApps, and more usage with grassroots developers and with governments and enterprises. 我们有一个可行的产品和一个充满活力的社区。现在,我们的任务是与我们的用户一起将数据和服务填充进海洋市场。我们可以看到,有类似的工作可以被采用并激活数据经济。如果我们做好我们的工作,海洋市场将在数据经济中扮演重要角色。2021年我们主要的工作是与基层开发人员以及政府和企业一起获取更多数据,DApp,并获得更多使用 墨客:It seems that Ocean has been iterating, which is great. This is a very important feature of a successful blockchain project. 看起来Ocean一直有在迭代,这很不错。这个是一个成功区块链项目很重要的特征。 墨客:We already know that the core component of OceanV3 is data tokens. May I ask Bruce, what exactly are datatokens? Who can create datatokens? 我们已经知道OceanV3的核心部件是数据代币,请问Bruce数据代币到底是什么?谁可以创建数据代币(是任何人都可以创建还是必须是其他区块链的项目方)? Bruce:Datatokens are ERC20 tokens that represent the value of the data asset and provide access to that data asset. Datatokens radically simplify data sharing, and leveraging existing Web3 mental models for custody, wallets, liquidity, staking and farming. ERC20 tokens that are generated for each published dataset. And since ERC20 tokens are highly compatible with #DeFi, all datatokens can be staked, injected into AMMs and then used as collateral for lending. 数据令牌是ERC20令牌,代表数据资产的价值并提供对该数据资产的访问权限。数据令牌从根本上简化了数据共享,并利用现有的Web3智能模型进行托管,钱包,流动性,抵押和耕种。每个已发布的数据集都会生成ERC20令牌。而且由于ERC20令牌与#DeFi高度兼容,因此所有数据令牌都可以质押,注入到AMM中,然后用作贷款的抵押品。 Datatokens let people discover the value of their dataset and encourage liquid trading of data assets through our pioneering approach of using Balancer liquidity pools integrated into Ocean Market. Datatokens使人们能够发现其数据集的价值,并通过我们使用集成到海洋市场中的Balancer流动性池的开创性方法来鼓励数据资产的流动性交易。 Datatokens solves one of the biggest questions we had when we started this - and that is "what is the price of data?" or "what is the value of data?" Datatoken解决了我们开始时遇到的最大问题之一,那就是“数据价格是多少?” 或“数据的价值是什么? With datatokens along with AMMs - the market can figure it out. This is a huge breakthrough if people can get a price signal on the value of their data, we think people will be incentivized to share more willingly. 借助与AMM一起使用的数据令牌,市场可以解决这一问题。如果人们能够从其数据的价值中获得价格信号,那么这将是一个巨大的突破,我们认为人们会被激励去更愿意分享自己数据。 墨客:Many people don’t understand data tokens. Let me briefly introduce what ocean does is to encapsulate complex data transactions into data tokens, so that everyone can simply use ERC20 tokens to trade data, and can also implement mining, etc. Features. 数据令牌很多人不太理解,我简单的介绍下,ocean做的就是把复杂的数据交易封装到数据令牌里面,这样大家可以简单的用ERC20代币来交易数据,还可以实现挖矿等功能。 墨客:The pricing and exchange of datatokens in the Ocean protocol takes place in Ocean Market. Could you pleas e briefly introduce the principles of Ocean Market? Who are the main participants? How are datatokens priced and circulated? How is it different compared to Balancer? Ocean protocol 中要实现数据代币的定价和交换是在 Ocean Market发生的,请您简单介绍一下Ocean Market的原理?主要参与者是谁?数据代币是如何定价并进行流通的?相比于Balancer它有什么不同? Bruce:Ocean Market is an open-source community marketplace for data. 海洋协议是一个开源的数据市场。 Ocean Market allows publishers to post data for sharing and use. Data can be fixed price or dynamic price. If the data is fixed, people can straight up buy the data using $OCEAN. For dynamic price, the price varies depending on the liquidity pool - the more popular the dataset with liquidity providers, the higher the price. This is out of the box functionality. 