$Link holders that are confused, frustrated, or impatient on $Link launching staking, weekly token sales by @chainlnk, software still short of 1.0 version, etc. There are a few things you need to understand. This is what I feel needs to be known, but not been explained well. 对于$Link还未发布staking,每周Chainlink销售代币和软件依旧低于1.0版本等问题感到困惑,沮丧或不耐烦的$Link持有者们。有一些你们需要理解的事情。以下是我觉得应该被了解,但是没有被很好的解释的地方。 Let me first start by saying that I believe $Link is the most significant project in crypto and offers the greatest financial opportunity because of the endless use case it provides and demand it will generate as it becomes the standard for truth and trust throughout the world.… 首先,我认为$Link是加密领域最重要的项目,因为$Link可以提供无穷无尽的实际应用,对他的需求同时让它变成全世界范围内对于信任的标准,所以$Link可以提供巨大的财富机会。 …I know that is a very bold statement to make, but I make that statement with absolute confidence and conviction. Any $Link holder daring to call themselves a Marine will hold the same conviction, whether they are able to clearly articulate why they hold that belief or not. 我知道这是一个非常大胆的陈述,但是我有绝对的信心和信念做出这个陈述。任何敢宣称自己是Marine的$Link持有者将会持有相同的信念,无论他们是否能够清晰准确的阐述清楚他们为什么持有这样的信念。 First, one must understand that $Link can't be defined as just one thing (i.e. data feed). $Link is a suite of services designed to meet the needs & challenges of the crypto space as a whole. Enabling higher security, more fairness, greater transparency and cost savings. 首先,大家必须要理解$Link不能被定义为单一的一个功能(例如实时数据更新服务)。$Link是一个被设计出来作为一个整体来满足整个加密领域需求和挑战的一整套服务。$Link可以保证更高的安全性,公平性,透明性和成本节省。 @Chainlink is a middleware toolbox that gives blockchain developers all they need to focus on their core project features and the blockchain industry, and retails industries looking to connect to blockchain, trusted standards for connectivity, security and truth. @Chainlink是一个中间件工具箱,为区块链开发者提供了他们所需要的一切,以专注于他们的核心项目功能和区块链行业,以及希望连接到区块链的零售行业,可信赖的连接标准,安全性和真实性。 Quicklist of $Link services which you can research independently are: Secure Oracle Price Feeds, Verifiable Random Function, Fair Sequencing Services, Dynamic NFT's, Proof of Reserve, Off-Chain Reporting, Keepers, Cross Chain Bridging, and upcoming features like DECO and Staking. 您可以独立研究的$Link服务列表有:安全的预言机喂价,可验证的随机功能,公平交易排序服务,动态NFT,储备证明,链下报告,Keepers,交叉链桥,以及即将到来的功能,如DECO和Staking. $Link has existing integrations with almost 700 other projects, node launches by enterprise retail companies and close development partnerships with retail groups like Swift, Google, DocuSign & recently Nexus Lexus. With consistently 30+ more added monthly. $Link已经与其他近700个项目进行了整合,企业零售公司推出节点,并与Swift、谷歌、DocuSign和最近的Nexus Lexus等零售集团建立了密切的开发伙伴关系。合作每月持续保持增加30个以上。 Sounds great @LinkSemper...but then why isn't $Link token $1000+ already? Why the constant \"dumping\" of tokens each week, and why isn't staking released yet? All GREAT questions that everyone in the community would love answers to directly from @sergeynazarov. But we don't. 听起来不错@LinkSemper……但为什么$Link token还没有达到1000美元以上呢?为什么每周都有大量代币“抛售”,为什么Staking还没推出呢?所有这些“大”问题,社区中的每个人都希望直接从@sergeynazarov得到答案。但是我们没有。 I have, what I feel, is a pretty accurate answer. I base this answer on my 20+ years in business development, knowledge of @Chainlink, and where this overall industry is as a whole right now. The answer is simply \"IT'S NOT TIME YET AND TIMING IS EVERYTHING!\" Let me explain: 我自己有一个答案,我觉得这个答案相当准确。我的回答是基于我20多年的业务发展经验,对@Chainlink的了解,以及这个行业目前的整体状况。答案很简单:“现在还不是时候,时机就是一切!”让我来解释一下: The magnitude of what $Link looks to accomplish with smart contracts and making the world a better place is staggering. The ramification & impact, when successful, are going to be historic on an unprecedented scale. @sergeynazarov knows this and so does the @chainlink team. $Link通过智能合约和让世界变得更美好所要实现的目标是惊人的。一旦成功,其影响将是史无前例的。@sergeynazarov和@chainlink团队都知道这一点。 So getting the official launch right, means everything...and not just for the $Link enterprise of solutions...but for token holders as well. So let me address the 3 questions above (token price too low, weekly token release, and explicit staking launch) one at a time. 所以正确的正式发行意味着一切……不仅仅是为$Link企业提供解决方案…但对于代币持有者也是如此。所以让我一次解决上述3个问题(代币价格太低,代币每周释放,明确Staking推出)。 I am going to start with Explicit Staking and work backwards, as I believe this shows the dependency of each of these and how they are tied together in the grand scheme of things, why they are necessary and how they are ultimately great for the long term success of $Link. 我先逆向从最后一个Staking开始说,因为我认为Staking展示了这三者的独立性,同时他们在宏伟的计划中如何相互联系在一起的,为什么他们是必要的和在$Link长期成功中他们为何是如此的重要。 