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2021-12-12 阿风1989 来源:区块链网络




今天介绍的文章是来自金融机构Verso Finance的文章,原文标题《Web3:互联网的去中心化未来》(Web3: The Decentralized Future of the Internet),原文链接:https://medium.com/@versofinance/web-3-0-the-decentralized-future-of-the-internet-2f13b9b84f04


作者:Verso Finance

简介:Medium上Verso Finance对自己做了以下介绍,去中心化市场将DeFi与传统金融联系起来,Verso对金融产品的进行标准化分销,为(DeFi在传统金融的)大规模采用铺平了道路。

Verso Finance团队风采,团队详细介绍,请移步https://versofinancial.com/about-us/


…The Web is under construction…

If you’ve been following Twitter’s crypto community, video game forumsor reading Facebook’s Metaversenews recently, you might have run into the term “web3”. Over the past decade, old and new companies have been laying the foundations for the new generation of the Internet. From Blockchain to AI, humanity is about to enter the next phase in the evolution of the World Wide Web.

Web3, as famous crypto bloggerKi Chong Tranonce said, is “the next major iterationof the Internet, which promises to wrestcontrol from the centralized corporations that today dominate the web.”

Because the achievements of blockchain technology have fueledweb3, we thought we’d use this chance to explain how they’re linked. What is web3? What are its characteristics and how does blockchain technology play a role in it? Let’s get started.


如果你进过推特上的加密社区,电子游戏论坛,或者近期看到过FB元宇宙相关信息,你很可能遇到“Web3”这个词条。在过去的几十年间,新老公司都在为新一代互联网的到来“修桥铺路”,这其中涉及到的技术包括区块链、AI,人类即将揭开万维网(World Wide Web)革命的新篇章。

关于Web3,就像知名加密博主Ki Chong Tran的观点:“互联网的下次主要迭代是允许用户从主导互联网的中心化公司手中夺权。”


The Evolution of the Web

To understand why web3 could be so significant, we must first examinethe growth of the web, from its humble beginnings to its rise as a platform for online services to its current status as a vital part of our daily lives.



Web1 (1989–2005)

Also called the Static Web, was the first and most reliable internet in the 1990s despite only offering access to limited information with little to no user interaction. Users were limited to reading HTML webpages — mainly consisting of news articles or other non-interactivecontent. The content creation was done by a select few and information came mostly from directories.

Web1 (1989–2005)


这块屏幕上的网页就是Web1最好的典型代表(The website on this screen is a good example of web1 style and graphics)

Web2 (2005-present)

The Social Web, or web2, made the internet a lot more interactive thanks to advancements in web technologies like Javascript, HTML5, CSS3, etc. The Web grew more interactive, programmable, and entertaining. It grew into a hub for content development,e-commerce, and entertainment which, until today, enables startupsto build interactive and engagingWeb platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Wikipedia and many more.

The changes of the Internet infrastructure, the emergence of social networks, user-generated content, and rise of mobile devices has made interoperabilitypossible, data can now be distributed and shared between various platforms and applications in an almost perfect synchronization.

Web2 (2005-present)

社交网络或者说Web2让互联网变得更具有吸引力,这得益于Javascript、HTML5、CSS3等互联网科技的进步,Web2这个阶段互联网正变得可交互可编程与更具娱乐性,互联网成长成为一个内容分发、电子商务与娱乐的聚合器,直到今天互联网已经允许像YouTube, Facebook, Wikipedia这样的公司建立交互并创建有趣的网页。


Web3, the Blockchain, and the Decentralized Web

The rise of blockchains has opened the door for a backendrevolution where the web is supported by decentralized networks and web services do not have to rely on servers owned by giant tech corporations.

Data can be interconnected in a decentralized way, which would be a huge leap forwardto our current generation of the internet (web2), where data is mostly stored in centralized repositories. web3 isessentiallya new way for individuals to use and own the Internet without giving up privacy and valuable data.

After more than two decades of existence, an even more powerful version of the Internet looks to take over. While a clear definitionof web3 has yet to be written (we probably are experiencing the benefits of both web2 and web3 simultaneously), there arecharacteristicsthat the community agrees on.

Web3, 区块链与去中心化网络




Web3 Features

Let’s look at the properties of web3, these will drive the features of the most innovative solutions of the future:

Ubiquity:the idea of existing or being everywhere.

Development of mobile devices and internetinfrastructurewill make the Web 3.0 experience available anywhere at any time. The internet will no longer only be on your desktop like with web1, or your smartphone, like web2. It will be omnipotent. We are currently on track, most things around you are connected online (IoT).

