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i do钱包

1. mina已经到账了,但取出来还是有技巧的。详细步骤请进来。

...NA作为对网络上诚实和活跃的验证者投票的奖励。CoinList为将MINA存入其CoinList钱包的用户管理锁定和投票,这样他们就可以被动地进行操作获得额外的米娜。2. How do I earn MINA staking rewards on CoinList?When you deposit or purchase MINA on CoinList, you may be eligible to receive staking rewards by keeping MINA in your CoinList Wallet. Once you d...


2. 还记得那位,花了10000个比特币买披萨的程序员吗?



3. Best I Do 最好的你我愿意拥有— BEST交易所首创IDO速抢

Best I Do翻译成中文是:最好的我愿意,与陈奕迅的歌《I Do》同名。BEST是“最好的”交易所,那么IDO是什么?是什么什么我愿意?IDO稍等解释,我们先一睹为快BEST的平台币涨幅情况吧! 十天,30倍!假如我买了一万元的BEST平台币,我现在三十万元到手了~嘀~~一辆小汽车有了!又要感叹那一句:币圈一...


4. 布鲁斯·威利斯遇到比特币是真正的营销策略还是智能营销策略?

...特币他不太了解,所以我向他介绍了他,并向他展示了我们的产品,即实物钱包。 On my flight from #LA to #Shanghai, I was surprised to see #BruceWillis come onboard, sitting next to me, traveling w/ his family to China. ???? What do I do? Let’s talk #Bitcoin! He didn’t know much, so I introduced him to $BTC, and showed him our @BalletCrypto physical wallets. pic....


5. 专访Artgerm:和DC漫威合作的艺术家来了传统艺术和NFT的碰撞之旅?

... as Artgerm in the art community. I’m a digital artist in the entertainment industry. I’ve been doing art commercially for the past 20 years and I’m working with many great entertainment clients such as DC Comics, Marvel Comics, Capcom, Valve, Riot Games and many more. I was born in HongKong and moved to Singapore at the age of 17. Currently I’m also running a 12 months diploma course of d...


6. Beep币扑PlanB第六期2020加密市场Kyle你怎么看?

...区块链大咖的线上AMA节目导语:比特币减半,ETH2.0上线,Libra能否如期推出钱包?2020年注定会是加密货币行业里程碑的一年。关于2020年加密货币领域,你想知道的,你不能错过的,都在这里了!1月17日中午12点,Multicoin Capital的联合创始人,Kyle Samani将做客Beep币扑Plan B第六期———What to expect from crypto ma...


7. Beep币扑 Plan B第六期:2020加密市场-Kyle,你怎么看?

...区块链大咖的线上AMA节目导语:比特币减半,ETH2.0上线,Libra能否如期推出钱包?2020年注定会是加密货币行业里程碑的一年。关于2020年加密货币领域,你想知道的,你不能错过的,都在这里了!1月17日中午12点,Multicoin Capital的联合创始人,Kyle Samani将做客Beep币扑Plan B第六期———What to expect from crypto ma...


8. 2020美国程序员薪资报告(英文)

...h friends for feedback before actually publishing on my blog post.The drafts keep accumulating, how do I trick myself into publishing more? Perhaps by reducing the effort required for the next step? Let’s do it!ArchitectureMy blog is statically generated using?Hugo, the?code is hosted on Github, then when a pull request comes in it is built, previewed, and published on merge by?Netlify.The blog ...


9. Is it shameful to achieve freedom in ten years?

NO!It won’t be shameful whenever you achieve financial freedom~Since entering the blockchain world, the word “financial freedom” has been flooding our eyes. It is often said that someone is financially free again, again and again, who has gotten hundreds of millions of dollars, but he paid nothing. So many people achieve financial freedom in one night. There is also a joke that young people ...


10. David Zimbeck关于BlackHalo和BitBay关系的最新说明

... BlackHalo gets the Microtrading engine first making it the first decentralized exchange. Since I do not see it as a rush to put this in Bay, They will eventually get it.   BlackHalo将会率先获得微交易引擎,这使之成为第一个去中心化的交易平台。我认为没有必要着急在BitBay当中增加这个功能,不过他们最后也会得到的。   BlackHal...


11. Stegos首次AMA直播回顾

...这对流动性会不会有很大的影响呢?还有一个就是,你为什么要使用全节点钱包?它不是很友好使用。Joel:Few exchanges have removed privacy coins so far. Japan has outlawed privacy coins and now one exchange in Korea did the same. For every exchange that decides to give up the opportunity, other exchanges will spring up or pick up where others left of.We are deve...


12. SBF分享Alameda投资理念:加密世界喜欢多头,项目长期发展更值得关注

...presentative view of how we think about investments.There are a few reasons for that: mostly that I don't talk about it unless prompted, but also that I usually only talk about the good, not the bad.4) There are a lot of projects we're less excited about, but I try not to shit on them publicly.I don't want to hurt builders, and they haven't done anything to hurt us.So I focus on what excites us th...


13. 番外篇:听说你想全职区块链?

...hould be skeptical of anything promising to make you a quick fortune.第一位是CMC的创始人Brandon Chez,这位老板挺神秘的,从来不露脸,他的回答是:多投资自己多熟悉技术会来事,多向看好的项目做贡献苟住,等行业走向主流,大家就需要你了暴富什么的,别上当第三条说得挺对的,这个行业的项目大都属于草创阶段...


14. 区块链热门编程语言 GO、RUST、TypeScript、WASM 能打败 Python 和 JS 吗?

...迷惑的群体的对抗。曼德勃罗分形图(Mandelbrot set)示例代码:class Complex { double _r,_i; Complex(this._r,this._i); double get r => _r; double get i => _i; String toString() => "($r,$i)"; Complex operator +(Complex other) => new Complex(r+other.r,i+other.i); Complex operator *(Complex other) => new Complex(r*other.r-i*other.i,r*other.i+other.r*i); double abs()...


15. Beep币扑PlanB第五期NFT距离爆发还有多远

Part 1:麦子钱包,Beep币扑特邀主持人陆遥远对话OpenSea创始工程师Joshua Wu嘉宾:Joshua Wu, OpenSea创始成员主持人:陆遥远,NFT 收藏家,麦子钱包产品经理分享时间:2020年1月10日16:00Plan B:Beep重磅打造的一档原生大V对话区块链大咖的线上AMA节目导语:2019年被不少人称为DeFi元年,相比之下,曾经大热的NFT(...