海洋市场允许发布者发布数据以供共享和使用。数据可以是固定价格或动态价格。如果数据价格是固定的,人们可以直接使用$ OCEAN来购买数据。对于动态的数据价格,价格取决于流动性池-在流动性提供者中数据集越受欢迎,则价格越高。这就是开箱即用的功能。 Anyone can stake OCEAN into each pool, to get a cut of sales fees. The more useful datasets will tend to have higher liquidity, higher prices, and higher signal. Over time, the market and community will be able to identify quality datasets faster from pattern recognition. It gives datasets a value signal, which is a key piece to unlock a Data Economy.Under the hood, we used a fork of Balancer to make this happen. We made core contributions to the Balancer code and in the next release of Balancer v2, the code in our fork will be integrated. 任何人都可以将OCEAN放到单个资源池中,以节省费用。更加有用的数据集将倾向于具有更高的流动性,更高的价格和更高的信号。随着时间的流逝,市场和社区将能够从模式识别中更快地识别出高质量的数据集。它为数据集提供了价值信号,这是解锁数据经济的关键。在这之下,我们使用了Balancer的分叉来实现这一目标。我们为Balancer代码做出了核心贡献,并且在下一版本的Balancer v2中,我们fork的代码将被直接集成进去。 墨客:说个题外话,Balancer跟Ocean这两个项目方私交不错。 To make a digression, Balancer has a good personal relationship with Ocean.[奸笑] 墨客:Next,In a medium titled "the web3 sustainability loop", we learned that the establishment of OCEAN DAO will provide Grants for some projects. Recently, Ocean also released the first batch of Grant projects. Please briefly explain this Dao governance logic? And what conditions are met to be able to be awarded a Grant? 在一篇medium标题为“ the web3 sustainability loop” 的文章中,我们从中了解到OCEAN DAO的成立会为一些项目提供捐赠资金,近期Ocean还发布了第一批Grant的对象,请简要的讲解一下这样的Dao治理逻辑?以及满足什么样的条件才有可能被授予捐赠? Bruce:OceanDAO closes the loop on a “snowball effect” feedback cycle where the health of OCEAN and the Ocean ecosystem rises as the usage of Ocean goes up. In order to qualify to be awarded a grant, the proposals must have help to grow the Ocean ecosystem - technical, outreach or marketing, and be aligned with Ocean's mission. Developers and community members are issued tokens from a pool of network rewards and revenues from the Ocean Market. OceanDAO在“雪球效应”反馈循环中关闭了循环,随着海洋的使用量增加,海洋和海洋生态系统的健康状况也随之提高。为了有资格获得赠款,这些提案必须对发展海洋生态系统(技术,推广或市场营销)有所帮助,并与海洋的使命保持一致。开发人员和社区成员从网络奖励池和海洋市场的收入中获得令牌。 There are Town Halls every Wednesday where community members can ask questions and discuss their project proposals. The second funding round closes on Feb 1. More info on?https://github.com/oceanprotocol/oceandao/wiki 每个星期三都有Town Halls,社区成员可以在那里提问并讨论他们的项目建议。第二轮融资将于2月1日结束。 有关更多信息,请访问https://github.com/oceanprotocol/oceandao/wiki 墨客:This has little to do with ordinary users, but generally speaking, the willingness of the project party to launch Grant activities represents enthusiasm and the financial strength to promote ecological development. 这个跟普通用户的关系不大,但是一般来说,项目方愿意展开Grant活动代表了积极性,并且有资金实力推动生态发展。 墨客:Ocean has many grant plans recently. In addition to Ocean DAO, it has also released the first batch of Ocean shipyard grant lists and jointly released ecological partner rewards. In such large-scale ecological cooperation construction activities, may I ask Ocean Protocol, How to make use of value in other projects? What plans will be made in the construction of the ecosystem in the future? Ocean最近有很多Grant计划,除了Ocean DAO, 还发布了第一批Ocean shipyard的Grant名单和与联合发布的生态合作伙伴奖励等等,在这样的大规模的生态合作建设活动中,请问Ocean Protocol 会如何在其他的项目中发挥价值?