Artemisclouds着力用技术铸造加密资产安全壁垒,是智能合约安全审计的专家 Artemisclouds(简称:Artemis审计),是一家加拿大专注于区块链生态安全的企业,团队扎根区块链安全与应用技术研究,以丰富的安全攻防实战经验结合人工智能数据分析处理,为用户提供区块链安全漏洞风险检测、安全审计、安全防御、资产追溯,以及企业级区块链应用创新解决方案。 目前公司总部位于加拿大安大略,公司团队由从事安全攻防技术研究和安全服务多年且经验丰富的高 级网络安全专家组成,成员均来自网络安全领军企业的安全研究员及大型互 联网企业 安全专家.团队成员在漏洞挖掘、代码审计、逆向工程、渗透测试等领域具有丰富经验及技术积累。 包括交易所安全审计、智能合约安全审计、链安全审计、区块链安全咨询、企业网络安全培训、数字资产追踪监控、资产及交易安全等方面。目前已开发了智能合约自动化审计系统、智能合约防火墙、去中心化安全赏金平台、网络安全意识风险管理系统、数字资产及交易安全系统,目前已为150多家企业提供安全审计服务,累计审计智能合约300多份,累计为用户保护300多亿资产安全。 服务范畴为:合约审计、渗透测试、威胁警报、网络安全顾问 等。我们相信安全性是一切区块链技术的基础,区块链世界需要一个完全信赖的,经过数学证明的安全保障。 Artemisclouds focuses on casting security barriers for crypto assets with technology, and is an expert in smart contract security audit Artemisclouds (short for: Artemis Audit is a Canadian enterprise focusing on blockchain ecological security. The team takes root in blockchain security and application technology research, and provides users with blockchain security vulnerability risk detection, security audit, security defense, and asset traceability with rich security attack and defense experience combined with artificial intelligence data analysis and processing. And innovative solutions for enterprise blockchain applications. At present, the company is headquartered in Ontario, Canada, and the company team is composed of senior network security experts who have been engaged in security attack and defense technology research and security services for many years and have rich experience. The members are security researchers from leading network security enterprises and security experts from large Internet enterprises. Team members have rich experience and technical accumulation in the fields of vulnerability mining, code audit, reverse engineering, penetration testing and so on. It includes exchange security audit, smart contract security audit, chain security audit, blockchain security consulting, enterprise network security training, digital asset tracking and monitoring, asset and transaction security and other aspects. Has developed a smart contracts automated audit system, intelligent firewall, decentralized safety bounty platform, network security risk management system, digital assets, and transaction security system, which has now more than 150 enterprises to provide security audit service, the cumulative intelligent audit contract more than 300, the cumulative safety for the user to protect more than 300 assets. Service scope: contract audit, penetration testing, threat alert, network security consultant And so on. We believe that security is the foundation of all blockchain technology, and that the blockchain world needs a fully trusted, mathematically proven security guarantee. 查看更多 —- 编译者/作者:比特币巨鲸 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
2021-09-07 比特币巨鲸 来源:区块链网络
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