《Doom Hero》末日英雄是全球首款U3D SLG策略类区块链游戏,由Heroic Sword Studio基于BSC公链开发,运用世界知名3D引擎UE4,精心制作三年研发而成。游戏完美结合了区块链 NFT和DeFi的概念,让玩家在获得游戏乐趣的同时可以轻松通过游戏获得收益。21位英雄有着21个故事,让我们一起探索英雄的故事吧! 实验体 Subject "An avenger full of wrath. Chris Bane, who awoke in a cold, uncaring Academy still remembers the word: avenge. He does not know who to avenge, but it is enough. "一个充满愤怒的复仇者。克里斯-班恩,在一个冷酷无情的学院里醒来,仍然记得这个词:复仇。 他不知道为谁复仇,但这已经足够了。 烈焰女神Fire Goddess A warrior who is in search of the ultimate martial art. Flames are the symbol of hope, but also of destruction. A goddess who has mastered the flames, but only loves herself. 一个正在寻找终极武术的战士。火焰是希望的象征,但也是毁灭的象征。一个掌握了火焰的女神,但只爱自己。 无言者Tongueless A silent archery master. No one has heard him utter a word, just as no one has seen him shoot an arrow. Many times people have believed that the Mute isn't exactly human… 一个沉默的射箭大师。没有人听到他说过一句话,就像没有人看到他射过箭一样。很多时候,人们都认为哑巴并不完全是人...... 切割者Slicer A sincere godfather. Those who pursue sincerity, never give up. Fortunately, his search bore fruit, and the answer laid in his hands. 真诚的黑帮老大。追寻真诚的人,即使是在末日中也不曾放弃。所幸的是,他最终找到了,而答案就在他的手中。 致命诱惑Siren A woman as beautiful as she is deadly. Lynn has trained since childhood and knows how to wield her skills expertly. Even in the EW, no one was able to get close. 一个既美丽又致命的女人。她自幼接受训练,知道如何专业地挥舞她的技能。即使在EW中,也没有人能够接近她。 腐蚀者Corruptor A weird professor at Rique University.Some say he's older than the University. Now, no one really knows this man well at all, let alone because of the strange mask he wears. 里克大学的一个奇怪的教授。有人说他比大学还老。现在,根本没有人真正了解这个人,更不用说因为他戴着的奇怪面具了。 天使Angel A brilliant but innocent girl.Even when she is hurt, Alice always believes that people are good deep down. Because of this, she doesn't know how many she has saved. After all, she is an angel, but an angel who doesn't understand the human heart. 一个聪明但天真的女孩。即使受到伤害,爱丽丝始终相信人们内心深处是善良的。正因为如此,她不知道自己救过多少人。毕竟,她是一个天使,但却是一个不了解人心的天使。 生物师Biologist The Biophysical Scientist at Risque University.For students at the college, the age of Ira is a question that always comes up. After all, the age is a woman's secret, one that looks young, even more so. 里斯克大学的生物物理学家。对于学院的学生来说,艾拉的年龄是一个总是出现的问题。毕竟,年龄是一个女人的秘密,一个看起来年轻的女人,更是如此。 小丑Clown A mysterious and hilarious killer who knows how to perform the art of hunting with magic. 一个神秘而搞笑的杀手,他知道如何用魔法展示狩猎的艺术。 修理工Repairman A good and honest repairman .He who looks honest may be the wisest But, when faced with love even the most intelligent will act dumb. 一个好的、诚实的修理工。看起来诚实的人可能是最聪明的,但是,当面对爱情时,即使是最聪明的人也会装傻。 使徒Apostle A devoted believer."We need those devoted to their faith……"."This comeuppance is the will of the gods……"."Repent and prove your worth……" 一个虔诚的信徒。"我们需要那些致力于信仰的人......"。"这种报应是神的旨意......"。"忏悔并证明你的价值......" 操控者Manipulator President of Rique Hospital.Some say that Foley is an excellent doctor, and others believe he is a great scientist. Maybe he is both, or neither. 