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btc in usd

1. Ethereum’s Rejection Could Spark a Massive Selloff; What Factors Should We Consider?

... to be at risk of reversing as its selling pressure begins ramping up.While looking at Ethereum’s BTC trading pair, its current price action looks even more bearish than it does against USD, as it is currently down 4% against Bitcoin. This is a notable drop while considered that Bitcoin also faced a sharp sell-off earlier this morning.Joe Weisenthal, an editor at Bloomberg, pointed out ETH’s b...


2. 以太坊(ETH / USD)预测和分析2019年10月25日

加密货币以太坊(ETH / USD)的交易价格为160。加密货币报价在55的移动平均线以下交易。这表明以太坊存在看跌趋势。目前,加密货币行情正在布林带指标条的下边界附近移动。 <h2>以太坊(ETH / USD)预测和分析2019年10月25日</h2> 作为以太坊速率预测的一部分,预计将测试164级。我们在哪里可以预期到以...


3. 币界船长:比特币巨额抛售有何影响?--不得不看

...4(北京时间 2019 年 7 月 9 日),币安交易所上出现比特币大额卖单,近 7000 BTC 在 BTC/USDT 交易对上挂单出售。同时,TokenGazer 观察到,近日在火币网上,USDT/RMB 场外交易的溢价已经消失,甚至出现负溢价。 在此情况下,此次比特币巨额抛售卖出的近 8000 万 USDT 对后市可能造成的影响不得不探究。  02 ...


4. FTX创始人Sam与Paxos联合创始人Rich深度对话稳定币的发展与应用

...是用户习惯,很多散户习惯于持有并使用USDT。 而大多交易所也以USDT去计价BTC,因为这是市场上的普遍计价方式,所以交易量也大多集中在USDT交易对上。流动性带动流动性,如果要转换为使用新的稳定币,难度显然可见,因为你不仅是要改变使用习惯,还要把所有流动性也迁移到这个币种上,那是很不...


5. 神秘的“鲸鱼”移动了57577比特币(BTC)

再次在比特币网络上观察到“鲸鱼”交易,移动了57,577 BTC,或超过4.14亿美元。交易的来源是合并总和的多个地址,而收件人是Bittrex交易所。 此次转让表明,可能还有许多尚未确认的BTC所有者。但是,鲸鱼交易还显示了比特币网络的价值之一,即以低成本进行大量交易。 ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ...


6. 比特币(BTC)下跌至接近$ 8,700,现在避免死亡交叉

比特币(BTC)徘徊在$ 8,700到$ 8,800之间,现在避免出现移动平均线导致“死亡交叉”的情况。但是这种发展是接近的,短期内有望创出新低。 BTC下跌至约8,749美元后,交易价格为8,765.39美元。 BTC触及近期低点8,685美元,随后反弹。但是交易量正在稳步缩小,下跌了一个档次,降至1800万美元。在当前水平...


7. 比特币价格预测:BTC / USD面临高于7,400美元的阻力并保持看跌

比特币(BTC)价格预测– 12月7日 在比特币多头昨天恢复了7,400美元的水平之后,该代币维持在7,500美元的水平,它可能会飙升至8,000美元的区域,然后再次下跌。 BTC / USD长期趋势:看涨(日线图) 关键级别: 推荐阅读 1 本周达世币:12月2日 <time ...


8. DEFI运动是下一个ICO热潮吗?

...价格暴涨As USA continues their decade plus long initiative of near zero % interest rate to fuel USD based assets and financial markets, we are in era of quasi bubble in asset prices as well as living in depressed economies brought upon by global pandemic and weak economic inflation rates that have be government supported. China’s own central bank warned that the prolonged presence of ultra-l...


9. Bitcoin is signaling a downturn, but there is hope for an upswing

...ency to $7,000. The 7-week moving average is currently crossing below the 30-week moving average on BTC’s 1-week chart. This is a bearish crossover that is defined as a death cross in technical analysis and usually estimates that a major selloff is underway. The last time this bearish pattern occurred on Bitcoin’s 1-week chart was in late-March 2018. The cross was followed by a 24 percent ret...


10. NEO价格分析:NEO / USD价格在一天内上涨1.97%之后突破$ 8.9

...$ 7.0。随机RSI信号线正在从超卖区域中恢复,给出淡入淡出买入信号。 NEO / BTC市场 自11月14日以来,由于反复出现的看跌情绪,NEO的表现一直很低,使市场跌至1184 SAT的每日低点。虽然价格走势仍然波动,但我们要密切注意,因为BTC将NEO推至布林带下边界附近的最近需求水平1100 SAT NEOBTC –日线图 换句...


11. XBT / USD分析:比特币价格突围,8,000美元是牛市– BitMEX保证金交易

...易额:22亿美元 未平仓头寸:6.43亿美元 趋势:看涨 RSI:向上移动以反映BTC价格的回升。


12. 加密货币与巴西团队签署赞助协议且不转移资金

...队,Vila Nova和AtléticoGoianiense签署了赞助协议。根据今天3月30日发布的决定,USD足球是由一名运营Vila Nova的足球运动员在第18区地区劳动法院(TRT-18)提出劳动索赔而触发的。但是,该公司表示,“没有任何荣誉”可传递给足球队。没有学分可转嫁劳工诉讼涉及乌拉圭球员沃尔特·伊巴涅斯(WalterIba?ez)...


13. Bignews:Europe'sNewScamStealVictim1millionEuroesofBTC(!!!)

...r wanted to pay 1.5 Million Euros in cash to complete the transaction of buying (1 Million euros in BTC spot rate + 10% exchange equity). Emil Pic also required a commission of 150,000 Euros as part of his effort of fund-raising.Emil Pic took the victim to a local cafe and asked the so-called investor “Christol” to give 1.5 million Euros in cash to the victim, which will be used to deposit in ...


14. 七彩研究院去中心化招聘平台Freela如何链接DeFi世界

...the work dynamics by taking a share of the work value. For example, you have a plumber work and 100 usd to pay for it.In case 1: The company can get you a plumber but will charge 25usd for the task. Which means the plumber gets 75 usd.in case 2: The company can get you a plumber but will charge nothing for the task. Which means the plumber gets 100 usd.So in both the cases, you have the same work ...


15. Whichcryptoexchangetokenisthebest?Takealookatthelistdata

...n the list is Binance's platform currency BNB, which has increased by 123.5% as of December 3. From USD 13.7 on January 1, 2020 to USD 30.6 now. But according to analysis, BNB's rise this year should have bottomed out, and it will face sideways for a relatively long period of time.In the mainstream Bitcoin exchange platform currency rankings, ZB.com ranks second. ZB.com's platform currency ZB has ...
