节点实验室进度公告(中译) 前言亲爱的世界数据库矿工朋友们:首先感谢大家长期以来的关注和支持,特别是在最近的 testnet 测试过程中,抽出时间和精力,积极配合我们进行测试,为 Worlddatabase 的早期发展做出了不可磨灭的贡献。您的每一份测试数据都将记录在我们的创世区块中,并将与 Worlddatabase 承载的人类数据一起永远存在。 (主网正式上线倒计时) 测试网介绍截至 6 月 20 日,Worlddatabase 测试网经过一个月的测试已顺利完成。测试网络分为以下 4 个阶段进行测试,历时 1 个月。具体如下: 第一阶段是小规模、浅层的内部测试阶段。主要用于项目分类和技术逻辑的修订。节点实验室的核心成员参与测试的规划。 第二阶段是邀请测试。我们主要邀请早期代码贡献者和第三方技术公司参与,以避免开发人员因固有思维而产生的盲点。 第三阶段是集群测试。遍布全球的几个大型社区通过集群连接起来,以增加主网的计算能力。本次压力测试保证了主网在极端条件下的正常运行。 第四阶段模拟测试,我们邀请来自俄罗斯、美国、中国、日本等地的矿工参与真实网络环境的综合模拟,并识别测试数据产生的代币。 从这四个测试阶段的表现来看,从 2018 年开始,节点实验室开发者的早期代码质量相当高,整体测试比较顺利。当然,我们也测试了主网连接不稳定、主链出块间隔等一系列不足。我们及时解决了它们。正是因为广大社区,尤其是测试矿工们的无私奉献,通过这次测试,Worlddatabase 得到了完善,为世界贡献了一个以永远承载人类数据为使命的 Worlddatabase。 主网上线计划 接下来,我们将于 6 月 21 日正式启动万众期待的 Worlddatabase 主网上线工作,预计计划公布如下:1. 主网启动软启动1.1 主网(https://main.worlddb.io)将于特拉维夫时间 2021 年 6 月 21 日 22:30 (GMT+3)上线主网软件。整个软启动期为 6 月 21 日至 6 月 30 日。1.2 主网软启动和体验结束后,节点实验室将为在主网上建立的矿工提供空投奖励。奖励方案为:每日矿工创建空投奖励,每个矿工 ID 号可获得 0.1WD 奖励。1.3 矿工必须满足以下条件才有资格获得空投:(a) 创建和生成 WD 矿工 ID 号,创建和生成 WD 钱包地址,(b) 每个矿工号可以获得 0.1WD 的奖励。(c) 每天创建的前 1500 名矿工将获得奖励。(d) 空投开始时间:7 月 1 日(主网上线后)。(e) 空投截止日期:7 月 11 日 23:59。2. 开放全网节点建设从 7 月 11 日起,矿工全网将全面开放,并开放主网钱包 API 接口。届时,将开放链下提现操作。3. 测试网空投测试网空投奖励截止时间为:2021 年 7 月 11 日 23:59。在此期间,所有参与测试网挖矿的矿工都将获得空投奖励。空投奖励计划将在确认后另行通知。另外,testnet 会长期保留,新手矿工可以在 testnet 上模拟搭建(https://www1.worlddb.io/)。 在此,希望全球社区和矿工朋友能够积极参与到主网的建设中来。虽然我们给予的空投奖励对于 Worlddatabase 的长期发展价值来说微不足道。然而,您今天的小小的参与将大大推进我们永远承载人类数据的梦想。再次感谢所有关心和关注世界数据库的朋友。随着 Worlddatabase 的发展,Node Lab 将成为您强大的技术后盾。 注:以上内容为官方英文公告中译版 Node Lab Progress Announcement WorldDatabase Node Lab Progress AnnouncementDear Friends of World Database Miners:First of all, thank you for your long-term attention and support, especially during the recent testnet testing process, for taking time and energy, actively cooperating with us in testing, and making an indelible contribution to the early development of Worlddatabase. Every piece of your test data will be recorded in our genesis block and will exist forever with the human data carried by the Worlddatabase. As of June 20, the Worlddatabase testnet has been successfully completed after a month of testing. The test network is divided into the following 4 stages for testing, which lasted one month. they are: The first stage is a small-scale, shallow internal test stage. Mainly used for project classification and revision of technical logic. The core members of the node laboratory participate in the planning of the test. The second stage is an invitation test. We mainly invite early code contributors and third-party technology companies to participate in order to avoid the blind spots of developers due to inherent thinking. The third stage is cluster testing. Several large communities all over the world are connected through clusters to increase the computing power of the main network. This stress test ensures the normal operation of the main network under extreme conditions. In the fourth stage of simulation testing, we invite miners from Russia, the United States, China, Japan and other places to participate in a comprehensive simulation of the real network environment and identify the tokens generated by the test data. In terms of the performance of these four test phases, starting from 2018, the early code quality of node lab developers is quite high, and the overall test is relatively smooth. Of course, we also tested a series of deficiencies such as unstable main network connection and main chain block interval. We resolved them in time. It is precisely because of the selfless dedication of the broad community, especially the test miners, that through this test, Worlddatabase has been improved and contributed to the world a Worlddatabase with the mission of always carrying human data. Next, we will officially launch the long-awaited Worlddatabase mainnet online work on June 21. It is expected that the plan will be announced as follows: 1. Main net start soft start 1.1 The main network (https://main.worlddb.io) will launch the main network software at 22:30 (GMT+3) on June 21, 2021, Tel Aviv time. The entire soft start period is from June 21 to June 30. 1.2 After the mainnet soft start and the end of the experience, the Node Lab will provide airdrop rewards to miners established on the mainnet. The reward scheme is: daily miners create airdrop rewards, and each miner ID number can get 0.1WD reward. 1.3 Miners must meet the following conditions to be eligible for airdrops: (A) Create and generate WD miner ID number, create and generate WD wallet address, (b) Each miner number can get a reward of 0.1WD. ? The first 1500 miners created every day will be rewarded. (d) Airdrop start time: July 1 (after the mainnet goes live). (e) Airdrop deadline: July 11 at 23:59. 2. Open the whole network node construction Starting from July 11, the whole network of miners will be fully accessible, and the mainnet wallet API interface will be opened. At that time, the off-chain withdrawal operation will be open. 3. Testnet airdrop The deadline for the testnet airdrop award is: July 11, 2021 at 23:59. During this period, all miners participating in testnet mining will receive airdrop rewards. The airdrop reward plan will be notified separately after confirmation. In addition, the testnet will be retained for a long time, and novice miners can simulate the construction on the testnet(Https://www1.worlddb.io/). Here, I hope that the global community and friends of miners can actively participate in the construction of the main network. Although the airdrop rewards we give are insignificant for the long-term development value of Worlddatabase. However, your small participation today will greatly advance our dream of carrying human data forever. Thanks again to all friends who care about and follow the world database. With the development of Worlddatabase, Node Lab will become your strong technical backing. —- 编译者/作者:WorldDatabase世库 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
2021-06-22 WorldDatabase世库 来源:区块链网络
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