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币看shape the future

1. 比特币重塑未来 区块链大型纪录片

...片名:<比特币重塑未来—区块链大型纪录片>(Bitcoin-Shape the Future)出品:币看-BitKan简介:本纪录片包含比特币的诞生、中本聪之谜、中国比特币交易平台、比特币的灰色地带、比特币风险之争、中国政府的监管政策、矿机技术的发展、区块链技术及在中国的应用、比特币扩容之争、竞争币的价值及...


2. 莪、莪想获得大人物江卓尔的暴击 ?

...嘉宾出席各类大会,并发表了精彩演讲。2017年09月10日,江卓尔受邀参加了由币看在朝阳区建国路93号万达广场C座主办的《2017 SHAPE THE FUTURE 全球区块链峰会》,并发表了精彩演讲。这个是搬迁过来的,但桃子喜欢这样的英雄。以上是废话篇,正文开始:莪、莪想得到大佬江卓尔的暴击,看看以下方法:第...


3. FTX.USAcquiresLedgerX,VenturingintoUSregulatedCryptoDerivatives

... to be proactive and to seek out working relationships with regulatory groups like the CFTC to help shape the future of our industry."Zach Dexter, CEO and Co-Founder of LedgerX, commented, "US crypto derivatives is an incredibly underserved market, and it took time and resources for us to become a regulated entity under the existing frameworks.“FTX.US has taken the view, which we share, that US ...



CoinFund is an investment and research institution focusing on encryption, established inIn 2015, it was headquartered in Brooklyn, New York. They start from the first distributionSince the beginning of the network, it supports the development of blockchain technology. CoinFundThrough investment, expertise and network participation, we are actively shaping the distributionThe future of technology....


5. 比特币减半 &Libra! 重磅大咖告诉你 !-BlockTrain

...t Stable coins as strong competitor of Facebook libra? How do you think these cryptocurrencies will shape investments in the industry? Especially, given that short-term returns through arbitrage won’t be viable?How do you look at government regulation in terms of blockchain application and cryptocurrency?敬请期待,更多大咖独门分享!END来源链接:mp.weixin.qq.com


6. PingWest品玩打造的Sync2019 东南亚站将于12月6日在新加坡举行

...举行。SYNC 2019 东南亚站,12月6日在新加坡举办本次的 SYNC 科技大会将以 Fuse:Shape the Future 为主题,涵盖“区块链”、“金融科技”、“技术赋能”、“科技民生”和“联通世界”五大版块。想了解最前沿的人工智能的技术干货,想学习企业拓展东南亚市场的先进经验,或者想跟大公司的高管进一步交流...


7. Parity 招聘 Runtime 工程师和开发推广,可远程办公!

...ou will champion developer interests and translate external feedback into useful insights that will shape product and communications.As Developer Advocate, you will help define what SDKs should contain, write tutorials, create course and presentation content, and contribute all the way down to code-level documentation. It will be your responsibility that the tools and technologies we provide are w...


8. 跨链流动性聚合器 O3 Swap 如何影响 DeFi 的未来?



9. DamoTalks第25期:对话KeplerSwap

...式,我们可以创建一个真正的去中心化的自治组织(DAO)。Overall, the DeFi 2.0 shaped by KeplerSwap is warm and enables users to link with each other, while continuously activating the ecology through a series of innovative features to achieve continuous fission and growth of the user base, bringing together all blockchain participants and realizing KeplerSwap as a spark-like ...


10. 小雷币看11.15比特币以太坊晚间行情分析及操作建议指南

...具有滞后性,任何一次投入都需要好好斟酌一下行情瞬息万变,要是在小雷币看的指点下有 所收货的话可以关注公众号小雷币看本文作者;krynbi


11. 美国医疗保健行业的区块链杀手级应用



12. 七彩研究院NFT+元宇宙+DeFi的星际游戏—MetaverseMiner是如何实现“PlaytoEarn”

...he design of Planet NFT is very shocking. In addition, there are many types of miner NFT, different shapes, and exquisite designs. The five major miner NFT companies will regularly launch new miner NFTs. These are definitely collectors’ hobbies.生态经济模型Metaverse Miner项目生态体系由$META代币、星球NFT和矿工NFT三种资产为基石构建而成。$META代币是Metaverse Mine...


13. 矿机天才烤猫失踪记 | 比特币秘史(五十)

...照当时的价格来计算,差不多五六万元左右。吴忌寒2017年在纪录片《Bitcoin Shape the Future》中说道:“烤猫,在跟我交流过程中告诉我,可以做专用集成电路芯片进行挖矿。所以说,是烤猫带我进入了挖矿这个行业。”承载着矿工们对于提高自身算力的迫切希望,烤猫公司于2013年初如期推出烤猫12.8G。而...


14. iPod 之父:不会投资元宇宙,担心元宇宙投资激增会影响气候变化

...成影响,投资元宇宙是这些问题的一部分。据悉,Tony Fadell 已经成立 Future Shape 投资顾问基金,将专注于碳管理和清洁能源等领域。原文链接


15. MakerDAO's MCD could tackle future collateral risks for DeFi ecosystem

...same set for 18 November. Clayton Roche, Head of DeFi for Mosendo, hosted a panel discussion on the future of MCD with the likes of Rune Christensen of MakerDao, and Kyle Kistner of BZX. MakerDao’s MCD is aimed at adding new collateral to DAI, other than Ethereum, so that the virtual asset could be collateralized by a stable set of assets, backed by a DAI 稳定币. Kistner, however, failed to s...
