2021 年 5 月 12 日晚上 7 点,Lever Network 首席科学家 Frank 做客Uniswap中文社区,由Uniswap中文社区首席分析师Jimmi主持,带来“Lever Network如何在DeFi进行杠杆交易?”的主题AMA直播活动。本次直播活动由区块方舟 BlockArk 支持,链闻 ChainNews、星球日报 Odaily、区块律动 BlockBeats、加密阁媒体支持,直播分享内容整理如下: Jimmi:大家好啊,欢迎参加今天在Uniswap中文社区举办的AMA,我是今天的主持人Jimmi,Uniswap中文社区的首席分析师。同时感谢星球日报、链闻、区块律动、加密阁对本次活动的支持。 在活动开始前容我先简单介绍下BlockArk。BlockArk是一家加密资产行业的投资银行与市场营销机构,旗下管理专注加密货币一二级基金ArkStream Capital。BlockArk集投资、品牌、市场增长、战略咨询为一体,致力于推动Web3.0的独角兽们成长。 今天AMA的主题是“Lever network如何在DeFi上进行杠杆交易”,嘉宾是Lever Network 的首席科学家Frank。 今天的AMA活动分为两个阶段,第一个阶段为主题问答,我会提出10个提前准备好的问题,以一问一答的形式进行。10个问题结束后,会进入第二个阶段,自由问答。群友可以对嘉宾自由提问,嘉宾自由选择其中4-5个问题进行回答。被选中问题的小伙伴,将会共同瓜分价值100个 LEV token奖励。 Jimmi:Welcome to the Uniswap Chinese community. Before starting, can you tell us what the team and Lever Network do? 欢迎做客Uniswap中文社区,在开始之前能和我们介绍一下团队和Lever Network是做什么的吗? Frank:Lever is aiming to build a bridge between the lending protocols and the DEXes to facilitate users to carry out leverage tradings and improve the capital utilization. Lever旨在借贷协议与DEX之间建立桥梁,以方便用户进行杠杆交易,促进资本的高效利用。 Jimmi:好的,谢谢,接下来我们的AMA第一部分现在正式开始。 Jimmi:What is the advantage of decentralized leveraged trading over centralized leveraged trading? Are there any other bottlenecks in current decentralized margin trading products that need to be broken through? 第一个问题:您认为去中心化的杠杆交易相对于中心化的杠杆交易有什么优势?当前在去中心化的保证金交易产品还有哪儿些瓶颈需要突破? Frank:Looking at all those existing DeFi projects, we can see that the lending protocol usually does not provide a direct lending trading scenario for the users, and most DEXes do not provide lending services. Even though users obtain tradable and transferable assets by lending contracts and deposit, there is alomost nowhere for users to make the next move about this asset. 纵观现有DeFi产品,我们会发现,借贷平台往往没有直接的借款交易场景,同时,大部分去中心化交易所(DEX)不提供借贷服务。用户通过借贷协议、质押资产获得的可交易、可转移的质押凭证,却几乎无处可用。 In addition, the Defi industry currently has more than $100 billion TVL, of which the lending protocols and DEXes account for about 90% of total. From this data, we can see that the lending protocols and the DEXes are two very important parts in the DeFi industry, but those two nearly have overlap between each other, which results in low capital utilization. 另外,目前DeFi产业的总锁仓量已达超过1000亿美元,其中借贷产业与去中心化交易所产品的锁仓量约占90%。通过这个数据我们可以看出,借贷产品与去中心化交易所是DeFi产业的两大重要支柱,但这两者却鲜有交集,因此导致了较低的资本利用率。 So this is the reason we built Lever in the first place, Lever team really wants to make things different and solve the problem of low capital utilization in DeFi. 这就是我们当初建立Lever的原因,我们想要彻底的改变DeFi市场中资本利用率低下的问题。 Jimmi: In the derivatives trading track, we see that there are many excellent products such as dydx. As an earlier DeFi product, dYdX has accumulated a certain amount of trading liquidity through a self-built order book. Compared with dydx, do you think the advantage of Lever Network lies in where? 