引言 OccamRazer为专业的风险投资参与者提供了一整套合规性和RegTech工具,以及一个易操作的界面,足以容纳一些的技术参与者 以下为AMA全文 Judy:Could you please introduce the original intention of starting the OCCAM? 请介绍下创办OCCAM项目的初衷是什么? Mark Berger:Being able to provide full-service decentralized fundraising will allow DeFi on Cardano to grow to be a truly global phenomenon. But to date, these components and services haven’t existed. Occam.fi will address the need for decentralized fundraising mechanisms to undertake significant capital raises on Cardano, while also bringing a range of DeFi use cases to Cardano through several components of our ecosystem. The first component of this ecosystem will be Occam.fi’s decentralized funding platform, a launchpad, called OccamRazer. OccamRazer offers a full suite of compliance and RegTech tools for professional venture capital participants, as well as an interface that is user-friendly enough to accommodate less technical participants. OccamRazer is production-ready, and will host its first IDOs very soon. 能够提供全方位服务的分散式筹款将使Cardano上的DeFi成为真正的全球现象级项目。但是到目前为止,这些组成部分和服务还不存在。Occam.fi将解决分散式筹款机制的需求,以在Cardano上进行大量筹资,同时还将通过我们生态系统的多个组成部分为Cardano带来一系列DeFi应用案例。 这个生态系统的第一部分将是Occam.fi的分散式融资平台,一个名为OccamRazer的网站。 OccamRazer为专业的风险投资参与者提供了一整套合规性和RegTech工具,以及一个易操作的界面,足以容纳一些的技术参与者。OccamRazer已准备好投入生产,并将很快托管其首批IDO。 Judy:How about the team background and financing of OCCAM? IDO on April 14th sold out in 1 second, is this kind of market enthusiasm unexpected? 请介绍下OCCAM的团队背景和融资情况?4月14日的IDO在1秒钟结束,这样的市场热度是否也出乎意料? Mark Berger:Actually, it was close to 30 seconds, but yes — it was rapid, unprecedented, and totally unexpected. We were of course equal parts elated that there was such high demand for our token, and also saddened not everyone could participate. But we wanted to show that our OccamRazer platform was ready for market, and ready to host IDOs, it wasn’t so much about completing the full IDO through OccamRazer. This is why we immediately moved to UniSwap when the 200,000 OCC was depleted on OccamRazer, where you could actually acquire OCC for a lower price than on the IDO platform.Imagine the value that will flow to the first projects building on Cardano and raising capital through the OccamRazer platform. We think it will be a sight to behold and a significant step forward for the Cardano ecosystem. 实际上,它接近30秒,非常迅速,前所未有,而且完全出乎意料。当然,我们同样感到欣喜若狂,由于我们对代币的要求太高,所以并非所有人都可以参加的我们的项目。但是,我们想证明我们的OccamRazer平台已准备好投放市场,并准备托管IDO。这就是为什么当OccamRazer上的200,000个OCC耗尽时,我们立即转移到UniSwap的原因,在那里您可以以比IDO平台更低的价格购买OCC。 想象一下,价值将流向(Cardano)上的第一个项目,并通过OccamRazer平台筹集资金。我们认为,这将成为Cardano生态系统的一大亮点,并且是向前迈出的重要一步。 Judy:Why did OCCAM choose Cardano among many public chains and transfer the liquidity on Ethereum to the Cardano ecosystem? 链有很多,OCCAM为何最终选择了Cardano,并将以太坊上的流动性转移到Cardano生态上? Mark Berger:Occam.fi aims to become one of Cardano’s smart DeFi layers, and as such we are focusing on building out a set of components aimed at catalysing Cardano’s on-chain liquidity. Today Cardano is among the most promising blockchain networks in the space across a number of dimensions—including its potential capacity for hosting complex and expressive DeFi applications. Upon finally releasing its multi-asset and native token capabilities through the Mary hard fork, Cardano is now poised for massive inflows of capital. However, without having production-ready smart contract capabilities yet, there are still limitations to how much capital will remain on-chain in these early days. This is where cross-chain bridges could become an infinite loop of liquidity seamlessly transferring between Cardano and other blockchains. This liquidity could be instrumental in the early development of Cardano’s DeFi landscape — and we need to find ways to retain this liquidity within the ecosystem. Occam.fi的目标是成为Cardano的智能DeFi层之一,因此,我们专注于构建一组旨在促进Cardano链上流动性的组件。 如今,Cardano已成为各个领域中最有前途的区块链网络之一,其中包括潜在托管复杂且富有表现力的DeFi应用程序的能力。释放了多资产和token的功能之后,Cardano现在准备大量流入资本。但是,还没有开发出合适的智能合约功能,这些仍然存在局限性。 在这里,跨链可能成为流动性的保障,在Cardano和其他区块链之间进行无缝转移。这种流动性可能有助于CardanoDeFi格局的早期发展-我们需要寻找方法在生态系统中保持这种流动性。 Judy:What is the economic model of OCCAM and how to motivate investors to hold tokens and participate in the OCCAM ecosystem? Will there be incentive activities? OCCAM的经济模型是怎样的,如何激励人们持币和参与到OCCAM生态中?