Explicit Staking is the ultimate \"On Switch\" for the @Chainlink ecosystem. Everything economically relies on staking to be live and working for $Link to sustain itself and grow long term. This feature can't go live till everything else is in place AND demand can support it. Staking是@Chainlink生态系统的终极“开关”。经济上的一切都依赖于Staking的生存和工作,Staking为$Link维持自身和长期增长。这个功能只有在其他一切就绪且需求能够支持它时才能运行。 So of those 650+ integrations, many are still in their infancy, pre-release development or critical early growth. Many of these projects are probably not revenue positive yet & not ready to support the $Link service costs necessary should staking go live. 因此,在这650多个集成中,许多仍处于婴儿期,处于发布前的开发阶段或关键的早期发展阶段。许多这样的项目可能还没有带来积极的收入,还没有准备好支持Satking上线后$Link服务的成本。 I don't know if any of these integrations are incurring a cost or not at the moment. I would possibly argue they aren't, and for good reason. $Link wants and needs as many integrations as it can get. It's the \"loss leader\" or \"free trial\" approach to acquiring clients. 我不知道目前这些整合是否会产生成本。我可能会说他们不是,而且理由很充分。$Link想要并且需要尽可能多的集成。这是一种“亏本买卖”或“免费试用”的方式来获取客户。 This approach isn't new by any means, it's been used by the likes of Amazon, Tesla, Facebook and countless software companies throughout the world. It is rocket fuel to generate the coveted \"Network Affect\" that creates parabolic growth and profit. But it has a real cost! 这种方法并不新鲜,亚马逊(Amazon)、特斯拉(Tesla)、Facebook和世界各地无数的软件公司都在使用这种方法。这是火箭燃料产生令人垂涎的“网络效应”,创造抛物线增长和利润。但这是有代价的! This cost leads me to the weekly token release by @Chainlink. Many call this \"dumping\" or price suppression...but it simply isn't the case. What it is, is NECESSARY. $Link needs node operators and data feed suppliers as well, and you can't expect them to work for free. 这个成本让我想到了Chainlink的代币每周释放。许多人称之为“倾销”或价格抑制……但事实并非如此。它是什么,是必要的。$Link还需要节点运营商和数据馈送供应商,你不能指望他们免费工作。 There are hardware, staffing, development and other costs associated with operating nodes and since integrated projects are, most likely, not fully paying for services yet, $Link must supplement and support the network. To do this, 1.5M tokens on average are released each week. 这些包括与操作节点相关的硬件、人员、开发和其他费用,而且由于综合项目很可能还没有完全支付服务费用,$Link必须补充和支持网络。为了做到这一点,平均每周释放150万个代币。 This practice is neither nefarious, greedy or manipulative...it simply a necessity to reach the end goal and execute strategy properly. However, there are additional costs of doing this beyond the sale of the tokens for supplementing the network, and that is the effect on price. 这种做法既不邪恶,也不贪婪,也不具有操纵性。它只是达到最终目标和正确执行策略的必要条件。然而,除了出售代币补充网络之外,这样做还有额外的成本,这就是对价格的影响。 While I would argue the weekly release of tokens has a miniscule effect on price, there is no doubt that more tokens consistently coming into the market increases supply, which could in turn weaken the demand. But I believe that is the lease of reasons for a low $Link price. 虽然我认为每周发行的代币对价格的影响很小,但毫无疑问,越来越多的代币持续进入市场增加了供应,这可能反过来削弱需求。但我认为,$Link价格较低是租赁的原因。 I believe the price of $Link is low for a number of reasons. Each of these reason compound each other and make $Link an excellent target of manipulation by traders. First is the diehard nature of $Link marines. 我认为$Link的价格低是有很多原因的。这些原因相互叠加,使$Link成为交易者操纵的绝佳目标。首先是$Link marine的顽固本质。 We look to accumulate and stake, with no consideration of selling. Second is that of leverage in the market. $Link is able to be held as collateral and borrowed against on major protocols like @AAVEAAVE @UnfederalReserve and others. Link Marine希望积累和stake,而不考虑出售。 其次是市场中的杠杆。$Link可以作为抵押品持有,并根据@AAVEAAVE @UnfederalReserve等主要协议进行借贷。 Third is speculative holders that only look for parabolic growth and dump at the first sign of price reduction. 第三种是投机性持有者,他们只寻求抛物线增长,一旦出现价格下跌的迹象就抛售。 All of these factors combined, along with weekly token release sets up an environment in which $Link price can be played with through strategic dumps and buys, especially in low volume periods. 所有这些因素结合起来,再加上每周的代币释放,就形成了一个环境,在这个环境中,Link的价格可以通过策略性的抛售和买入来发挥作用,特别是在成交量低的时期。 Now these factors aren't unique to just $Link, but I do believe it has one of the highest availabilities and until staking does go live, it is known that demand is malleable. So what is the answer then. HODL, swing trade, what? 现在这些因素并不仅仅是$Link所独有的,但我相信它的可用性是最高的,而且在staking上线之前,需求是可塑的。 那么答案是什么呢?HODL,短线交易? This is a question you have to answer for yourself based on your goals, risk level and expectations. What I will say is that $Link is an absolute long term play for me and my #1 bag I continue to build. 这是一个你必须根据自己的目标、风险水平和预期自行回答的问题。我想说的是,$Link对我来说绝对是一个长期游戏,我将继续将$Link作为我的第一持仓。 英文原文:https://twitter.com/LinkSemper/status/1424515453041397766?s=19$LINK?#chainlink# —- 编译者/作者:怕瓦落地789 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
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