将来在生态系统的建设上还会做出什么样规划? Bruce:Our job is to build the native Web3 infrastructure that allows data sharing to flow. Part of this is to have hooks, tooling and integrations that allow companies, large and small to join in. 我们的工作是建立允许数据共享流动的本地Web3基础结构。其中一部分是具有挂钩,工具和集成功能,使所有的公司都可以加入。 To date, we have run several programs to activate community groups and developers. We did Data Economy Challenge which has had interest from 400 teams, Shipyard for startups going for MVPs, Covidathon, a collaboration of projects in the space to see how Web3 tech could be leveraged to support covid19 research efforts and finally OceanDAO. Each of these initiatives appeals to a different flavour of developer and community member. By year end, we hope that a full 100 teams will have received funding, with some of the teams being able to build sustainable businesses on top of Ocean Protocol. 迄今为止,我们已经进行了几个活动来激活社区团体和开发人员。?我们进行了数据经济挑战赛,该活动引起了400个团队的关注,同时还有Shipyard活动-为那些初创公司争取了MVP?Covidathon活动,与该领域的项目合作,以了解如何利用Web3技术来支持covid19研究工作,最后是我们的OceanDAO活动。?这些举措中的每一个都吸引了不同的开发人员和社区成员。到年底,我们希望将有100个团队获得Ocean的资助,并且其中一些团队能够在《海洋协议》的基础上建立可持续的业务。 Our Enterprise partners challenge us to create cutting-edge technology for real-world use cases with impactful applications. So the intersection of enterprise needs dovetails into our community efforts well. 我们的企业合作伙伴向我们提出挑战,要求我们为具有影响力的应用程序的真实用例创建尖端技术。因此,企业需求的交集很好地契合了我们的社区努力。 墨客:Great! 很棒! 墨客:In the recent medium, we see that Ocean’s recent partners are involved in various fields, such as health care, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, education, public welfare, DeFi, etc., in which application scenario Ocean protocol is most likely to be implemented. ? In which area do you think Ocean protocol will exert the greatest value? 在最近的medium中我们看到Ocean 最近的合作方涉及到各个领域,比如说健康医疗,物联网,人工智能,教育,公益,DeFi等等,请问目前在哪个应用场景Ocean protocol最有可能实现落地?您觉得在哪儿个领域Ocean protocol会发挥最大的价值? Bruce:There is a strong case for the need for data decentralization in the automotive industry. In 2020, Ocean partnered with Daimler, the producer of Mercedes-Benz, to deliver a decentralized data sharing solution pilot to enable the sharing of private data and monetization. We built the end-to-end platform using Ocean tech featuring access control, data discovery, storage, and Compute-to-Data. This solution can be deployed to any other partner that we work with in the future. 在汽车行业中,数据去中心化的需求有很强的理由。2020年,Ocean与梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)的生产商戴姆勒(Daimler)合作,推出了去中心化的数据共享解决方案试点,以实现私人数据和货币化的共享。我们使用Ocean技术构建了端到端平台,包括访问控制、数据发现、存储和算力对数据。这个解决方案可以部署到未来与我们合作的任何其他合作伙伴。 We are approaching a clear intersection where crypto meets mobility and data monetization. More people are seeing this. For example, financial analysts are estimating that ‘all of Tesla's other data services will be worth more than its car business’. And Ocean is hoping to be right there when it happens - as we move towards a tipping point to mass adoption of mobility, data monetization, and a new Data Economy. 我们正在接近一个明确的交叉点,即加密技术满足移动性和数据货币化。越来越多的人看到了这一点。例如,金融分析师评估“特斯拉所有的数据服务的价值都将超过它的汽车业务”。希望当它发生的时候Ocean就在那里——当我们走向大规模采用移动、数据货币化和新数据经济的临界点时。 