会举办激励活动吗? Mark Berger:Our tokenomics are diverse and subject to change as we grow, and we feel the entire tokenomic model can only be grasped by reading our Medium deep dive, which you can find here(https://medium.com/occam-finance/occ-tokenomics-and-utility-ac0b9a139499). To summarise though, the OCC token will empower access to liquidity mining pools, participation in private liquidity pools, continuous ecosystem diversification through the OccamDAO, paying for pool origination fees, and staking. 我们的代币经济学是多元化的,并且随着我们的成长会发生变化,我们认为只有通过阅读我们的“Medium deep dive”才能掌握整个代币模型。综上所述,OCC代币将使人们能够进入流动性矿池,并参与私人流动池,通过OccamDAO进行持续的生态系统多样化,支付启动费和抵押。 Judy:OCCAM launched the first Ethereum-Cardano cross-chain liquidity bridge. What does this mean for improving the liquidity on the Cardano blockchain? OCCAM推出了首个以太坊-Cardano跨链流动性桥,这对于提高Cardano区块链上的流动性的意义是什么? Mark Berger:Across every blockchain network that has introduced smart contract and multi-asset capabilities, the race is on to bring users, decentralised applications, and, today, probably foremost, decentralised finance (DeFi) to their chain. Instrumental to this ensuing war for liquidity are cross-chain bridges, pieces of smart contract logic that work toward the interchain wrapping of assets — effectively tethering an asset on one blockchain to the value of a matching asset deployed on the source blockchain. Cross-chain bridges are integral to both the long-term prosperity of any multi-asset blockchain network; and they are critical to boosting the on-chain liquidity of a blockchain. Projects launching through OccamRazer will also be able to make use of this cross-chain bridge, giving projects planning to launch on Cardano access to Ethereum user base and liquidity. 在引入了智能合约和多资产功能的每个区块链网络中,竞赛都在将用户,去中心化应用程序以及当今最重要的去中心化金融(DeFi)中进行。 随之而来的流动性战争的工具是跨链,这是智能合约逻辑的一部分,可用于资产的链间包装—有效地将一个区块链上的资产与来源区块链上部署的匹配资产的价值捆绑在一起。 跨链对于任何多资产区块链网络的长期繁荣都是不可或缺的。它们对于提高区块链的链上流动性至关重要。通过OccamRazer启动的项目也将能够利用跨链,从而使计划在Cardano上启动的项目能够访问以太坊用户群和流动性。 Judy:OCCAM's upcoming OccamRazer is a financing platform built on Cardano. What are the features compared to other IDO platforms? What criteria of projects are you looking for? How can one project be launched through it? OCCAM即将上线的OccamRazer是建立在Cardano上的融资平台,相比其他IDO平台有何特色? Mark Berger:OccamRazer, alongside our planned Ethereum to Cardano liquidity bridge, will allow young startups who have passed the idea-validation stage to raise serious amounts of capital in a decentralised way. By mobilising the collective power of both the Cardano and Ethereum ecosystems, carefully selected projects with strong potential for growth can offer their tokens through OccamRazer’s launchpad facilities. Projects can apply to launch through our IDO platform, OccamRazer. They can also apply for verified status, or ‘ProjectX’ status, which gives them access to an investment by the OccamDAO. This investment buys up to 20% of a project's token cap, and immediately distributes this to OCC token stakeholders with at least $2,000 in OCC. This is a huge and disruptive feedback mechanism of rewarding stakeholders and encouraging solid projects to list through the OccamRazer platform. Project criteria will focus on those startups that bring true value into the Cardano ecosystem. OccamRazer是我们计划中的以太坊与Cardano之间的流动性桥梁,将使已经通过构想验证阶段的年轻初创公司以去中心化的方式筹集大量资金。通过动员Cardano和以太坊生态系统的集体力量,精心挑选的具有强大增长潜力的项目,使他们可以通过OccamRazer提供代币。 可以通过我们的IDO平台OccamRazer申请启动项目。他们还可以申请已验证状态或“ ProjectX”状态,这使他们可以查看OccamDAO的投资。这项投资最多购买项目代币上限的20%,并立即将其分发给OCC代币拥有者至少2,000美元的OCC。 这是一个巨大的反馈机制,可以奖励利益相关者并鼓励可靠的项目通过OccamRazer平台上市。项目标准将重点关注那些为Cardano生态系统带来真正价值的初创公司。 Judy:What do you think of the development of current DeFi projects on Ethereum? In contrast, will OCCAM have any innovations? 你如何看待以太坊目前的DeFi项目的发展?相比之下,OCCAM会有有哪些创新之举吗? Mark Berger:Ethereum has a flourishing DeFi ecosystem. But it’s time some of this value moved to other blockchains, especially with the ever increasing gas fees and network congestion on Ethereum. Therefore, we are proud to offer the decentralised cross-chain liquidity bridge necessary for this exodus. 以太坊拥有繁荣的DeFi生态系统。但是现在是时候将一些转移到其他区块链上了,特别是随着以太坊的gas费和网络拥挤程度不断提高。因此,我们很自豪为这次外流提供必要的分散式跨链工具。 