第二个问题:在衍生品交易赛道我们看到有很多优秀的产品比如说dydx,dYdX 作为较早的 DeFi 产品通过自建的订单簿积累了一定的交易流动性,相对于dydx,您觉得Lever Network的优势在哪里? Frank:The biggest advantage of Lever protocol is the high liquidity and efficient capital utilization. Lever最大的优势在于协议强大的交易流动性和高效资产利用的有机结合。 Compared with DYDX, their OrderBook trading mode naturally limits the injection of external assets, so it can be seen that DYDX only has a few trading pairs, such as BTC/USDT and ETH/DAI, and the liquidity provided is far from meeting the normal trading needs. It relies heavily on the involvement of market makers and does not motivate more users to participate in trading. 相比dYdX,虽然其现货杠杆交易平台早已上线,但因其 order book 的交易模式天然限制了外部闲置资产的注入,所以可以看到 dYdX 只有 BTC/USDT、ETH/DAI 等少量交易对,流动性远未满足正常交易需求,非常依赖于机构做市商的介入,无法激励更多用户参与交易。 Jimmi:Sufficient trading liquidity is one of the important factors for the success of leveraged financial derivatives. How does Lever Network ensure sufficient liquidity? What asset leveraged trading does Lever currently support? 充足的交易流动性是杠杆类的金融衍生品成功的重要因素之一,请问Lever Network是如何确保流动性的充足的?当前Lever都支持哪些资产的杠杆交易? Frank:In order to solve those problems, Lever has made several innovations. 针对这些问题,Lever提出了自己创新的解决方案。 Lever built a bridge between tokens(which including A-token and C-token)and AMM-Based DEXes, in which way, users can easily deposit, lend, open position and close position in just one place without the needing to transfer to other platforms. Lever将用户钱包的原生token及存款凭证(aToken、cToken)与DEX的AMM打通,用户可以在Lever非常简单的存款??借款??开仓??平仓。 我们还通过引入外部自动做市商(如UniSwap、Sushi、Pancake等),保证平台充足的交易流动性,交易者可选择开仓做多或做空。 Moreover, Lever also connect AMM-based platforms such as UniSwap, to provide higher liquidity. Users are able to buy long or sell short on Lever. Despite WBTC/ETH, Lever also supports other ERC20 assets like SNX/UNI/AAVE. 其次,Lever除了支持交易常见的WBTC和ETH之外,还支持其他常见的ERC20 token,如SNX、UNI和AAVE。 Jimmi:The next question is about tokens. How is LEV empowered in the Lever network? Can you tell us about LEV? What is the logic to ensure the long-term growth of LEV prices? 接下来是关于代币的问题,请问LEV是如何在Lever network中被赋能的?可以给我们介绍一下LEV吗?能保证LEV价格长期增长的逻辑是什么? Frank:Right after mainnet launch, Lever will start liquidity mining, which will surely increase the value of LEV tokens. Lev has connected with some top dex to have LP mining. 在主网上线后,我们会即刻开启流动性挖矿,这点确保了LEV的长期增长。Lever引入了一些头部交易所确保平台保持足够的流动性。 Jimmi:Regarding the governance token LEV, we would like to know what is the governance process of Lever network? What are the governance rights of LEV? 关于治理代币LEV, 我们想知道Lever network的治理流程是怎样的?LEV的治理权限都有哪些? Frank:The governance will include the vote to enable more tokens for depositing into Lever and margin trading. It will have the snapshot based on how many LEV you have to cast to vote. In the future, when LEV reaches top tier dapps, we will definitely enable more functions of lev. 