Of course, mobility isn't the only sector where data sharing is needed. Part of the magic of decentralization is that innovation can come from anywhere. So while we have significant efforts in mobility, other areas are starting to show a lot of promise. We're excited for what can rise to the surface in 2021. 当然,移动性并不是唯一需要数据共享的领域。去中心化的魔力之一是创新可以来自任何地方。因此,尽管我们在出行方面做出了巨大努力,但其他领域也开始显示出很大的希望。我们很期待2021年能有什么东西浮出水面。 墨客:Cooperation with a well-known entity such as Daimler is a very good progress. It is a bit like the cooperation between another project FLOW and the NBA recently. These are all good things that can ask the currency circle to bring incremental funds and applications. 跟戴姆勒这种知名实体公司合作是很不错的进展。有点像最近另外一个项目FLOW跟NBA的合作,这些都是可以问币圈带来增量资金与应用的好事。 墨客:Polkadot's parachain auction is about to begin. Seeing that Ocean is also submitting the proposal for the auction parachain slot, what benefits will the successful bidding of the parachain bring to the Ocean protocol? 波卡的平行链拍卖即将开始,看到Ocean也在提交了拍卖平行链插槽的proposal,请问平行链的竞拍成功会为Ocean protocol带来什么好处? Bruce:Ocean isn't planning submitting a proposal for an auction parachain slot. We don't need it right now. We are happy to be working with Moonbeam to deploy Ocean smart contracts and Ocean Market on the Kusama network. We think this approach hews to the strengths of our team to focus on data sharing, while allowing others to shine for their talents in deploying Ocean to a new network and running a new Ocean Market. Ocean并未计划为拍卖平行链插槽提交提案。我们现在不需要它。我们很高兴与Moonbeam合作并且在Kusama网络上部署Ocean智能合约和Ocean Market。我们认为这种方法充分发挥了我们团队的优势,专注于数据共享,同时允许其他人在将Ocean部署到新网络和运行新的Ocean Market方面发挥才华。 墨客:Frankly speaking, KSM has been selected for many projects, of course, I will not discuss comparison here. I personally discussed this with Polkadot’s project team. Those who are interested can calculate whether the income of many IPOs (slot issuance) can cover such a high valuation. This may be a big bubble. 坦白讲挺多项目选了KSM的,当然这里不探讨比较。我个人跟波卡的项目方也讨论过这个事,有兴趣的可以算算现在很多IPO(插槽发行)的收益是否可以覆盖这么高的估值,这搞不好是一个很大的泡沫。 墨客:If the auction of the parachain is successful, in what form will Ocean join the Polkadot parachain, in the form of a public chain or in the form of a Dapp nested in a parachain? Will there be any changes to the protocol layer? 如果拍卖平行链成功,Ocean会以什么样的形式加入到波卡平行链中,会以公链的形式还是以嵌套在某条平行链的Dapp 的形式?协议层会有什么改动吗? Bruce:By working with Moonbeam, we will be a DApp on a parachain - with all the advantages of performance, lower cost and greater accessibility for people that are dipping their toes into the Data Economy. 通过与Moonbeam合作,我们将成为平行链上的DApp——为涉足数据经济的人们带来性能、更低的成本和更大的可访问性等优势。 墨客:In the Polkadot ecosystem, there are some other data validation projects such as Litentry. Compared with other data validation projects, what is the core competitiveness of Ocean? 在波卡系列的项目中,还有一些其他的数据确权的项目比如Litentry, 请问相对与其他的数据确权项目,Ocean的核心竞争力是什么? Bruce:Ocean opens up enormous opportunities for developers and enterprises to explore the data economy. We allow people to turn data into an asset and earn money on their data. By integrating with #DeFi building blocks, people are able to use the latest innovations for a) securitizing data to construct pools of datatokens, just like an index fund - where others can invest into, b) injecting datatokens into automated market makers like Balancer and Uniswap to earn yield or increae liquidity or c) using data as collateral for lending. Ocean为开发人员和企业探索数据经济提供了巨大的机会。