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transaction hash

1. 如何使用node.js语言实现PBFT协议 part3

...protected]@53R", "SIGN", 0 ); } // creates a block using the passed lastblock, transactions and wallet instance static createBlock(lastBlock, data, wallet) { let hash; let timestamp = Date.now(); const lastHash = lastBlock.hash; hash = Block.hash(timestamp, lastHash, data); let proposer = wallet.getPublicKey(); let signature = Block.signBlockHash(hash...


2. RFC:可组合的 Open Transaction lock script

本文介绍了一个在 Nervos CKB 上能实现 Open Transaction 的 lock script。它的灵感来自于之前 Open Tx Brainstorm的设计,具有在 Open Transaction 中重新排序和重新安排签名组件的新能力。Open Tx Brainstorm:https://talk.nervos.org/t/open-tx-protocol-brainstorm-4-an-implementation-proposal/4427数据结构哈希阵列受最初的 Open Tx 头脑风暴的文章...


3. 《比特币开发者指南 专有名词》 翻译

...Li   1. 51-attack: The ability of someone controlling a majority of hashing power to revise transactions history and prevent new transactions from confirming   51-attack:一些人通过拥有大部分地算力,从而可以修改交易历史以及阻止新的交易被确认。   2. accidental-fork: When two or more blocks have the same block height, forking the block cha...


4. 如何使用node.js语言实现PBFT协议 part2

...et) { return eddsa.keyFromSecret(secret); } // returns ids used in transactions static id() { return uuidV1(); } // hashes any data using SHA256 static hash(data) { return SHA256(JSON.stringify(data)).toString(); } // verifies the signed hash by decrypting it with public key /...


5. 手把手教你搭建区块链(中)



6. 用Python构建一个极小的区块链

...服务器框架 from?flask?import?Flask from?flask?import?request node?=?Flask(__name__)#?Store?the?transactions?that #?this?node?has?in?a?list this_nodes_transactions?=?[]@node.route('/txion',?methods=['POST']) def?transaction(): ??if?request.method?==?'POST': ????#?On?each?new?POST?request, ????#?we?extract?the?transaction?data ????new_txion?=?request.get_json() ????#?Then?we?add?the?transaction...


7. CKB 上租赁管理的实现思路

...更多的是思路的讲解,希望对开发者有一定的启发。从 ckb verify 讲起ckb 的 Transaction 是由一堆 cell 构成的,大致上可以分为引用的 cell 和拥有所有权的 cell,而每一个 Transaction 的作用归结到最后只是所有权的变更,它可能是所有权转移也可能只是更改 cell 自身的状态(考虑交易费的存在,这类交易已经...


8. Bitcoin Starts the Week Off Mostly Flat, Down Just 0.23%

... Bitcoin? Consider the following brokers: CoinDirect, Gate, Yobit, Stex,币安, DDEX Update on Transactions and Hash Rate Yesterday, the Bitcoin blockchain saw 278,853 transactions recorded on it. The trend in daily transactions is not clear, though it should be noted that transactions have jumped by about 4.21% over the past week. Bitcoin may end up functioning as a currency for transaction...


9. Conflux公链研究总监“杨光”现场解决实际技术问题

...are no forks in the confirmation time则必然会丢弃大量的有效交易a large number of valid transactions will be discarded.在这么长的延迟时间下谈高 TPSTalking about high TPS with such a long delay没有实际的应用价值has no value for potential real-life applications.首先丢弃大量有效交易Discarding large amounts of valid transaction这个是在比特币Is somethin...


10. Qtum量子链实现QTUM-BEAM原子交换,支持隐私跨链交易

...Bob拥有QTUM。Alice想用200个BEAM兑换Bob的80个QTUM。 交易流程 1.1 Bob生成Qtum Lock Transaction Alice首先将自己的公钥传给Bob,Bob本地生成一个原像(Hash Preimage),计算其像(Hash Image),并利用Alice的公钥和像(Hash Image)生成一个有加锁脚本的交易,这个交易锁住了80个Bob的QTUM UTXO,只有当满足以下任一条件时,才能使...


11. 大咖专访:Conflux公链研究总监“杨光”现场解决实际技术问题

...are no forks in the confirmation time则必然会丢弃大量的有效交易a large number of valid transactions will be discarded.在这么长的延迟时间下谈高 TPSTalking about high TPS with such a long delay没有实际的应用价值has no value for potential real-life applications.首先丢弃大量有效交易Discarding large amounts of valid transaction这个是在比特币Is somethin...


12. 比特币白皮书

...pose a solution to the double-spending problem using a peer-to-peer network. The network timestamps transactions by hashing them into an ongoing chain of hash-based proof-of-work, forming a record that cannot be changed without redoing the proof-of-work. The longest chain not only serves as proof of the sequence of events witnessed, but proof that it came from the largest pool of CPU power. As lon...


13. 以太坊tx data

// core/types/transaction.go:38type Transaction struct { data txdata // caches hash atomic.Value size atomic.Value from atomic.Value}type txdata struct { AccountNonce uint64 Price *big.Int GasLimit uint64 Recipient *common.Address Amount *big.Int Payload []byte // Signature values V *big.Int R *big.Int S *big.Int // This is only used when marshaling to JSON. Hash *common.Hash `json:"hash" rlp:...


14. 以太坊上的数字签名

...gContract', type: 'address' },{ name: 'salt', type: 'bytes32' }],Transaction: [{ name: 'to', type: 'address' },{ name: 'amount', type: 'uint256' },{ name: 'nonce', type: 'uint256' }]},domain: {name: 'MyCrypto',version: '1.0.0',chainId: 1,verifyingContract: '0x098D8b363933D742476D...


15. 【币范·科普】以太坊到底是如何工作的(上 )

...区块链就是一个具有共享状态的密码性安全交易的单机(cryptographically secure transactional singleton machine with shared-state)。1这有点长,是吧?让我们将它分开来看:“密码性安全(Cryptographically secure)”是指用一个很难被解开的复杂数学机制算法来保证数字货币生产的安全性。将它想象成类似于防火墙的这种。它...
