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24 hours volume

1. NFTWorld是否新的爆富赛道?

...ntrols as follows:Sep-Oct: only one transaction can be made in 24 hours, with a maximum transaction volume of 1000000 NFTW.Oct-Nov: only one transaction can be made in 12 hours, with a maximum transaction volume of 2000000 NFTW.Nov-Dec: only one transaction can be made in 6 hours, with a maximum transaction volume of 3000000 NFTW.Dec---: Cancel all trading restrictions and connect with exchanges....


2. Bitcoin is signaling a downturn, but there is hope for an upswing

...nside of this trading range could trigger a steep decline to around $7,000. However, an increase in volume that takes Bitcoin to break above $8,600 could have the necessary buying pressure to take this cryptocurrency to $9,500 or even $10,000. BTC/USD by TradingViewOverall sentiment Bitcoin recently experienced a death cross on its 1-week chart that has the potential to ignite a retracement to aro...


3. Ethereum's price consolidates; descending triangle projects negative pullback

...riod. The possibility of a bullish or bearish breakout was equally divided and the decreasing trade volume suggested that the breakout was imminent. At first glance, in case of a bullish breakout, the immediate resistance would be placed at $191.90 and $202 for Ethereum, whereas the long term support at $163,92 should hold strong, in case of rapid depreciation. The MACD indicator and the Signal li...


4. ???????????? | Ξ????????????Ξ???????? ? 2020/01/17

...mp;ED(加拿大科学研究与实验开发税收优惠项目)这些主题????。????DEX 24 Hour Volume Bot:以太坊交易所24小时交易量统计及排名(截至1月16日):1) @tokenlon (0x) - $4,584,1452) @KyberNetwork - $4,149,7843) @UniswapExchange - $3,855,7974) @OasisDex - $3,767,0695) @RadarRelay - $631,3956) @idexio - $612,8427) @Bancor- $564,664 (仅统计BNT通证)8) @Airswap- $...


5. ???????????? | Ξ????????????Ξ???????? ? 2020/01/17

...mp;ED(加拿大科学研究与实验开发税收优惠项目)这些主题????。????DEX 24 Hour Volume Bot:以太坊交易所24小时交易量统计及排名(截至1月16日):1) @tokenlon (0x) - $4,584,1452) @KyberNetwork - $4,149,7843) @UniswapExchange - $3,855,7974) @OasisDex - $3,767,0695) @RadarRelay - $631,3956) @idexio - $612,8427) @Bancor- $564,664 (仅统计BNT通证)8) @Airswap- $...


6. Monero Value Escalates by 3% in Last 24 Hours

...ober 9, 2019 <h2>XMR to USD 价格分析:</h2> XMR is recently seen trading at $56.66 at 08:14 UTC hours as on October 10, 2019. In intraday trading, Monero was initially trading below the baseline at $54.88 at 04:45 UTC. The value then surged by 2.51% at 10:21 UTC and was seen trading at $56.25. The value slightly went descending by 1.93% at 13:03 UTC, with the trading value of $55.17. The valu...


7. 孙宇晨证实,TRON(TRX)将在Poloniex上市

...itter句柄的开盘价为0.0038美元,声称每天增长850%。 DDOS is up 850% today!Over 1M volume.#ddos #tron #trx #eos #eidos #crypto #bitcoin #mining #eth #btc #blockchain #dapp #dapps $trx $btc $ddos #cryptocurrency #trading #cryptotrader #defi #trader #profit #money #cryptonews #justinsun #trontv #BitTorrent #wink #airdrop #newdex pic.twitter.com/XpxNDqWlZM DDOS Tron (@ddostron) Nove...


8. 8Hours在VeChain Thor区块链上推出NFT游戏

...用8小时代币(EHrT)的多种游戏和服务。唯链基金会通过Twitter评论:祝贺@ 8Hours_Official团队取得了重大里程碑。 VeChainThor区块链及其元交易和费用委托是#NFT和游戏用例的理想选择,我们期待VIMWorld的成功。</blockquote>在博客文章中,“ 8小时基金会”描述了当今的通信技术如何等同于社交活动的垃圾食品...


9. CryptoKitties登陆传统拍卖平台数分钟即售罄,引发对NFT的再思考

...还带全服置顶小喇叭,拥有者的荣誉感 MAX。拍卖出价历史TimeBidderAmountabout 8 hours@notkm10,500.00about 8 hours@club100010,000.00about 8 hours@notkm7,100.00about 9 hours@club10007,000.00about 9 hours@tyler6,400.00about 9 hours@notkm6,360.00about 9 hours@club10006,350.00about 9 hours@notkm6,260.00about 10 hours@club10006,250.00about 15 hours@notkm6,000.00about 16 hours@cameron...


10. 手把手教你使用如何区块链分析平台DuneAnalytics

...也可以写出自己的脚本。期待用户可以创造更多有意义的数据集。Weekly DEX volume 去中心化交易所周成交量Dune Analytics 的工作原理Dune Analytics 本质上来说,是将未经加工的区块链数据全部录入集合到 SQL 数据库中,可以让所有用户轻松查询。举例来说,数据库中可以很轻松的查询以太坊的所有转账,这些...


11. 交易员预计:在 TVL 和代币价格上涨之后,将开启“DeFi Summer 2.0”?

...涨了 17.8%,SushiSwap 上涨了 21.5%,用户活动似乎仍在继续上升趋势。Daily DEX volume. Source:Dune Analytics与 DeFi 协议交互的新用户数量的持续增加,是该行业实力不断增强的另一个迹象,截至 7 月 27 日,与 DeFi 协议交互的唯一地址达到创纪录的 209.1 万个。Total DeFi users over time. Source:Dune Analytics总而言之,这些发...


12. 长币网8760Hours | LongBit一周年狂欢庆典

...endesk.com/hc/zh-cn/articles/360049583673本文来源:LongBit交易所原文标题:长币网8760Hours | LongBit一周年狂欢庆典


13. 区块链是圆的,CryptoKitties与NFT再思考

...还带全服置顶小喇叭,拥有者的荣誉感MAX。拍卖出价历史TimeBidderAmountabout 8 hours@notkm$10,500.00about 8 hours@club1000$10,000.00about 8 hours@notkm$7,100.00about 9 hours@club1000$7,000.00about 9 hours@tyler$6,400.00about 9 hours@notkm$6,360.00about 9 hours@club1000$6,350.00about 9 hours@notkm$6,260.00about 10 hours@club1000$6,250.00about 15 hours@notkm$6,000.00about 16 hour...


14. 区块链是圆的,CryptoKitties与NFT再思考。

...还带全服置顶小喇叭,拥有者的荣誉感MAX。拍卖出价历史TimeBidderAmountabout 8 hours@notkm$10,500.00about 8 hours@club1000$10,000.00about 8 hours@notkm$7,100.00about 9 hours@club1000$7,000.00about 9 hours@tyler$6,400.00about 9 hours@notkm$6,360.00about 9 hours@club1000$6,350.00about 9 hours@notkm$6,260.00about 10 hours@club1000$6,250.00about 15 hours@notkm$6,000.00about 16 hour...


15. 你真的会用Dune Analytics么?|项目介绍

...也可以写出自己的脚本。期待用户可以创造更多有意义的数据集。Weekly DEX volume 去中心化交易所周成交量</blockquote>Dune Analytics 的工作原理Dune Analytics 本质上来说,是将未经加工的区块链数据全部录入集合到 SQL 数据库中,可以让所有用户轻松查询。举例来说,数据库中可以很轻松的查询以太坊的所有转...