我们允许人们将数据变成资产,并从他们的数据中赚钱。通过与#DeFi构建基块集成,人们能够使用最新的创新技术来进行以下操作:a)证券化数据以构建数据令牌池,就像索引基金一样,其他人可以投资;b)将数据令牌注入到Balancer和 Uniswap用来赚取收益或增加流动性,或c)使用数据作为贷款抵押。 墨客:The token release model and value source are important references forinvestors in the secondary market. Please briefly describe the OCEAN release model and the logic of destruction, and how to achieve long-term value growth of OCEAN? 代币的释放模型和价值来源是二级市场的投资者重要参考,请简述一下OCEAN的释放模型和销毁的逻辑,以及如何实现OCEAN的价值长期增长? Bruce:First, $OCEAN is a utility token with many uses in the network. $OCEAN can be used to: 1)?Default pairing for any datatoken for staking 2)?Buy / sell Datatokens 3)?Vote on OceanDAO proposals 4)?Emissions of OCEAN for network rewards 5)?Pay fee commission in the Ocean Market, a portion of which is burned 首先,$OCEAN是一个在网络中有许多用途的实用令牌。$OSEAN可用于: 1)为放置的任何数据标记默认配对 2)购买/出售数据票据 3) 就大洋洲提案进行表决 4)为网络奖励而排放的OCEAN 5)到海洋市场手续费佣金,其中一部分会被销毁 The token supply has been set since 2017 when we did the initial fundraising. In this model, 10% of tokens wnet to the core team, 20% to investors, 20% to the Foundation for community efforts and 50% to the network rewards. 代币供应是在2017年我们进行初始筹款时设定的。在这种模式下,10%的令牌给核心团队,20%给投资者,20%给社区努力基金会,50%给网络奖励。 To date, 610m tokens have been minted, with 420m in circulation. The remaining tokens are held by Ocean Foundation. 迄今为止,已经铸造了610万枚代币,其中420万枚正在流通。其余的代币由海洋基金会持有。 We will activate network rewards sometime in 2022 when the OceanDAO is mature and fully tested, where grants can be given to people that perform useful activities on the network. The optimal balance is where the token supply grows with the value of the network and serve to accelerate adoption of the technology. Ultimately, it is the community that will decide the token inflation rate in the long-term. 我们将在2022年的某个时候激活网络奖励,当OceanDAO成熟并经过全面测试时,可以向在网络上执行有用活动的人提供赠款。最佳的平衡是令牌供应随着网络的价值而增长,并有助于加速技术的采用。最终,决定长期象征性通胀率的是社区。 墨客:There is not much difference between the circulation data and coingecko. 流通数据跟coingecko是没有太大出入的。 墨客:Okay, thank you Bruce. Next, we enter the free communication link, friends who have questions can raise questions in the group, both in Chinese and English. 好的,谢谢Bruce。接下来我们进入自由交流环节,有问题的朋友可以在群里提出来,中英文都可以。 【自由问答环节】 @Jimmi:The successful launch of the data market requires a large amount of valuable data. I have seen a lot of data sets released by the beta version of Ocean market, but there is currently no classification or retrieval function, and most data sets are not valuable to me. What is the barrier of the Ocean market now? In addition, will users who issue data tokens in the beta version have rewards in the future? Such as airdrop? 数据市场的成功推出需要大量有价值的数据。我看过很多Oceanmarket测试版发布的数据集,但是目前没有分类或者检索功能,大部分数据集对我来说没有价值。现在远洋市场的壁垒是什么?另外,在测试版中发放数据令牌的用户在未来会有奖励吗?