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blockchain three

1. 轻量级区块链协议Mina完成9200万美元融资,FTX Ventures和Three Arrows Capital领投

巴比特讯,3月18日,轻量级区块链协议Mina完成9200万美元战略和私募融资,FTX Ventures和Three Arrows Capital领投,Alan Howard、Amber Group、Blockchain.com、Brevan Howard、Bixin Ventures、Circle Ventures、Finality Capital Partners、LD Capital、Pantera、IOSG等参投。Mina将使用该笔资金加速零知识证明的采用。原文链接


2. BlockchainInsuranceGlobalwillredefineinsurance

...e industry urgently needs a breakthroughAccording to data from the Big Data Research Center of BIG (Blockchain Insurance global), as of the end of the third quarter of this year, the total assets of China's insurance industry were 22.4 trillion yuan, an increase of 1.9 trillion yuan from the beginning of the year. In the first three quarters, insurance companies’ premium income was 3.7 trillion ...


3. 2021年行业头部风投机构所投项目表现一览

...个,其中基础设施项目有43个,占比71%,其次为DeFi和Web3,NFT项目占比最少。Blockchain Capital机构介绍:首个致力于比特币、区块链生态系统的风险投资基金。投资了 Coinbase、Ripple 等金融科技公司,是区块链行业顶尖的投资机构之一。以下数据为Blockchain Capital所投资且已发币项目在2021年的币价表现:Blockch...


4. 14年Crypto顶级风投年度盘点:三家机构投资组合正涨幅率100%

...中基础设施项目有 43 个,占比 71%,其次为 DeFi 和 Web3,NFT 项目占比最少。Blockchain Capital机构介绍:首个致力于比特币、区块链生态系统的风险投资基金。投资了 Coinbase、Ripple 等金融科技公司,是区块链行业顶尖的投资机构之一。以下数据为 Blockchain Capital 所投资且已发币项目在 2021 年的币价表现:Block...

知识:Binance Labs,a16z

5. DGZCapitalannouncedtheestablishmentofaUS$10millionDeFispecialfund

... sector and family businesses from Singapore, and will empower the technological development of the blockchain industry, especially innovative projects in the DeFi field.DGZ Capital will provide a full range of entrepreneurial support including start-up capital, entrepreneurial guidance, technical support and resource assistance for the invested projects. At present, more than 30 blockchain projec...


6. 史上最全加密投资机构代币持仓清单:a16z、Coinbase、火币capital

...ion投资机构:a16z投资机构:Arrington XRP Capital投资机构:Binance Labs投资机构:Blockchain Capital投资机构:BoostVC投资机构:Coinbase Ventures投资机构:Digital Currency Group投资机构:Dragonfly Capital投资机构:Electric Capital投资机构:Fabric Ventures投资机构:Huobi Capital/Exchange投资机构:Multicoin Capital投资机构:Pantera Capita...


7. DeFi项目Aave筹集了2500万美元用于发展机构贷款

Aave Landing Protocol已经从Blockchain Capital,Standard Crypto,Blockchain.com和许多其他公司筹集了2500万美元的投资。我们很高兴地宣布,@blockchaincap @standardcrypto @blockchain风险投资机构已经对Aave协议的未来进行了投资,并将参与协议管理。 https://t.co/fOGjZH73D3-Aave(aveAaveAave)2020年10月12日</blockquote> 首席执行官Stani Kul...


8. What is the Nature of Blockchain?

What is the Nature of Blockchain?Since stumbling into the blockchain space in June 2017, I have witnessed myriads of industrial cycles, the prevalent price surge, blockades of exchanges in September 4, 2017, the unexpected bull market at the end of 2017, and the protracted bear market through the year.The boom of altcoins, the explosion of ICOs, the rivalry among the public blockchains, the franti...


9. 三大产业将会在大流行病之后被区块链创新

原文链接:https://cointelegraph.com/news/three-industries-that-will-be-blockchain-innovators-post-pandemic标题: Three Industries That Will Be Blockchain Innovators Post-Pandemic译者:币放光芒文章内容不构成任何投资建议,请读者自行斟酌。以下为译文:区块链金融技术公司Nash的联合创始人Fabio Canesin,相信当世界从新冠肺炎中走出来,...


10. 风投支持Balancer投资2425万美元

此次融资由Blockchain Capital,Fintech Collective,LongHash Ventures,Fenbushi Capital,Continent Capital和DeFi协议Synthetix的创始人Kain Warwick领导。 这些资金将用于加强Balancer作为DeFi市场的核心基础设施提供商的作用。Blockchain Capital的投资者Aleks Larsen说:“通过在AMM空间中提供最灵活和可组合的流动资金池,Balancer协议被...


11. 投融资周报 | 千万级融资中资管赛道占 5 成,基础设施热度攀升

... 宣布完成种子轮融资,参投方包括 Multicoin Capital、Divegence Ventures、Hard Yaka、Blockchain.com Ventures、Draper Dragon、Multiplex Ventures、IOSG Ventures、Fifth Era 以及部分加密货币项目的创始人。来源链接工具应用DApp 数据分析公司 DappRadar 完成 500 万美元 A 轮融资DApp 数据分析公司 DappRadar 宣布完成 500 万美元 A 轮融资,...


12. 区块链大型巡回播放第177期“区块链高速价值”

...讨,去中心化也是相对的。The code for the public chain is open source, and anyone in the blockchain can create their own kingdom, as in NEOWORLD, where consumer tokens can build stadiums, bank towers, exchanges, etc. , which is currently easy to use, that's why a governance chain like GOC's can build an empire with an EOSIO of one billion. The blockchain is currently divided into public...


13. Swarm推动七号矿场持续发展

...全球领先的Swarm 一揽子解决方案。Based on the deep accumulation of distributed systems, blockchain consensus mechanism, data storage and other technologies and the research, testing and improvement of IPFS for more than 3 years, Mine No.7 has the full-stack service capability of Swarm node design, construction, management and cluster operation. With the best performance in the Swarm te...


14. 区块链大型巡回播放第229期“证券交易所福音”

...跟踪信息。At the moment the biggest names in the stock market are showing a lot of interest in blockchain technology, and some of the most successful people in the derivatives market are actively engaged in digital asset management, just as in 1990 people looked at the internet in a different way, the blockchain will also change the way the financial business works. The earliest use of the bl...


15. 区块链大型巡回播放第227期“区块链推行意义”

...very 10 minutes, apparently faster than traditional institutions, which is an important part of the blockchain's push.It's bad news for traditional intermediaries, but intermediaries can use resources to join the blockchain, and perhaps this is a shift in risk management, bLOCKCHAIN can eliminate settlement risk and counterparty risk, so-called settlement risk, because settlement cycle, the system...
