首次代币发售ICO准备 Transmission 新闻报道:香港全球货币兑换平台正在推出革命性的新服务,宣布首次代币发售(ICO)和预售ICO众筹。 2017年8月8日香港 - 香港全球转账创业公司tmission.io宣布推出创新的新平台,为即将到来的首次代币发售(ICO)和ICO预售做准备。该平台将为全球多...
...行ICO向公众募集资金,致力于为传统汇款领域带来革命性的变化。 Transmission ICO从8月底开始 本次ICO将于2017年8月30日开始,至2017年9月8日结束,其销售的代币名为TMN,发行总量为2.7亿个。该项目硬顶为125,000 个以太币。 对于交易超过100个以太币的买家,将给予15%的优惠;对于交易超...
...2 月 17 日,知名加密风投机构 Paradigm 昨日新增一则人事信息,匿名开发者 Transmissions 宣布加入 Paradigm 任研究工程师,其在 Paradigm 的主要工作为构建 web3 工具,并帮助 Paradigm 投资公司发布安全且高效的代码。 据 Paradigm 官网的成员简历显示,Transmissions 此前是 Rari Capital 的核心开发者和创始成员,善于...
巴比特讯,2月16日,知名加密风投机构Paradigm宣布匿名开发者Transmissions加入团队,担任研究工程师,其在Paradigm的主要工作为构建web3工具,并帮助Paradigm投资公司发布安全且高效的代码。据Paradigm官网的成员简历显示,Transmissions此前是Rari Capital的核心开发者和创始成员,善于通过开发高效的库和发布优...
律动 BlockBeats 消息,4 月 27 日,据 NFTGo.io 数据显示,Deafbeef Series 2: Transmission-Token 139 以 225 ETH(约合 642,785.43 美元)成交,创下该 NFT 系列历史最高交易记录。 Deafbeef 是一个音频生成 NFT 项目,每件 NFT 中包含了节奏、音色、音高和拍号在内的音乐元素。
...nd and receive generally have to pass through many intermediary or many nodes to carry on the value transmission, the intermediate process appears the question probability is very high, fortunately, there are regulations in place to deal with this situation, but the settlement of remittances is typically seven days, the settlement of stock transactions is three days, and the financial network is p...
...乔格的同化,由乔什·劳勒(Josh Lawler)撰写 乔什·劳勒(Josh Lawler) <START TRANSMISSION> 最新证据表明你将被博格同化;你可以选择哪个博格。</STOP TRANSMISSION> 好的,也许不是字面意思……但是,大趋势的融合使你三思而后行。 1.曾经的电话变成了移动电话。然后,它在(…)处吸收了其他功能 乔什·劳勒...
...收到了1800多美元的比特币和以太币。该恶意软件使用Tor并在安装程序中包含Transmission torrent,同时在运行中下载了其他软件,包括Apache httpd和Buru SFTP服务器。 该图显示了各种组件及其相互作用。 资料来源:welivesecurity / welivesecurity.com他们补充说:“我们至少发现了另外四个可能属于KryptoCibule运营商的...
...nd encrypted to ensure the data security. Meanwhile, IPFS is based on P2P, forming a point-to-point transmission network. Nodes can be connected more conveniently to realize a real distributed storage network. Each file has a unique hash fingerprint, and the hash value is used to confirm the data, so as to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the data and prevent tampering!因此,Filecoin主网...
...ere is no need for the third party to supervise and verify the information of the transaction value transmission, and no need for the specific physical object as the proof of trust between the connecting parties, thus realizing the intangible transmission of value from point to point, in addition, in the actual bill transaction, there is often the role of the bill intermediary to use the informati...
... assisted by cryptography and so on. Through the Internet, the participants will reduce the cost of transmission and transmission to a very low level. The blockchain is committed to finding consensus first, and then the game among the parties, after the game is a win-win cooperation, when the use of blockchain all partners collective effect more than the cost of maintaining the blockchain, the app...
...持。ETH aims to solve the problem of decentralized global network and point-to-point transaction transmission. The three major technologies of the Internet, transmission, storage and computing, Ethereum have completed two points, and the last section is storage (made by swarm). Swarm can also be said to be an official part of Ethereum Project. Generally speaking, Swarm distributed storage is to ...
...ttp://www.mofcom.gov.cn/article/i/jyjl/j/202102/20210203040055.shtml[13]原文为:The term "money transmission services" means "the acceptance of currency, funds, or other value that substitutes for currency from one person and the transmission of currency, funds, or other value that substitutes for currency to another location or person by any means."查看更多
...nd encrypted to ensure the data security. Meanwhile, IPFS is based on P2P, forming a point-to-point transmission network. Nodes can be connected more conveniently to realize a real distributed storage network. Each file has a unique hash fingerprint, and the hash value is used to confirm the data, so as to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the data and prevent tampering!因此,Filecoin主网...
...人)伟大事物的机会对于聪明的年轻人来说非常诱人。没有比 Paradigm 聘用 Transmissions11 更好的例子了,Transmissions11 是一名匿名的区块链开发人员和研究人员,还在读高中。而 Paradigm 可以说是当今世界上最好的 Web3 建设和投资公司。Paradigm 对 Transmissions11 的代码质量感到惊讶,于是聘用了他。虽然可能已...