治理代币LEV的流程包括投票允许更多代币存入Lever和保证金交易,社区投票LEV将决定快照。将来,LEV将成为顶级的dApp,Lever一定会为LEV注入更多功能。 Jimmi:Now we are gradually seeing a trend. Many projects have begun to break the "islands" and gradually cross-chain to other public chain ecosystems, such as BSC, Solona, and Matic. Does Lever Network also have cross-chain plans or plans? 现在我们逐渐看见一个趋势,很多项目都开始打破“孤岛”,开始逐步跨链到其他的公链生态,比如BSC、Solona、Matic这些,请问Lever Network是否也有跨链的方案或者计划? Frank:Now Lever.Network has launched the ETH Beta version.And we will launch mainnet this week on BSC and then ETH. 目前Lever.network已推出以太坊的Beta版本,主网将于本周陆续在BSC和ETH上线。 Jimmi:感谢 Frank 的精彩分享,我们第一阶段的主题问答先告一段落,接下来进入自由问答阶段。群友可以对嘉宾自由提问,嘉宾自由选择其中5个问题进行回答。被选中问题的小伙伴,将会共同瓜分价值100 $LEV的奖励。那我们的自由问题环节现在开始: 【自由问答环节】 问:If?the?liquidator?can?participate?in?the?liquidation?at?zero?cost,?how?to?solve?the?run?risk?when?the?liquidity?is?insufficient? 如果清算人能够以零成本参与清算,如何解决流动性不足时的运行风险? Frank:Liquidation?is?a?process?that?occurs?when?a?trader's?risk?rate?goes?below?100?percent?due?to?their?collateral?value?not?properly?covering?their?loan/debt?value.?This?might?happen?when?the?collateral?decreases?in?value?or?the?borrowed?debt?increases?in?value?against?one?another. 清算是一个过程,当一个交易者的风险率低于100%,因为他们的抵押品价值没有适当地覆盖他们的贷款/债务价值。这种情况可能发生在抵押品价值下降或借来的债务相对于其他债务升值时。 In?a?liquidation,?up?to?50?percent?of?a?borrower's?debt?is?repaid?and?that?fee?(Value?+?Liquidation)?is?taken?from?the?collateral?available,?so?after?liquidation,?the?amounts?liquidated?from?your?debt?are?repaid. 在清算中,多达50%的借款人的债务被偿还,而该费用(价值+清算)则从可用的抵押品中提取,因此在清算后,从您的债务中清算的金额将被偿还。 问:I?saw?on?your?website?that?you?are?only?in?beta?at?the?moment.?When?will?it?be?officially?launched? 我在你的网站上看到你目前只处于测试阶段。什么时候正式启动? Frank: BSC. 问: Is?lever?currently?working?with?or?about?to?work?with?well-known?investors?or?institutions? Lever目前是否正在或者即将和知名的投资人士或机构合作?Frank: More?world?famous?fund?will?he?touched. 我们将会获得海内外各个知名投资机构的支持。 问: What problems has lever solved in the industry and what are the highlights of the project? 请问lever解决了行业内的什么问题,项目上有什么亮点? Frank: The?original?intention?of?Lever?is?to?solve?the?problem?of?low?capital?utilization?and?poor?liquidity?in?the?leverage?trading?market?of?DEFI. 杠杆的初衷是解决DEFI杠杆交易市场资金利用率低、流动性差的问题。 问: How much leverage can be opened on your platform? Lever平台能开出多少倍杠杆? Frank:Up?to?3x?at?this?moment. 目前最高可达3倍。 Jimmi:好的,今天的AMA就到这里结束了,再次感谢 Frank 的精彩分享,额外获奖的小伙伴可以私聊sumi@BlockArk小助手登记信息,谢谢大家积极参与! 未来BlockArk将给大家带来更多的优质项目和内容分享,只要保持关注Uniswap中文社区,或者关注@BlockArk区块方舟,即可第一时间获得相关信息。本次AMA的内容回顾也将发布在微博和各大媒体,敬请期待! *注:本文仅做研究讨论和信息分享,不作为投资建议。 —- 编译者/作者:Uniswap中文社区 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
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