Decentralized:eliminatingmiddle parties everywhere and enablingtrustless, secure transactions across the globe.

For the first time in the history of the Internet, web3 provides a democraticand user-centricplatform with no central point of control. Whileweb2 allowed for the sharing of information across borders, this information was often managed by centralized third parties. In the world of Web 3.0, users will be able to interact with each other without interferencefrom these middlemen, enabling information to be shared freely whilst reducing the risk ofcensorshipfrom governments and corporations.

Semantic:enabling software to analyze loads of data from the web, including content, transactions and links between persons.

Applying semanticsin the web would enable machines to decodemeaning and emotions by analyzing data. Consequently, internet users will have a better experience driven by enhanceddata connectivity.

Artificial Intelligence:

Combining the previous capabilitywith natural language processingand computing power, in web3, computers will understand information like humans in order to provide faster and more relevant results. They become more intelligent to satisfy the needs of users.

Immersiveness & 3D Graphics:

The three dimensionaldesign is being used extensivelyin websites and services in web3. Museum guides, computer games, ecommerce, geospatial contexts, etc. are all examples that use 3D graphics.













Web3 & Crypto’s Networked Collaboration

For those of us involved in the advancements of the crypto space, many of these features will sound familiar. And indeed, crypto protocols are generating the first iterationsand foundations of web3. DeFi, NFTs, Blockchain Gaming, and multiple other dapps are on a mission of pushing web3 into the mainstream.

Crypto is a technology model for developing productsthat prioritize the customer over the institutions. Everyone benefits from the incentivesto create something safe and usable.Coinbase Blogmakes a great analogyby presenting the existing consensus mechanismsas testing ground for building web3 community networks. Although none is perfect, Proof-of-Stake, Proof-of-Work, Proof-of-History protocols are showing a way where every user maintains some level of engagement.

The rise of web3, enabledby blockchain technology, provides an avenueto reclaimthe Internet by disrupting infrastructures around storage, data exchange, financial transactions, and more. This upgrade to the web reintroducesreal ownership, verifiability, and opens the Web back up to secure peer-to-peer interactions.

With web3, the network is decentralized, so no one entity controls it, and the decentralized applications (dapps) that are built on top of the network are open. The openness of the decentralized web means that no single party. Every user and operator of these networks must follow the same set of hard-coded rules, known as consensus protocols.

In closed-source businessmodels like web2, users trust a business’s people to manage funds and execute services. With open-source projects, users trust the technology to perform these tasks. In web2, the bigger network wins. In web3, whoever builds the biggest network together wins. Let’s see how NFT’s are helping make theclaimsof the new web come true.






The role of NFTs

To understand the role that NFTs can play on the web3 it is necessary to first assimilatetheir full potential. Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are unique assets that are used for the digital representation of a physical assetor a digital asseton the blockchain. Beyond their applications in the art world, NFTs allow the internet to be inexpensively connected to the real world without the need for intermediaries.

NFTs offer users the ability to have objects on the internet. These objects can be pictures, music, text, rights, passwords and any element that you can own. The key feature of NFTs is that they allow proof of ownership. For this reason, just as the internet democratizedaccess to information, NFTs are already democratizing the exchange of money. They are the key so that digital propertyceases to be in the hands of Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon and passes to the users.




The roadmap ahead

The future of the web is about increasing usage, usability, and scalability. For the vision of web3 to become reality, a lot more people are going to have to start using web3 dapps and thanks to crypto, we already have some learning to iterate on. Scalability, UX, and interoperabilityare just some of the features that the new protocols are prioritizing.

The space is moving fast and there are already projects that are revolutionizing the way we interact not only with the web, but between each other:

Radicle (a decentralized GitHub alternative) which allows stakeholders to participate in the governance of their project. Gitcoin is another that allows developers to get paid in cryptocurrency for jumping inand working on Open Source issues. Friends with Benefits is a DAO of web3 builders and artists. The possibilities are endless, and this is just the beginning.

If you are interested in seeing in depth the changes that crypto is experiencing, we invite you to read our post onDeFi 2.0, which will surely be one of the main pillarsof the new web.




Radicle(一种分散的GitHub替代方案),允许利益相关者参与其项目的治理。Gitcoin是另一个允许开发者通过参与和处理开源问题而获得加密货币报酬的平台。Friends with Benefits是Web3建设者和艺术家的DAO(Decentralized Autonomous Organization,去中心化自治组织)。可能性是无穷的,而这只是开始。

如果您有兴趣深入了解Crypto正在经历的变化,我们邀请您阅读我们在DeFi 2.0上的文章,这肯定是新Web的主要支柱之一。










