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the key币

1. 《比特币开发者指南 专有名词》 翻译

...名词词汇共计126条   译者:@力国潘 www.Weibo.com/GouLi   1. 51-attack: The ability of someone controlling a majority of hashing power to revise transactions history and prevent new transactions from confirming   51-attack:一些人通过拥有大部分地算力,从而可以修改交易历史以及阻止新的交易被确认。   2. accidental-fork: W...


2. 区块脉动|脉动干货:什么是区块链钱包?

...有什么区别呢?Some time ago, we learned how software wallets and hardware wallets can ensure the security of bitcoin. Many new leeks don't know what blockchain wallets are. What's the difference between them and the mobile wallets we usually use?什么是数字钱包</blockquote>数字钱包是存储和管理、使用数字货币的工具,在区块链领域有举足轻重的地位。它...


3. 深度|《WisdomChain文档知识库》之多重签名

EnglishAggregate Signature of Wisdom Chain Document Knowledge BaseThis article comes from the official Twitter of Wisdom ChainURL:https://twitter.com/Wisdom_Chain/status/1297831751809720322?s=20What is aggregate signatureAggregate signature is a kind of signature aggregation of key generated by each party using Schnorr Signature (a digital signature scheme, known for its simplicity and efficienc...


4. 深度 |《Wisdom Chain文档知识库》之多重签名

...功能。EnglishAggregate Signature of Wisdom Chain Document Knowledge BaseThis article comes from the official Twitter of Wisdom ChainURL:https://twitter.com/Wisdom_Chain/status/1297831751809720322?s=20What is aggregate signatureAggregate signature is a kind of signature aggregation of key generated by each party using Schnorr Signature (a digital signature scheme, known for its simplicity and ...


5. 【第247期】“多重签名”&amp;“行情解读”

...易看起来更加可靠。Multiple signatures make digital currency transactions secure, and since the introduction of bitcoin addresses in the bitcoin protocol, parties use multiple authenticated signatures instead of a single private key, no matter how complex the transaction, this method of multi-signature is generally accepted. Among multiple transaction signatures, there is an M / N Signatur...


6. 区块链大型巡回播放第220期“公钥基础设施”

... infrastructure, users have two different keys for encryption and decryption, which are asymmetric, the public-key cryptography is valued for its free encryption software for e mail, but of course both keys are critical and do not allow to be lost. If you do not use encryption and decryption, you will have to pay a fee for a digital certificate for your e Mail Service, many approaches have failed ...


7. Key words of wealth in 2020 SuperRadar

At the same time, super radarSRC produces radar currency VBC through DAPPFast, accurate and stableSuper radar is coming, creating wealth againAll of this should start with blockchain technology!which has created an era of "blockchain financial business".Compared with any financial innovation in history, the digitalcurrency derived from blockchain technology is particularly uniqueand charming, an...


8. 区块链大型巡回播放【第33期】#智能合约租赁服务# &amp;“行情解读”&amp;“PI网友观点

...区块链会链上记录交易数据,一旦租赁周期满后,合约自动执行终止命令。The application of smart contract based on blockchain is very wide, there are too many disputes of traditional leasing service, the contradiction between landlord and tenant is escalating, and finally, it is often solved by mediation. Suppose Party a rents the House to party B for 100 yuan per day fo...


9. 如何挑选数字货币钱包?

...很好看,安全性做的也不错,主流币种全部支持,比如:Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash,Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Litecoin, Dash, Zcash, 0x, EOS, Storj等。(8)其他电子钱包以上介绍的都是主流电子钱包,没能把所有的电子钱包全部介绍一遍,以下是G2全球的评分,有兴趣的朋友可以自己去看看G26、最后的思考希望自己写的东西...


10. 【第294期】#区块链隐私解决方案# &amp;“行情解读”&amp;“PI网友观点摘录”

...NION – Israel Institute of Technology's groundbreaking blockchain privacy solution is moving from theory to reality. A private key encryption algorithm uses a single private key to encrypt and decrypt data. Because any party with a key can use it to decrypt data, the key must be protected from unauthorized proxies.Private key encryption is also known as Pairwise, or encryption, because the same ...


11. 国庆中秋来农场,钓鱼养猪汉堡任你选,近期值得关注的项目汇总

...lexible, and cheaper trading experience, with a sound overall design.Why Binance Smart Chain &amp; Ethereum?To be frank, most popular &amp; successful AMM defi product is #uniswap and #sushiswap based on Ethereum. FARMSwap will build on Ethereum for retained users.But Ethereum’s current gas fees have been getting higher and higher. By leveraging BSC, we will be able to increase the speed of tran...


12. 区块链大型巡回播放【第34期】#金融差价合约# &amp;“行情解读”&amp;“PI网友观点摘录

...租赁周期满后,合约自动执行终止命令。Intelligent contracts can be used to realize the spread of financial derivatives. In financial contracts, the user's primary concern is the unit price of the purchase, which is a reference to an external authoritative value connector used to hedge against fluctuations in the value of the currency against the dollar. Basically, the contract need...


13. 《Wisdom Chain文档知识库》之Schnorr签名算法

making it impossible to calculate the value of S.The brief description of Schnorr Signature Protocol is as follows: Setup:x: random number (aka private key)G := common pointX: x*G(aka public key)Sign:r : random number (aka nonce)R: r* G(aka commitment)e : Hash(R。EnglishSchnorr Signature Algorithm of Wisdom Chain DocumentKnowledge BaseThis article comes from the official Twitter of Wisdom ChainU...


14. Conflux公链研究总监“杨光”现场解决实际技术问题

第一个问题是关于 Conflux 的The first question about Conflux is:Conflux 实验室环境的 TPS 峰值是 6000Conflux can reach 6000 TPS under the testing environment,现在说的是3000but 3000 TPS is being said, then具体是哪个数据为准which of the two TPS-Numbers is more precise?6000 多和 3000 的实验的测试环境是不一样的The testing environments for 6000 and 3000 TPS ...


15. 每日一币(key)

...; 要诀; (计算机或打字机的)键;v.用键盘输入; 键入; 用钥匙划坏(汽车);例句:The key has stuck in the lock.钥匙卡在锁里了。词组:key in用键盘输入;键入现在分词:keying过去式:keyed过去分词:keyed复数:keys第三人称单数:keys简介:代币名称:KEY,ERC20代币接受代币:ETH代币总量:60亿出售比例:33%代币售价:0.015美金/K...
