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eth sign transaction

1. 以太坊上的数字签名

...gContract', type: 'address' },{ name: 'salt', type: 'bytes32' }],Transaction: [{ name: 'to', type: 'address' },{ name: 'amount', type: 'uint256' },{ name: 'nonce', type: 'uint256' }]},domain: {name: 'MyCrypto',version: '1.0.0',chainId: 1,verifyingContract: '0x098D8b363933D742476D...


2. 如何使用node.js语言实现PBFT协议 part3

...protected]@53R", "SIGN", 0 ); } // creates a block using the passed lastblock, transactions and wallet instance static createBlock(lastBlock, data, wallet) { let hash; let timestamp = Date.now(); const lastHash = lastBlock.hash; hash = Block.hash(timestamp, lastHash, data); let proposer = wallet.getPublicKey(); let signature = Block.signBlockHash(hash...


3. 如何使用node.js语言实现PBFT协议 part2

...et) { return eddsa.keyFromSecret(secret); } // returns ids used in transactions static id() { return uuidV1(); } // hashes any data using SHA256 static hash(data) { return SHA256(JSON.stringify(data)).toString(); } // verifies the signed hash by decrypting it with public key /...


4. 《比特币开发者指南 专有名词》 翻译

...Li   1. 51-attack: The ability of someone controlling a majority of hashing power to revise transactions history and prevent new transactions from confirming   51-attack:一些人通过拥有大部分地算力,从而可以修改交易历史以及阻止新的交易被确认。   2. accidental-fork: When two or more blocks have the same block height, forking the block cha...


5. 深度|《WisdomChain文档知识库》之多重签名

...norr Signature). It can merge the public key and signature of each participant in a multi signature transaction into one public key and signature It is invisible, and the information before merging cannot be deduced from the public key and signature after merging, and only one verification is needed during verification. At present, Mimblewimble has used Schnorr signature algorithm to implement sig...


6. 深度 |《Wisdom Chain文档知识库》之多重签名

...norr Signature). It can merge the public key and signature of each participant in a multi signature transaction into one public key and signature It is invisible, and the information before merging cannot be deduced from the public key and signature after merging, and only one verification is needed during verification. At present, Mimblewimble has used Schnorr signature algorithm to implement sig...


7. 比特股btsX控制台命令应用手册

...t, 必填): 要传回签署受托人的区块   传回值string blockchain_get_block_transactions   用法blockchain_get_block_transactions <区块>回车   效果获取指定区块的详细交易信息   参数区块 (string, 必填): 所要获得信息的区块值或ID   传回值blockchain_transaction_record_map blockchain_get_delegate...


8. 区块链钱包技术分享

...五、区块链钱包签名交易,发起转账1. 获取交易的 nonce(web3方式)web3.eth.getTransactionCount("0x68db18a9cd87403c39e84467b332195b43fc33b5",?function?(err,?result) ????{ ????????if?(err?==?null) ????????{ ????????????console.log('nonce:'?+?result); ????????} ????????else ????????{ ????????????console.log('nonce:'?+?result); ????????} ????});2. 签名交易,发起转账(we...


9. 区块链轻钱包技术分享

...五、区块链钱包签名交易,发起转账1. 获取交易的 nonce(web3方式)web3.eth.getTransactionCount("0x68db18a9cd87403c39e84467b332195b43fc33b5",?function?(err,?result) ????{ ????????if?(err?==?null) ????????{ ????????????console.log('nonce:'?+?result); ????????} ????????else ????????{ ????????????console.log('nonce:'?+?result); ????????} ????});2. 签名交易,发起转账(we...


10. COSMOS主链钱包离线地址生成和离线签名

...son from?secp256k1?import?PrivateKey from?address?import?privkey_to_address,?privkey_to_pubkeyclass?Transaction: ????def?__init__(self,?*,?privkey:?str,?account_num:int,?sequence:int,?fee:int,?gas:int,?memo:str?=?"",?chain_id:?str?=?"cosmoshub-2",sync_mode?=?"sync"): ????????self.privkey?=?privkey ????????self.account_num?=?account_num ????????self.sequence?=?sequence ????????self.fee?=?fee ??????...


11. 【第244期】“签订合约”&“行情解读”

...t. Here is the composition of people and contracts, these are all designed to reduce administrative transaction costs, but they are limited to the company itself, and for new transactions outside of the company's periphery, blockchains can shape relationships between different members, instead of the traditional intelligent contract for project management, define the contract content agreement, ac...


12. 波卡百科:什么是外部信息?

...时钟的某个可接受范围内。Inherents Reference[3]已签名交易已签名交易(Singed Transactions)包含发出交易的帐户的签名,并且需要付费才能将交易包括在链中。因为可以在执行之前识别出在链上包括已签名交易的价值,所以可以在网络上垃圾交易风险较低的节点之间的散布这些交易。签名交易符合以太坊或...


13. 使用PAI区块链浏览器进行链上数据分析

...币的区块链浏览器https://paichain.info/上看到相应的交易记录。To find the specific transaction you’ve made, you can copy and paste the transaction ID.您可以复制并粘贴交易ID来查找您进行的指定交易。You can find the transaction ID by checking ‘More Details’ for a specific transaction.您可以通过点击“更多详细信息”来寻找特定交易的对...


14. 【Substrate开发教程】10 - Substrate层级架构、区块结构、交易池



15. Substrate 链下工作机是什么?如何用?

...好地调试(打印)支持use support::{ debug, dispatch };use system::offchain;use sp_runtime::transaction_validity::{ ?TransactionValidity, TransactionLongevity, ValidTransaction, InvalidTransaction};在 pallet 的配置 trait 中包括以下关联类型,用于从链下工作机发送已签名和未签名的交易。pub trait Trait: timestamp::Trait + system::Trait { ?/// 总的事件类...
