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breaking bitcoin

1. Breaking: Microstrategy 为比特币投资筹集 4 亿美元的高级担保票据

...券发行MicroStrategy 宣布拟进行 4 亿美元高级担保票据的私募,以获取额外的#bitcoin。 $MSTRhttps://t.co/ilhUt1M73j— 迈克尔·塞勒 (@michael_saylor),2021 年 6 月 7 日</blockquote>Microstrategy 被认为是财富 500 强公司从其国库现金购买比特币的先驱。 这家软件巨头在 2020 年 8 月下旬开始购买比特币,此后已筹集了超过 15 ...


2. 比特币隔离见证知识分享:比特币隔离见证常见问题

...   隔离见证测试网: 一个独立的测试网,并非平常测试网的一部分。让 Bitcoin Core 开发员及钱包开发员测试隔离见证功能。   Libsecp256k1验证: 在x86_64硬件上提升交易验证速度五至七倍。帮助新节点加入网络并减轻现有节点的负担。   OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY: 让双向支付通道可以无限期使用,提...


3. 比特币地址碰撞概率

..."word-wrap: break-word; margin: 0px 0px 0px 2em; padding: 0px; list-style: decimal;"> https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Technical_background_of_Bitcoin_addresses</li> <li style="word-wrap: break-word; margin: 0px 0px 0px 2em; padding: 0px; list-style: decimal;"> https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Base58Check_encoding</li> <li style="word-wrap: break-word; margin: 0px 0px 0px 2em; padding: 0px; list-sty...


4. BREAKING:巴拉圭提出了一项使比特币合法化的法案

...提出的类似法案可以支持这一趋势。帖子 BREAKING: Paraguay Proposed a bill to make Bitcoin Legal Tender 首先出现在 Coingape 上。


5. Bitcoin is signaling a downturn, but there is hope for an upswing

...lowing technical analysis will evaluate two different price points that must be broken in order for Bitcoin to turn bearish or bullish. Bitcoin technical analysis For the past, month Bitcoin has been consolidating between $7,800 and $8,600. Every time it reaches the support level it bounces off to the resistance level. But, when it hits the resistance level, it falls back to the support level. Now...


6. BREAKING:Roger Ver在激烈辩论中与Nouriel Roubini发生冲突

...无法将其归类为货币。 Roubini vs Roger Ver @论坛挑战#crypto $ BCH $ BTC @rogerkver @Bitcoin https://t.co/t69HDuzVcw -奥利弗·奈特(@KnightCoinRivet)2019年10月15日 敌对的观众就鲁比尼的反加密货币立场提出了挑战,尽管他重申鲁比尼已经“平均损失了其价值的95%”,并且“ 80%的ICO都是模仿者的骗局”。 尽管主持人试...


7. Breaking:萨尔瓦多开始使用火山能源开采比特币

...正式开始开采比特币。我们仍在测试和安装,但这是来自#volcanode 的第一个 #Bitcoin 正式挖矿 — 纳伊布·布克勒 (@nayibbukele) 2021 年 10 月 1 日</blockquote>清洁比特币采矿是布克勒总统的其他重要任务之一,他于 6 月宣布,当时该国国会通过 BTC 作为法定货币。 然而,围绕 BTC 的争议和炒作为其火山采矿开发...


8. Breaking:时代杂志所有者在Chainalysis的主要投资者中获得1亿美元的融资

...时代》(TIME)正在寻找“对比特币感到满意”的首席财务官。他是否拥有#Bitcoin? —比特币档案 (@BTC_Archive)2021年3月26日</blockquote>Chainalyis在最近的一次筹款活动后估值的提高一直是加密货币生态系统的故事,在这个牛市期间,包括BlockFi和Blockchain.com在内的几家加密公司筹集了数亿美元的资金,使他...


9. 比特币价格可能很快达到2万美元

...在转向BTC。打破2万美元的水平只是时间问题!”</blockquote> BREAKING:非零的#Bitcoin地址的数量刚刚达到超过3000万个地址的ATH!人们现在正涌入$ BTC!打破$ 20,000只是时间问题!-月亮(@TheMoonCarl)2020年5月1日</blockquote>人们转向比特币River Financial经理Alexander Leishman还分享了一张图表,确认人们在减半之前购...


10. 加密货币Analyst Calls 991% Bitcoin (BTC) Boom Conservative, Forecasts Future of XRP, Litecoin, Da

The founder of Albright Investment Group (AIG)? says Bitcoin is currently consolidating and setting up for a move into a much higher price range. In a piece on Seeking Alpha, Victor Dergunov says Bitcoin could easily skyrocket in value by nearly 991% from its current price of about $9,158. “The important factor is that we are only about 10 months into the latest wave, and this could be akin to...


11. 【12.10国外百咖说:顺便学英语】比特币通往10万美元之路

Bitcoin is heading towards the $100,000 mark, according to veteran commodity trader Peter Brandt, who shared his analysis in a newvideo clip. However, there is a scenario in which the oldest cryptocurrency turns bearish in the near-term.根据资深大宗商品交易商彼得·勃兰特(Peter Brandt)的说法,比特币正朝着100,000美元大关迈进,他在新的视频剪辑中分享了...


12. 扩展比特币研讨会参后感 比特币扩容方案详解

...要更快的网络资源以及计算资源。   比特币扩容方案简介   BIP是Bitcoin Improvement Proposal的单词字母缩写,意思是比特币改进提议。涉及到比特币区块链扩容的BIP主要有BIP100、BIP102、BIP103、BIP105、BIP106、BIP248*、BIP000。目前大家的争论主要集中在BIP100和BIP101上面。   区块链扩容涉及到下面...


13. 比特币的区块结构解析

...几部分构成:<table style="margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; text-align: left; word-wrap: break-word; border-right: 1px solid silver; border-bottom: 1px solid silver; border-top-color: silver; border-left-color: silver; border-image: initial; word-break: break-word; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13.92px;"><thead style="word-wrap: break-...


14. 以太坊的大限将至

... rgb(62, 62, 62); padding: 0px; margin: 0px 0px 10px; box-sizing: border-box !important; word-wrap: break-word !important;"> <tbody style="BOX-SIZING: border-box !important; WORD-WRAP: break-word !important; MAX-WIDTH: 100%; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; PADDING-TOP: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; MARGIN: 0px; PADDING-RIGHT: 0px"> <tr style="BOX-SIZING: border-box !important; WORD-WRAP: break-word !important...


15. 高仿包包哪里可以买和正品有什么区别PK比特币市场正式开启下一轮周期

...he motivation for us to continue to share, is where my value lies!The listing news dust settled the Bitcoin market officially opened the next cycleCb exchange listed finally, affect currency circle in recent months the biggest event finally settled, currency also completed the transition in shock, not currency currency friends quickly after high hit plate, and no callback after the first, then qui...