比如空投? Bruce:Great question. The Ocean V3 release of Ocean Market was amazing. Lots of users and experimentation. What became clear was the following: 1. The dynamics of the market skewed too heavily to the publishers, allowing rug pulls on people adding liquidity 2. The main purpose of the market - to get buyers and sellers was hindered by the high cost of gas and transactions. This is why we need to explore other chains that can handle the transaction volume 3. The Ocean Market will have deficiencies. Selling and buying data is typically done by the very few - so we will take the best from the existing data marketplaces but give it a web3 flavour. This is the main challenge. We need to give people a user experience that allows htem to understand the data enough to buy it - categories, classification, sorting and analytics. I'm heartened to see so many startups already trying to give this transparency about data sets. But we have work to do on Ocean Market before we can bring on a lot more people at scale. 好问题,Ocean市场的V3发布令人惊叹。大量的用户和实验。变得清晰的是: 1.市场的动态对出版商的影响太大了,这使得人们增加了流动性。 2.这个市场的主要目的——吸引买家和卖家,但由于gas费和交易的高成本而受到阻碍。这就是为什么我们需要探索其他可以处理交易量的链 3.海洋市场有不足之处。买卖数据通常是由极少数人完成的——因此,我们将从现有的数据市场中获取最大的收益,但使其具有web3风味。这是主要的挑战。我们需要给人们一个用户体验,让htem能够充分理解数据以便购买它——分类、分类、排序和分析。令我如此激动的是,看到如此多的初创公司已经在努力提高数据集的透明度。但在我们能够大规模吸引更多的人之前,我们在海洋市场上还有很多工作要做。 @Neil:I saw a discussion about the number of Ocean market data sets before. Now Ocean is still in the beginning of the Moore curve, and a large number of data sets need to be added before proceeding to the next step: forecasting data. May I ask When do you estimate that data can be used to predict data? 之前看到有关于远洋市场数据集数量的讨论。现在Ocean还处在摩尔曲线的初期,在进行下一步:预测数据之前,需要添加大量的数据集。我可以问一下你估计什么时候数据可以用来预测数据? Bruce:Along the lines of the answer I just gave, we are working with enterprises under NDA to bring valuable data sets on to the market. The most obvious data streams would be those from the crypto-space - Chainlink feeds, Streamr, Messari, CoinmarketCap/Coingecko, LunarCrush.With this data, cryptotraders can get the information they need to make better decisions. 按照我刚才给出的答案,我们正在与NDA旗下的企业合作,将有价值的数据集推向市场。最明显的数据流将是那些来自加密空间-链链接饲料,Streamr,Messari,CoinmarketCap/Coingecko,LunarCrush,有了这些数据,加密交易者可以获得他们需要的信息,从而做出更好的决策。 @浥轻尘:Questions from other groups:Will Ocean move to Polkadot network after participating in the slot auction Ocean参加卡槽拍卖后会迁移到波卡链上吗? Bruce:Ocean is an L2 protocol that can live on any layer. We see the momentum in Polkadot ecosystem and the technical advancement of it, so we're very confident that having Ocean smart contracts and Ocean Market on Polkadot is the right answer. But there are other technologies that are very good also - Cosmos, NEAR, Binance Smart Chain, etc. - Where-ever there is a vibrant ecosystem, we see that Ocean can function on them, to unlock data Ocean是一种L2协议,可以存在于任何层。我们看到了Polkadot生态系统的发展势头及其技术进步,因此我们非常有信心在Polkadot上拥有Ocean智能合约和Ocean市场是正确的答案。但是,还有其他非常好的技术-Cosmos,NEAR,Binance Smart Chain等。只要有一个充满活力的生态系统,我们就会看到Ocean可以在它们上面发挥作用,以解锁数据。 @慈慈一生:How important is the community to Ocean? What have been your biggest challenges in growing the Ocean community? Are you satisfied with what you have achieved so far? 社区对Ocean有多重要?你在发展海洋社区过程中遇到的最大挑战是什么?