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send etc to eth

1. BlackOceanweeklyreportfor14–20June2021

... done● WS Handler done● WS Test Client done● Rest API● Rest parser done● Handlers done● Send/Receive to/from Matching Engine functions done● Test Client Order Entry done● Binary API over Websockets● Handlers done● Contention Tasks and threads to send to MES done● Contention Tasks and threads to send to Client done● Modify Messages done● JSON over Binary API/WS● Queues t...


2. [Chainlink] 使用 Chainlink 外部适配器构建基于区块链的梦幻体育游戏

...ndPerPlayer(string memory request_uri) public hasSeasonStarted { require(lastDividendWithdrawn)[msg.sender] < currWeekStart); 最后一次股息提取[msg.sender] = 块.时间戳; requestDividendWorthyEntities(request_uri); } https://gist.github.com/beshup/19ab2115c47a3e5de8f3a34115a8146c当用户在我们的应用程序前端单击“收集股息”时,我们会在 Solidity 智能合约中...



...家参考(实际以英文为准)。活动条款很长,但是最重要的就是两条:1. Use SendEOS to send EOS to another individual (regardless of whether they already have an EOS account).使用SendEOS将EOS发送给另一个人(无论他们是否已拥有EOS帐户)。 2. Share it on social media with hashtag #sendEOS and tag Amy Wan.使用标签#sendEOS和Amy Wan在社交媒体上...


4. 门罗币钱包文件恶意替换详情分析

...二进制文件的对比分析,攻击者添加了两个恶意函数:cryptonote::simple_wallet::send_to_cc?at?address?0x0000000000689AE0cryptonote::simple::wallet::send_seed?at?address?0x000000000068B590上述两个函数send_to_cc和send_seed在函数cryptonote::simple_wallet::print_seed中调用,而函数print_seed又在cryptonote::simple_wallet::open_wallet 和 cryptonote::simple_wallet::n...


5. SWFTBlockchain上线Libra红包和支付功能

...and all the other currencies available on SWFT Blockchain. SWFT Blockchain will also allow users to send free instant Libra payments to anyone, anywhere, by just sending a link. This means that SWFT Blockchain users will be able to send and request Libra to and from friends and family over any email messaging platform, social network not just the Facebook-owned ones with Libra integrations. Finall...


6. SWFT Blockchain 上线Libra红包和支付功能

...and all the other currencies available on SWFT Blockchain. SWFT Blockchain will also allow users to send free instant Libra payments to anyone, anywhere, by just sending a link. This means that SWFT Blockchain users will be able to send and request Libra to and from friends and family over any email messaging platform, social network not just the Facebook-owned ones with Libra integrations. Finall...


7. 地球币EAC联合挖矿(AUX-POW)操作指南

...ck their confirmation status, if confirmed then get shares from redis that contributed to block and send out payments. */"paymentInterval": 600, /* Minimum number of coins that a miner must earn before sending payment. Typically, a higher minimum means less transactions fees (you profit more) but miners see payments less frequently (they dislike). Opposite for a lower minimum payment. */"minimumPa...


8. justSwap开盘咯,你也想发个币去当庄家?手把手教你怎么用TRC20标准在tron发币

...= 'YOUR TOKEN'; string tokenSymbol = 'YOUR'; constructor() public { ownerAddr = msg.sender; totalSupply = initialSupply * 10 ** uint256(decimals); // Update total supply with the decimal amount balanceOf[msg.sender] = totalSupply; // Give the creator all initial tokens name = tokenName; // Set the name for displ...


9. 【第246期】“制造信任”&amp;“行情解读”

...te a simple transaction where a needs a pen, B has a merchant style that a likes, a can anonymously send a message to b on the Blockchain, and B receives a transaction request, after the two sides have confirmed that the price and the goods are suitable, then a will pay bitcoin to b immediately. We can see that a is indeed sending Bitcoin to B, and a can not take it back, because the whole process...


10. 惊魂49小时-比特儿NXT失窃事件全程回放

...58分/59分   黑客通过nxt回复了如下的2条信息:   Okay, so I&rsquo;ll send everything back right now, if I get compensated. (如果得到补偿,我会立刻把币发回去)   黑客给出了用于接收比特币赎金的地址:   http://www.blockmeta.info/address/13UZjKkhHWyTmQ4mx28WT5Wj1zw4pEByZw   18时5分   比特儿开出了条...


11. Reddit: 教你如何在Twitch上使用狗狗币doge打赏

...deposit address is located at the top of your dashboard. This is what you will use when you wish to send coins to your tipbot account.   You will then follow the send instructions that are for your specific wallet that you wish to send coins from. The deposit address assigned to your dogetipbot account cannot be changed and is uniquely identified to your account within the dogetipbot syste...


12. 如何使用rust-libp2p实现区块同步?

...t self, source: PeerId, event: &lt;Self::ProtocolsHandler as ProtocolsHandler&gt;::OutEvent, ) { // send the event to the user self.events .push(NetworkBehaviourAction::GenerateEvent(P2PMessage::P2P( source, event,))); }fn poll(&amp;mut self, _: &amp;mut impl PollParameters, ) -&gt; Async&lt; NetworkBehaviourAction&lt; &lt;Self::ProtocolsHandler as ProtocolsHandler&gt;::InEvent, Self::OutEvent,&gt...


13. Serum DEX现已允许任何人上线 SPL 或 ERC20 币种!

...ng required either :)5it costs about 4 SOL (~$12) in gas to create a new market; once it's created, sending orders costs about $0.00002 of gas官网:https://projectserum.com/微博:https://www.weibo.com/u/7483904107Serum DEX交易网址名单:https://serum-academy.com/zh/dex-list/Serum微信客服:ProjectSerumSerum微信公众号:Serum资讯平台本文来源:Serum资讯平台原文标...


14. codex拍卖系统越来越靠谱啦, 康康AP怎么解说的?

...USDV的拍卖合同。在准备阶段,你需要知道的是:1:简单的账户转账1. You can send your bid in CPM (minimum is 1 CPM), you can put in the memo the amount of USDV you are bidding for (minimum is 1 USDV).1。你可以发送你的投标(出价)用cpm(最低是1cpm),你可以在备忘录中输入想买的usdv,这就是投标(出价)的usdv(最低是1usdv)。...


15. ap的最新设计:codex 60号美元拍卖场简介。这是codex最靠谱的一次。

...bidtoken.xa屁屁这个发币狂魔又发币割韭菜了。To submit a bid:提交投标的方法:Send CPM to bidusd.x and put in the memo the quantity of USDV you want to bid for (use 4 decimal places.).发送CPM到拍卖合同biddusd.x,并在备忘录中输入你想出价的美元的数量(使用4位小数)。一个简洁的在钱包里面的转账操作,真-去中心化。资金不离...
