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Bitcoin (BTC) awakened from its post-holiday slump, breaking easily above $8,000. A combination of geopolitical tensions and renewed appetite for trading led BTC as high as $8,360.Bitcoin on Verge of Entering Six-Month Bullish ChannelThe most recent price move also shifted the analysis of technical indicators, signaling bitcoin may be ready to follow a bullish scenario. Three technical indicators ...
...们就以它文档上给出的一个 API 来作为例子:https://min-api.cryptocompare.com/data/price?fsym=BTC&tsyms=USD,JPY,EUR访问这个接口,会返回一个 JSON 对象,提供当前时间,BTC 分别相对于美元、日元、欧元的价格。{"USD": 9460.99,"JPY": 1018295.17,"EUR": 8640.8}1 创建 truffle 项目mkdir MyChainlinkedContractcd MyChainlinkedContracttruffle init如...
...件越来越多。本贴整理了目前与比特币相关的软件,分享给大家。 Bitcoin 比特币客户端 Bitcoin 比特币客户端 Bitcoin-Qt - 基于 C++/Qt 的 Bitcoin 比特币客户端图形化界面,支持 Linux/MacOSX/Windows,全功能。现官方客户端使用。 bitcoind - 命令行提示符下的标准 Bitcoin 比特币客户端,提供 JSON-...
...要提供数据质量保证,以保护其应用程序免受价格预兆攻击等利用。Chainlink Price Feed通过提供来自各种高质量数据提供商的汇总数据来减轻这些攻击的风险,这些数据是由Chainlink网络上的分散Oracle在链上提供的。 Chainlink的分散式预兆机制可确保最终价格值反映广泛的市场覆盖范围,这意味着最终价格是...
...Robot's recent performance and we would like you to know that we are keeping a close eye on the Bitcoin markets. Bitcoin prices are facing a strong regression these days; as you can see from the Bitcoin charts here https://bitcoinwisdom.com/ , the long term trend during the last few months has been bearish and the price has been decreasing with very low volatility, which does not give enough v...
2 As the year nears its end, some analysts are giving bleak predictions about the price of Bitcoin. Earlier in Nov, Bitcoin had seemingly reached its bottom and some expected new highs by the end of the year; however, the price of the cryptocurrency never picked up the pace as was expected. Now, it seems that a bearish future is upon the cryptocurrency market given the worrying trend some anal...
跨链合成资产协议Linear Finance宣布,已升级其协议上的预言机机制为Chainlink Price Feeds。所有Linear Finance的合成资产都将根据最新的、精准的全球市场价格进行铸造、互换、赎回和清算,让用户获得更好的安全性和可靠的保障。这也将使用户在交易各种cryptocurrency和市场指数时更加安心,知晓他们的资金受...
...币价格反弹,显然无需成本,发行货币可能是个不利于长远发展。The issue of Bitcoin requires the consumption of costs, which are embodied in the inherent costs of mining machines, electricity, and so on. According to the unique issuance convergence curve of Bitcoin, bitcoin simulates a golden curve. The total amount of gold on earth is also limited. Mining also requires cos...
...。例如任务2路径中的目标数据将位于以下JSON结构中:{ "market_data": { "current_price": { "usd": "PRICE_HERE" } }}3. Multiply我们已经从JSON中获取了价格,但还没有完全准备好。由于Solidity不能处理小数,任务3将价格乘以100000000,以确保它可以表示为整数。4. ETH Int256然后任务4将结果转换为编码的int256。5. ETH Transaction...
Bitcoin miners held a stunning competition in 2019, lifting both the hashrate and difficulty to all-time highs. But it turns out for significant stretches, mining pools absorbed serious losses.比特币矿工在2019年举行了一场令人震惊的竞赛,将哈希率和难度提升至历史新高。但是事实证明,在相当长的一段时期内,矿池吸收了严重的损失。<hr><h2>BIT...
...L: /authlist功能说明:eth下erc20认证列表参数:参考2.1返回值:参考2.12.4. URL: /pricerate功能说明:Token价格参数:无返回值:type Data struct {Prices map[string]Price `json:"prices"`Rates map[string]float64 `json:"rates"`}备注:配置对象如下其中rates的key可以取如下值:"CNY": "","USD": "","JPY": "","KRW": "","GBP": "","EUR": ""点此回看 Cashbox...
...的多链部署借贷协议,通过集成Chainlink,AmaraLend可以获得高质量、防篡改的Price feeds,为借贷业务中的crypto assets定价。AmaraLend会在初期支持KSM、DOT对stablecoin的Price Feeds,后期,随着借贷市场的增加和业务场景需要,会集成更多的Chainlink Price Feeds。Chainlink是目前最主流的去中心化预言机网络和DeFi基础设施...
我们非常高兴地宣布,行业领先的Chainlink Price Feeds正式在Harmony主网上线,成为Harmony为生态中的DeFi项目推荐的预言机解决方案。Chainlink Price Feeds是预编译的去中心化预言机,拥有丰富的实战经验。开发者可以用Chainlink Price Feeds打造出货币市场、stablecoin、合成资产、自动交易策略、期货合约以及支付方案...