里克医院的院长。有人说,弗利是一位优秀的医生,也有人认为他是一位伟大的科学家。也许他两者都是,或者两者都不是。 店长Grocer A profit-oriented grocer.Mary is a born entrepreneur who knows how to maximize profits. For profits, past and present, utilization is the most direct means. 一个以利润为导向的杂货商。玛丽是一个天生的企业家,知道如何将利润最大化。对于利润,无论过去还是现在,利用是最直接的手段。 笑面老人Oldman Smiley A lonely old man .On August 13, 2055, that was the last time he saw the amenable Ellie. After that, the only company the old man was his buddy. 一个孤独的老人。2055 年 8 月 13 日,那是他最后一次见到可亲的艾莉。 在那之后,老人唯一的陪伴就是他的哥们。 罪业之王King of Sin The kind king of sin.He is kind and fair, and his life as a police officer is far from what he thought he'd be doing. But, to survive in this chaotic and unrestrained doomsday, one has to move forward, even if it means he has to bear all sin. 善良的罪恶之王。他善良而公正,他的警察生活与他所想的相去甚远。但是,为了在这个混乱无序的末日中生存下去,必须向前迈进,即使这意味着他必须承担所有的罪恶。 追猎者Huntsman A calm huntsman.Once a foil of both the law and outlaws, he has become an indispensable aid for Atreus. No one knows how it happened, just as no one knows Sol's true purpose. 一个冷静的猎手。他曾经是法律和不法分子的陪衬,现在已经成为阿特柔斯不可或缺的助手。没有人知道这是怎么发生的,就像没有人知道索尔的真正目的一样。 刀锋女王Queen of Blades An apathetic queen who has lost everything..Personally cut off from everything. Moira, except the hands on her blades, she doesn't believe anyone else. The reflection in the blood-soaked blade is that of a desperate and merciless hell. 一个冷漠的女王,失去了一切......个人与一切断绝关系。莫伊拉,除了叶片上的手,她不相信其他人。沾满鲜血的刀刃上的倒影,是一个绝望而无情的地狱。 老少年 Big Teen The owner of Rique Toys .Does whoever makes toys have to have a childlike heart? Toys have brought him wealth, but wealth is not the only thing he desires. 瑞克玩具的老板。做玩具的人一定要有一颗童心吗?玩具为他带来了财富,但财富并不是他唯一渴望的东西。 纵火犯Firebug A desperate firefighter. Flames mean destruction but also burn bright as hope. He once extinguished fire, but now wields it as a weapon. If it is not nurtured, then his perceived enemies have changed. 绝望的消防员。火焰是毁灭的象征,但同时也是希望的代表###曾经消灭火焰之人以火焰作为武器,若不是受到了极大的刺激,便是他所认为的敌人,早已改变 活体丧尸Living Zombie Survivor of inferiority.Art is the only human wounded by zombies that hasn't been turned. Although he was able to restrain his desire for flesh with the help of his potion, his heart gradually became more closed off.Yeah, who the heck wants to be with anyone who isn't a "human"? 自卑的幸存者。阿尔特是目前唯一一个被丧尸击伤后而没有丧尸化的人类###虽然靠着弗里的药剂勉强抑制了嗜血的欲望,但内心却慢慢变得更加封闭###是的,谁会愿意和不是“人类”的家伙的待在一起? 机械士兵Mech Trooper The new mankind.Yasser, who served EW, was once a soldier. War brought him irreparable pain, but EW restored his life. 新生的人类。服务于EW的亚赛原本也是一位政府军人。战争带给了他不可修复的伤痛,而EW却赋予了他新生 一场灾难性的僵尸病毒正在席卷全球,无数生命体被无差别感染变成了暴力僵尸,虽有少数人类被疏散到安全区域,但绝大多数人类被滞留在食不果腹、混乱无序、危机四伏的僵尸世界。 活下来!活下来!活下来! 在充满僵尸的末日世界,活下来,必须战斗,与最危险的僵尸怪物战斗,战斗,必须组队,谁是你的队友?谁是你的敌人?谁是这个末日世界的英雄? 加入Doom Hero末日英雄,开启一场来自末日世界的英雄之旅! 查看更多 —- 编译者/作者:DoomHero 玩币族申明:玩币族作为开放的资讯翻译/分享平台,所提供的所有资讯仅代表作者个人观点,与玩币族平台立场无关,且不构成任何投资理财建议。文章版权归原作者所有。 |
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