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1. 第623篇:下架的币离归零已经不远了

...算现在没归零,其实离归零已经很近了,已经跌的无法再跌了。 福币of记得那时还是刚入市不久,为什么买这个币呢?因为便宜,因为上市就跌,跌破了发行价,套牢了所有的投资者,不都是说有便宜要减吗?结果这个便宜就一路在不停的刷新底线,便宜之后还有更便宜,不记得什么时候清...


2. 手机挖矿是否摆脱硬盘饥荒



3. MOYI丨交易所下币潮,需时刻保持关注



4. 华登区块狗系统源码



5. OKEX下架币种名单投资者如何筛选投资币种



6. 两大末日战车(ETC 、XRP)同时开炮?比特币多头瑟瑟发抖



7. bch和bsv即将减产,开始发力!



8. Digital Trading Alliance meeting invites OCX to attend China Travel: Shenzhen

...ongdi Digital Building, Nanshan District, Shenzhen. The World Free Trade area Federation is a non-profit organization. The meeting was held in the form of offline salons and was initiated by the consensus group of the digital economy of the WBO World Free Trade Zone. The theme revolves around the future development of the exchange and the free media industry and the formulation of rules. The aim i...


9. Digital Exchange Alliance meeting invites OCX to attend|China Travel: Shenzhen

...l hold it in Zhongdi Digital Building, Nanshan District, Shenzhen. The meeting was held in the form of an offline salon and initiated by the consensus group of the digital economy of the WBO World Free Trade Zone. The theme revolves around the future development of the exchange and the self-media industry and the formulation of rules, with the aim of promoting the healthy development of the indust...


10. VTLvirtuallifebuildsgameecologyandhelpsdigitaltransformation

...has entered the 4.0 era, and intelligent technology has triggered great changesWith the development of economic reform and comprehensive technological innovation, digital and intelligent cutting-edge technologies are widely used in various industries. The rise of the concept of meta universe, virtual reality, artificial intelligence and blockchain have attracted much attention. Globalization has e...


11. Translated version of test.txtdiv.big{border-width: 2px 0 0;border-style: solid}div.small{border-wid

Bitcoin mining is one of the activities that has the greatest demand for electricity. And, the need to use specialized devices for mining, due to its complexity. It has led to the creation of instruments that require large amounts of energy to be able to solve cryptographic operations and execute transactions. The centralization of Bitcoin One of the main criticisms that have emerged against Bit...


12. What is the Nature of Blockchain Games?

...文版,会发到NeoWorld英文社区,同时也顺便宣传一下币乎。I am aware that many of you may be dismissive of the title: "There is nothing to discuss about this. The nature of the blockchain games is definitely the game itself. It couldn't be the blockchain." This answer is correct, but it is meaningless. Whether it is blockchain games, mobile games, web games or PC games, in essen...


13. AnalyzethesecurityofBitcoinexchanges,whichcryptoexchangeisthesafest?

In fact, digital currency has always been a frequent occurrence of security incidents. In January 2018, Japan's Coincheck exchange was hacked and NEM was stolen and lost approximately US$534 million. In February 2018, the trading price of Ethereum-based XMRG tokens rose by 787% and then quickly plummeted to zero, causing a large number of users' economic losses. The reason behind it was that its s...


14. What is the Nature of Blockchain?

What is the Nature of Blockchain?Since stumbling into the blockchain space in June 2017, I have witnessed myriads of industrial cycles, the prevalent price surge, blockades of exchanges in September 4, 2017, the unexpected bull market at the end of 2017, and the protracted bear market through the year.The boom of altcoins, the explosion of ICOs, the rivalry among the public blockchains, the franti...


15. DeFi王者Advancer介绍摘自medium

...Digital tokens in the Ethereum ecosystem have emerged as an important asset class owing to the rise of DeFi ecology. These tokens have all the advantages that blockchains and Ethereum have to offer in terms of transparency in total number of coins, owners, minting, fast confirmation times, transactions details and smart contract execution. Tokens on the Ethereum blockchain can serve several differ...
