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Offline transaction

1. 区块链大型巡回播放第182期“网络与现实链接”

...的作用,那么参与者需要得到代币激励,这个是必然,也是应该的。In real transactions, the calculation of prices and settlement of transactions involves money. With the cross-border exchange of the Internet, the operation of multiple currencies greatly increases the costs and risks of settlement. Therefore, the development of the Internet world and online transactions, the...


2. 维基链WICC|项目进展周报第58期

...平均后46.76%。Technology & Product Weekly ReportPublic Chain DevelopmentOptimize pending order transactions into two types of transactions: exchange authorized transactions, user authorized transactions.Optimize settlement transactions, support transaction pairs to carry settlement rate information.Complete governance and development of the four major data.Added size limit function of log file...


3. 维基链WICC | 项目进展周报第58期(1.13~1.19)

...均后46.76%。Technology & Product Weekly ReportPublic Chain DevelopmentOptimize pending order transactions into two types of transactions: exchange authorized transactions, user authorized transactions.Optimize settlement transactions, support transaction pairs to carry settlement rate information.Complete governance and development of the four major data.Added size limit function of log fil...


4. AnalyzethesecurityofBitcoinexchanges,whichcryptoexchangeisthesafest?

...e Binance exchange in March 2018, hackers used stolen user information to perform a large number of transactions and manipulated the market to make a profit of more than 100 million US dollars. In April 2018, BEC tokens and SMT tokens based on Ethereum were transferred out due to overflow loopholes in smart contracts, which triggered panic selling and caused the market value to almost return to ze...


5. 维基链WICC|项目进展周报第60期

...sort list to record votes with fixed-length LEB128 encoding.?100%Improved DEX pending order related transactions.?100%Added soft fork check for version 3, so that some newly added transactions can only be used with version 3 and newer.?100%Re-examine the logical implementation of the proposal function and PBFT function, and optimize the code.?100%Implement RPC development of UTXO. 40%Sort out the ...


6. 维基链WICC | 项目进展周报第60期(3.9~3.15)

... sort list to record votes with fixed-length LEB128 encoding.100%Improved DEX pending order related transactions.100%Added soft fork check for version 3, so that some newly added transactions can only be used with version 3 and newer.100%Re-examine the logical implementation of the proposal function and PBFT function, and optimize the code.100%Implement RPC development of UTXO. 40%Sort out the pub...


7. 维基链WICC | 项目进展周报第61期(3.16~3.22)

...00%).Fixed an unsolved UTXO internal condition judgment error (100%).Cross-chainproposal + seconded transaction implemented (100%).Completed WASM Smart Contract with collateral auction function (100%).Completed the framework implementation of general proposal reconsideration based on WASM Smartcontract (100%).Public chainv3.0 testing: carried out decentralized parameter governance and UTXO compreh...


8. 测试一“夏”!Qtum Offline Staking 测试网活动火热来袭!

作为 Qtum 社区呼声最高的改进之一,Qtum Offline Staking 今夏火热来袭!2020年仲夏风遇见云萤火虫遇见星光而我们则一同遇见Qtum Offline Staking作为Qtum 社区呼声最高的改进之一,Qtum Offline Staking 今夏火热来袭!Qtum 量子链现在正式推出 Qtum Offline Staking 测试网活动Stake-A-Thon。具体活动详情请见:https://stake-a-thon...


9. Qtum放大招?先推Offline Staking,后出百万美金扶持DeFi

...网建设生态,降低用户进行Staking操作的门槛,量子链Qtum最近创新性推出的Offline Staking功能,希望能借着DeFi板块的火热时,进一步完成主网建设的用户教育。打破Staking节点作恶、收益分配不均在当前的区块链产业格局中,PoS机制是除PoW机制外在公链中使用最广泛的共识模式。其本质是通过区块奖励激励...


10. DeFi热浪下,Qtum通过改进Staking来巩固“新基建”

...公链,在面对 DeFi 浪潮时,Qtum量子链选择了坚守技术道路,推出了创新的 Offline Staking 机制,允许用户在离线情况下进行 Staking 并获取区块奖励。Qtum量子链 CTO 钟文斌表示,虽然目前市场上不乏其他提供类似 Offline Staking 服务的公链,但它们大多是中心化的。如近年比较火的 DPoS 概念,只有经授权的超...


11. NFT 系列 Boss Beauties 完成 440 万种子轮融资,Offline Ventures 领投

据《财富》杂志报道,专注于女性赋权的 NFT 系列 Boss Beauties 以 3000 万美元估值完成 440 万美元种子轮融资,Offline Ventures 领投,Serena Ventures 和 Female Founders Fund 等参投。据悉,Boss Beauties 系列共有 1 万个 NFT,此次融资将推动将数字肖像转化为媒体 IP。原文链接


12. Conflux公链研究总监“杨光”现场解决实际技术问题

...are no forks in the confirmation time则必然会丢弃大量的有效交易a large number of valid transactions will be discarded.在这么长的延迟时间下谈高 TPSTalking about high TPS with such a long delay没有实际的应用价值has no value for potential real-life applications.首先丢弃大量有效交易Discarding large amounts of valid transaction这个是在比特币Is somethin...


13. 大咖专访:Conflux公链研究总监“杨光”现场解决实际技术问题

...are no forks in the confirmation time则必然会丢弃大量的有效交易a large number of valid transactions will be discarded.在这么长的延迟时间下谈高 TPSTalking about high TPS with such a long delay没有实际的应用价值has no value for potential real-life applications.首先丢弃大量有效交易Discarding large amounts of valid transaction这个是在比特币Is somethin...


14. 星云研究院:IBM 联盟链最新成果,Hyperledger Fabric 全方位分析

...rship service provider 成员管理模块,负责 Fabric 中三类节点的认证管理 PTM:peer transaction manager 更新最新的交易的状态,以形式存储 VSCC:validation system chaincode 验证 chaincode,后文会详细介绍 ESCC:endorsement system chaincode 背书 chaincode,后文会详细介绍</blockquote>Basics关于区块链的划分,通常包括公链、联盟链和...


15. Qtum放大招?先推OfflineStaking后出百万美金扶持DeFi

...网建设生态,降低用户进行Staking操作的门槛,量子链Qtum最近创新性推出的Offline Staking功能,希望能借着DeFi板块的火热时,进一步完成主网建设的用户教育。打破Staking节点作恶、收益分配不均在当前的区块链产业格局中,PoS机制是除PoW机制外在公链中使用最广泛的共识模式。其本质是通过区块奖励激励...