你对你目前取得的成绩满意吗? Bruce:Community is everything. Without community we are nothing. You can copy all of our code and create a clone of Ocean - but you can't clone our community and we're proud of this.We grew out community to 75,000 followers in 2020 from around 30,000. In 2021, we would like to activate community in 10 countries and have 200,000 followers. Every single follower is important. We work for everything. No shortcuts. No fakes. We want people to understand the mission of Ocean and believe in it. Because ultimately, Ocean is about "owning your own data" - data that has value, data that is truly yours. Yes, companies and government can use our data - but it's ours to give. I want our community to believe in this vision and make it their vision. 社区就是一切。没有社区,我们什么都不是。您可以复制我们所有的代码并创建Ocean的克隆版本,但您无法克隆我们的社区,我们为此感到自豪。到2020年,我们的社区从30,000左右增长到75,000粉丝。在2021年,我们希望激活10个国家/地区的社区,并拥有20万名追随者。每个跟随者都很重要,我们为所有工作而努力,没有捷径,没有假货。我们希望人们了解Ocean的使命并相信它。因为归根结底,Ocean是关于“拥有自己的数据”的有价值的数据,真正属于您的数据。公司和政府可以使用我们的数据,但这是我们提供的。我希望我们的社区相信这一愿景,并将其变为自己的愿景 @如意我心:Data is most feared by hackers, as hacking means data is stolen and sold, but there have been a lot of hacking attacks in our cryptocurrency world lately, what does Ocean think about this? Does Ocean have its own insurance and guarantees to protect its platform from hackers? 数据是黑客最害怕的,因为黑客意味着数据被窃取和出售,但最近我们的加密货币世界发生了很多黑客攻击,海洋对此怎么看?海洋是否有自己的保险和担保来保护其平台免受黑客? Bruce:We think a lot about the negative uses of data. But let's be honest, the negative uses happen when a company has weak security and allows hackers to walk in the front door to steal our data. If companies gave us back our data to control, we would all each share responsibility to manage it. Companies are honeypots for hackers. And we want two things to happen. 1) Companies pay a price for holding our data, and are held accountable if something happens and 2) That people know that their data is valuable. This is the only way to rebalance the power in this matter.?For hackers, whenever there are incidents against our community we do everything we can to protect them. We have cooperated with police to hunt down hackers and we will continue to. 我们对数据的负面使用有很多思考。但是当公司的安全性较弱并且允许黑客走前门窃取我们的数据时,就会产生负面影响。如果公司将我们的数据交还我们控制,我们将共同承担管理数据的责任。公司是黑客的蜜罐。我们会确保两件事。1)公司为保存我们的用户数据付出代价,并且在某些事情发生时要承担责任;2)让用户知道他们的数据很有价值。对于黑客来说,每当有针对我们的事件发生时,社区就会尽一切努力保护它们。我们已经与警方合作来追捕黑客,未来也会继续这样做。 @李玉恒:Hello Bruce, Ocean’s vision is to realize the decentralization of data rights. Data is no longer only owned by monopoly technology companies. How does Ocean ensure fair access to data sets? 你好Bruce,Ocean的愿景是实现数据权利的下放,数据不再只属于垄断科技公司,请问Ocean是如何保证数据集访问权限的公平呢? Bruce:Fair access to data happens when every person actually owns their data. In this way, we can exert our rights. Let people have control of their data - it's theirs to use.Right now, its the companies that have control. We need to let them know that web3 technology is going to make it easier and easier to give people control.I enjoyed your questions. Very thoughtful. 当每个人实际拥有自己的数据时,才可以公平地访问数据。这样,我们可以行使自己的权利。让人们控制自己的数据,使用的是他们的数据。现在,拥有控制权的公司。我们需要让他们知道web3技术将使人们的控制变得越来越容易。我很喜欢您的问题,非常周到。 墨客:Okay, thank you Bruce. If you still have questions, you can chat with me privately. Today’s AMA will be organized into an article and sent out. 好的,谢谢Bruce。如果还有问题的可以私聊我交流。今天的AMA我们会整理成文章发出来。 (注:本文仅做研究讨论和信息分享,不作为投资建议。) *您可以在Twitter,?Telegram,LinkedIn,GitHub和Newsletter上关注Ocean Protocol?,以获取项目更新和公告。并可以直接与Discord上的其他开发人员交流。 —- 编译者/作者:BlockTalk 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
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