Judy:What is the overall progress of the OCCAM project, and what are the immediate actions and subsequent plans? OCCAM项目的总体进展如何,近期及后续的路线规划是怎样的? Mark Berger:Our OccamRazer platform is ready to host the first IDOs who want to leverage our purpose-built launchpad solution. We will also be releasing more details on OccamX, the OccamDAO, and more very soon, so stay tuned. 我们的OccamRazer平台已准备就绪,可以托管第一个希望利用我们专用的解决方案的IDO。我们还将很快发布有关OccamX,OccamDAO的更多详细信息,敬请期待。 Judy:DeFi was born in Ethereum, but currently it is also prosperous on the pulic chain of exchanges like Binance BSC,which has fewer validation nodes and higher concentration. In the long run, which type of public chain do you think is more suitable for the development of DeFi. Does OCCAM have plans to transfer the liquidity on the BSC chain to the Cardano ecosystem in the later stage? DeFi诞生于以太坊,但目前在币安BSC这样验证节点较少、集中度过高的交易所公链上同样很繁荣。长远来看,你认为哪种类型的公链更适合DeFi的发展,OCCAM后期有将BSC链上的流动性转移到Cardano生态上的计划吗? Mark Berger:As we proved through our strategic collaboration with the Bitcoin.com Exchange for custodial services, we are highly motivated to bring liquidity from other blockchain’s to Cardano. At the moment, this only includes the Ethereum blockchain, but we will certainly evaluate other blockchains in the future. Our Ethereum to Cardano liquidity bridge is. 正如我们通过与Bitcoin.com的托管服务战略合作证明的那样,我们非常有动力将流动性从其他区块链带到Cardano。?目前,这仅包括以太坊区块链,但我们肯定会在未来评估其他区块链。 Judy:The congestion problem on Ethereum hinders the further development of DeFi. Will there be such a problem on Cardano, and what impact will it have on the development of OCCAM? 以太坊上的拥堵问题阻碍了DeFi的进一步发展,在Cardano上会面临这样的问题吗,对OCCAM的发展会造成哪些影响? Mark Berger:While we do not envisage Cardano encountering the same transactional congestion issues as the Ethereum blockchain, we cannot say for certain what the future will look like for Cardano’s on-chain activity. What we can say is that at the moment, gas and waiting times on Ethereum have reached a breaking point, and Cardano looks to have an affordable and fast solution. We also look forward to seeing how IOHK’s research into Hydra for scaling will upgrade the Cardano ecosystem as it grows. 虽然我们不认为Cardano会遇到与以太坊区块链相同的交易拥堵问题,但是我们无法确定Cardano的链上活动的未来会是什么样。我们可以说的是,目前,以太坊上的gas费和等待时间已经达到了一个临界点,而Cardano似乎希望有一个快速解决方案。我们也期待看到IOHK对Hydra进行扩展的研究将如何随着Cardano生态系统的发展对其进行升级。 Judy:The NFT field is growing very rapidly recently. Does OCCAM have any plans to introduce NFT into the protocol? 最近NFT领域发展非常迅速, OCCAM有没有将NFT引入协议的想法? Mark Berger:We will have details on NFT initiatives very soon. Please make sure you follow our social media for more information on this! 我们将很快提供有关NFT计划的详细信息。请确保您关注我们的社交媒体以获取更多信息! Judy:At present, the market value of Coinbase and Binance are both around US$80 billion, while the market value of Uniswap has reached around US$20 billion. What do you think of the competition between the CEX and DEX? What will OCCAM’s position be in this? 目前,Coinbase 和币安的市值都在800亿美金左右,而Uniswap的市值也达到了200亿美金上下,你如何看待CEX和DEX的竞争? Mark Berger:In terms of valuations, we believe that when it comes to Cardano, all bets are off! As our IDO proved, the Cardano community is absolutely huge, and crying out for DeFi tools. So, we do believe that DEX tools developed for the Cardano ecosystem could one day compete with centralised trading platforms. We believe that the community factor alone could expedite the adoption of platforms and solutions building on Cardano. In the future we aim to fill this niche through best-in-class decentralized exchange solutions, offering a range of trading products, launchpad capabilities, staking mechanisms, and rewards for token holders. Through carefully and fairly designed decentralised ecosystems that provide all of the same features and components as CEX trading venues, we believe that the DEX revolution will naturally transform the blockchain industry back to its decentralised roots. 正如我们的IDO所证明的那样,Cardano社区绝对庞大,并且在呼唤DeFi工具。因此,我们确实相信为Cardano生态系统开发的DEX工具有一天可以与集中式交易平台竞争。 我们认为,仅凭社区因素就可以加快在Cardano上构建平台和解决方案的速度。未来,我们旨在通过一流的去中心化交易所解决方案来填补这一空白,提供一系列交易产品,冷启动功能,放样机制以及为令牌持有者提供的奖励。通过精心设计,设计合理的去中心化生态系统,这些生态系统提供与CEX交易场所相同的功能和服务,我们相信DEX革命将自然地将区块链行业转变回去中心化的根源。 —- 编译者/作者:499区块链小姐姐 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
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