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blockchain 物联网

1. 美希物联网+区块链=天作之合?



2. 到2027年,价值300亿美元的食品将使用BlockChain和物联网进行追踪



3. Tilecoin团队发布首个集成区块链技术的物联网实验设备

...说起,以及 IBM Adapt 物联网项目中所使用的 3 层协议。   简要的说: BlockChain (区块链)将作为 Adapt 项目中的第一层协议,可以帮助物联网中的设备理解彼此,并且帮助设备知道不同设备之间的关系,通过寻址和权限控制,实现对分布式的物联网的去中心化控制,比如你可以让你的手机和你房子的电...


4. 【第269期】“区块链物联网”&“行情解读”

...块链的逻辑应用到物联网可以成就数字化的时代,期待万物联网那么一天。Blockchain technology will allow everything to have a central drive to the ledger, and the Internet world will become reliable, secure, and distributed, automated. We used to fantasize about the internet combining sensors to capture the dynamics of the global web, perhaps this Internet of things visi...


5. 中科物缘第一作者区块链论文被顶级SCI刊物录用

近日,中科物缘焦臻桢博士为第一作者撰写的学术论文《A Blockchain based Computing Architecture for Mobile Ad-Hoc Cloud》被顶级SCI刊物IEEE Network录用。该篇论文国内外首次阐述并论证了基于区块链构建物联网节点自组织云的关键理论及技术。自组织云是多个物联网设备在本地自发组成计算资源池并进行计算协作和...


6. 区块链技术是供应链企业的自然发展(二)

...天是第二部分原文地址:https://hackernoon.com/why-supply-chain-leaders-are-moving-towards-blockchain-technology-lir3x3m原文作者:Tarun RAMA译者:DuoBaaa(接上一部分)通过减少浪费和人工成本,通过减少安全攻击事件来提供跟踪和追踪库存的可能性,以及提供关于潜在供应商和客户的流动性以及当前财务状况的正确和准确...


7. 【第273期】“区块链物联网经济效益”&“行情解读”

...绝这波红利到来,因为区块链物联网给你一个不可拒绝的理由-柯里昂教父。Blockchain-based distributed Iot can offer potential benefits at multiple levels, such as individuals, organizations, industries, and societies, and can be traded through peer-to-peer networks, not centrally mediated applications, deep reengineering of processes can lead to many changes, such as low...


8. 【第270期】“物联网运输基础管理”&“行情解读”

... up, he became honest, hard-working, kind, a real boy. In this analogy, there's a blue angel in the blockchain world that can't lie. It's the blockchain's distributed accounting technology. It's a machine of trust. In fact, every aspect of the Internet of things has its own potential applications, so what's the difference in the area of transport and infrastructure management? In the field of tran...


9. 区块链+B2B+物联网:新经济模式将在2020年产生



10. SWFTBlockchain双周报(2020.3.30-2020.4.12)

SWFT Blockchain?跨链闪兑交易&聚合支付平台上币量已达 246 种!您的支持和信任是我们前进的最大动力,接下来跟着小速一起看下周报详情吧!一、产品&技术1、注册页面新增图片验证码2、改变币种列表排序方式:第一位是BTC、其余币种按照持有量(折合USDT)进行排序3、SWFT Blockchain?新增上币 AZR、KPG,平台上...


11. 区块链大型巡回播放【第83期】#基于区块链技术保险# &“行情解读”

...issue of distributed cloud network is the trust between the nodes, the Internet of things, based on blockchain technology, could solve the problem that the number of traditional Internet connected devices could reach one billion.Just as the industry is looking to enable iot devices to communicate with computers at close range, so they can enable industrial iot devices to work together, with an emp...


12. SWFT Blockchain 双周报(2020.3.30-2020.4.12)

SWFT Blockchain跨链闪兑交易&聚合支付平台上币量已达 246 种!您的支持和信任是我们前进的最大动力,接下来跟着小速一起看下周报详情吧!一、产品&技术1、注册页面新增图片验证码2、改变币种列表排序方式:第一位是BTC、其余币种按照持有量(折合USDT)进行排序3、SWFT Blockchain新增上币 AZR、KPG,平...


13. 区块链大型巡回播放【第82期】#区块链物联网# &“行情解读”

...issue of distributed cloud network is the trust between the nodes, the Internet of things, based on blockchain technology, could solve the problem that the number of traditional Internet connected devices could reach one billion. Just as the industry is looking to enable iot devices to communicate with computers at close range, so they can enable industrial iot devices to work together, with an em...


14. 【第266期】“区块链物联网”&“行情解读”

... node has a problem with its own status, it can report it ahead of time, the advantage of the smart blockchain Internet of things is that it can be configured automatically according to storage space and bandwidth, and a few nodes fail and can not affect the whole network, some people may worry about the stability of smart devices. Now that some companies have realized that smart single point devi...


15. 万龙链的落地应用场景之物联网

...建的物联网业务平台——“去中心化”的业务平台(简称物联网区块链,或 Blockchain of Things, BoT)。万龙链通过采用区块链技术以此支持物联网实体(例如,物联网设备、物联网服务器、 物联网网关、服务网关和终端用户设备等)在“去中心化”的模式下相互协作。由于在一个物联网实体上,它可以部署...
