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bitcoin in singapore

1. Bakkt在美国,亚洲期货推出比特币期权

...11月21日公布了在新加坡推出以现金结算的期货的计划。这些合约在ICE Futures Singapore上市,并由ICE Clear Singapore结算,两者均受新加坡金融管理局(MAS)的监管。 ICE Futures和Clear Singapore的总裁兼首席运营官Lucas Schmeddes评论说:“我们新的以现金结算的期货合约将为亚洲和世界各地的投资者提供一种便捷的...


2. DGZCapitalannouncedtheestablishmentofaUS$10millionDeFispecialfund

...ported by high-net-worth individuals in the traditional financial sector and family businesses from Singapore, and will empower the technological development of the blockchain industry, especially innovative projects in the DeFi field.DGZ Capital will provide a full range of entrepreneurial support including start-up capital, entrepreneurial guidance, technical support and resource assistance for ...


3. 币扑PlanB第十四期4.8号正式对外发行多资产流转中枢FUT的区块链金融梦

...解到比特币/区块链,并最终决定加入这个领域的?A:I worked for the top 3 banks in Singapore over a period of 10 years specializing in finance and government relations. In 2013 I began investing in bitcoin. I was attracted by the technology and it paid off financially. Later I decided to work in this industry, because I saw a good future in it and, most importantly I found my perfe...


4. 币扑Plan B:4.8号正式对外发行,多资产流转中枢,FUT的区块链金融梦

...解到比特币/区块链,并最终决定加入这个领域的?A:I worked for the top 3 banks in Singapore over a period of 10 years specializing in finance and government relations. In 2013 I began investing in bitcoin. I was attracted by the technology and it paid off financially. Later I decided to work in this industry, because I saw a good future in it and, most importantly I found my perfe...


5. Thefivebestcryptoexchangesintheworld,howmanydoyouknow?

...ly provides more than forty digital asset product trading and investment services. Headquartered in Singapore, it is operated by the Huobi Global Professional Station team.Transaction type:spot, futures, legal currency.2、 BinanceRegistration:MaltaFounded time:2017Introduction:Binance is the world's leading blockchain asset trading platform, providing multi-currency, multi-language crypto...


6. 星展数字交易所:服务富人有备而来

...C、ETH、BCH 和 XRP)之间的兑换服务、现货交易服务和托管服务。On December 10, Singapore's DBS Bank officially announced the launch of the digital asset trading platform DBS Digital Exchange, which will begin trading next week. According to DBS CEO Piyush Gupta, DBS Digital Exchange will provide exchange services between fiat currencies (Singapore dollars, U.S. dollars, damage...


7. MuculadaforexinAsia

Australian company Muculada officially take root in Singapore,creating strong anchor for the Asian market.Muculada was established in Australia in 2007 and officially take root in Singapore in 2020, creating strong anchor for the Asian market. Is not new to all that the international foreign exchange market is basically operating around the clock as compared with some national foreign exchange mar...


8. Plato(BORT)futureDevelopmentPlan

...t initiated by the Plato Group registered in the British Virgin Islands and the Plato Foundation in Singapore to change the problems of injustice in the blockchain industry today.The core of Plato and the Plato ConsensusThe whole Plato overall can be divided into two core parts, namely Plato decentralized exchange and Plato decentralized lendingBefore realizing the two core issues of Plato, Plato ...


9. LeBondFinance实体资产和GameFi要如何赋能NFT生态?

...NFT项目,将在VirgoX上进行预售。Kenny:A slight introduction of myself, I’m Kenny from Singapore. As an aspiring entrepreneur, I had travel china, Malaysia, hongkong and macau dealing with IT and property business.I believe in putting ideas into reality. The keywords to my current career is action and innovation.Currently we are the first property developer to?re-innovate?commercial bui...


10. 专访Slush:世界上第一家矿池slushpool发布中文版

...?   We have already released our service in China, we have servers in Beijing and also in Singapore for Asia-pacific and we even provide support in Chinese language.   我们已经发布对中国的服务,我们在北京和新加坡设有服务器并且提供中文的技术支持。   Why you expand your business to the eastern hemisphere what you prepare for this move...


11. 专访Artgerm:和DC漫威合作的艺术家来了传统艺术和NFT的碰撞之旅?

...Comics, Marvel Comics, Capcom, Valve, Riot Games and many more. I was born in HongKong and moved to Singapore at the age of 17. Currently I’m also running a 12 months diploma course of digital art in Singapore with students from all over the world. My school is awarded as one of the top 10 digital art school internationally.答:大家好,我叫Stanley Lau 刘丕政,在艺术界被称为Art...


12. BCB gets listed on DOBI Crypto Asset Exchange

Singapore, 5 November 2019 – Singapore-based Buiding Cities and Beyond (BCB) Blockchain announced that BCB will be listed in DOBI Crypto Asset Exchange starting November 5. BCB is a digital currency created to develop smart city solutions for the future, leveraging an infrastructure protocol and an ecosystem built on blockchain technology.BCB Token’s listing on DOBI Digital Asset Exchange will...


13. 孙宇晨对话Winter:国产区块链波场TRON携手国际交易所BiKi共论亿级生态

... BiKi 's official launch in August 2018. Soon it will be our 2nd anniversary. Our headquarter is in Singapore, BiKi is an international blockchain digital asset trading service provider. For now, our business includes but not limited to exchange, derivatives, digital banking, and blockchain industry investment.? In China, we have more than 40% market share of new tokens. Also, we have operation ce...


14. 孙宇晨&Winter:国产区块链波场TRON携手国际交易所BiKi,共论亿级生态

... BiKi 's official launch in August 2018. Soon it will be our 2nd anniversary. Our headquarter is in Singapore, BiKi is an international blockchain digital asset trading service provider. For now, our business includes but not limited to exchange, derivatives, digital banking, and blockchain industry investment. In China, we have more than 40% market share of new tokens. Also, we have operation cen...


15. Bakkt达成以现金结算的BTC期货到达新加坡

...发行Bakkt的以现金结算的比特币期货合约。 合约将以美元结算,并由ICE Clear Singapore结算。 ICE期货新加坡交易所和ICE Clear新加坡交易所均受新加坡金融管理局(MAS)的监管。 在澳门探索2020年亚洲iFX博览会-最大的金融B2B博览会 ICE Futures and Clear Singapore总裁兼首席运营官Lucas Schmeddes在评测发展时说:“我们...
