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智能合约 new address

1. 如何使用以太坊、DAI,标记和结算“自动执行”智能发票

...lletInstance); buyerWalletInstance = await SmartInvoiceWallet.new( buyer, mockDAITokenInstance.address, { from: buyer }, ); const buyerWalletAssetTokenAddress = await buyerWalletInstance. assetToken(); assert.equal(buyerWalletAssetTokenAddress, mockDAITokenInstance. address); 买方钱包可以持有DAI代币并与智能发票进行交互。 4.卖方创建钱包 assert.notExists(seller...


2. 示例:MOAC部署智能合约时传入参数

...前面加上0xgas : '9000000'}, function (e, contract){console.log(e, contract);if (typeof contract.address !== 'undefined') {console.log('Contract mined! address: ' + contract.address + ' transactionHash: ' + contract.transactionHash);}})传入四个参数,正是智能合约所需要的参数。执行后得到:到浏览器查询结果:部署成功!


3. DeFi新玩法 | 一文教你用Node.js在Uniswap和SushiSwap之间套利

...“approve”方法,对于这篇文章的例子,我们需要4次批准: const uniswapRouterAddress = "0x7a250d5630b4cf539739df2c5dacb4c659f2488d"; const sushiswapRouterAdress = "0xd9e1ce17f2641f24ae83637ab66a2cca9c378b9f";const usdcErc20Address = "0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48"; const wethErc20Address = "0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2";// allow Uniswap and Sushiswap...


4. 如何利用OpenZeppelin编写可升级的智能合约?



5. 如何使用状态通道在以太坊创建可扩展的dApp和智能合约

... <div class="hidden join-game-setup"> <h3>What's the smart contract address of the existing game </h3> <input type="text" placeholder="0x38dfj39..."> </div> <button id="button-continue" class="hidden">Continue</button> </div> <script src="index.js"></script> &...


6. TRON开发者指南|第五十三期:使用波场TRON智能合约校验椭圆曲线加密数字签名

...ecrecover的完整函数签名为:ecrecover(bytes32 hash, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) returns (address),是由Solidity语言原生提供的一个全局函数,这个函数的作用是通过签名本身和签名的内容来返回签名者的地址。ecrecover中需要的,r、s、v分别来自于签名的切片内容:r = signature[0:64]s = signature[64:128]v = signature[128:130]切片函...


7. 墨客区块链(MOAC BlockChain) 数据签名及验证

...ract Auth { function verify( bytes32 hash, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) constant returns(address retAddr) { bytes memory prefix = "\x19MoacNode Signed Message:\n32"; bytes32 prefixedHash = sha3(prefix, hash); return ecrecover(prefixedHash, v, r, s); }}合约会为要签名的消息加上"\x19MoacNode Signed Message:\n32"前缀,所以实际上真正的被签名...


8. 清算人系列 | AAVE 清算操作指南

...eloping-on-aave/deployed-contract-instancesimport DaiTokenABIfrom "./DAItoken.json"importLendingPoolAddressesProviderABI from"./LendingPoolAddressesProvider.json"importLendingPoolABI from "./LendingPool.json"// ... The rest ofyour code ...// Input variablesconstcollateralAddress = 'THE_COLLATERAL_ASSET_ADDRESS'constdaiAmountInWei = web3.utils.toWei("1000","ether").toString()const daiAddress ='0x6B...


9. 区块链民主——智能合约开发者指南

...才能做到这一点呢?实现智能合约提案看看下面的智能合约:contract Proposal{address public targetContract; bytes public targetCall; /// @param targetContract_ The address of the target contract for /// a proposal to be enacted. /// @param targetCall_ The abi encoding of a function call in the /// target contract, with arguments constructor( address targetContract_, bytes ...


10. Conflux 开发教程 | 使用 IDE 开发 DApp 的实战操作指南

...址自动申请 CFX;·你也可以直接在浏览器中输入wallet.confluxscan.io/faucet/dev/ask?address={address} 来申请 CFX;使用上述方法在 Conflux Studio 中为 minter_key 和 sponsor_key 申请 CFX Token。完成申请后,这两个账户上的余额将会从 0 CFX 更新为 100 CFX。目前余额信息为:·minter_key 余额 100 CFX·receiver_key 余额 0 CFX·sponsor_key 余...


11. 重磅|WisdomChain即将融合强大的合约脚本编程能力

...lligent contract is equivalent to adding a key-value pair to this database, the key is the contract address, and the value is the contract code.Ethereum & SolidityBecause of the non-changeability described above, it means that you find problems with the previous contract code and you cannot modify it either. The only thing you can do is deploy a new contract, but the new contract corresponds to a ...


12. Soteria 主题分享 | 邹杰:Libra技术专业解析

...code verifier 不跑验证器-V, --version Prints version information 打印版本号OPTIONS:-a, --address Account address used for publishing 发布的账户地址--deps Path to the list of modules that we want to link with 连接列表-o, --output Serialize and write the compiled output to this file输出文件ARGS:Path to the Move IR source to compile 输出文件夹c)MOVE编译器的组成c...


13. 邹杰:Libra 技术专业解析

...tecode verifier 不跑验证器-V, --versionPrints version information 打印版本号OPTIONS:-a, --addressAccount address used for publishing 发布的账户地址--depsPath to the list of modules that we want to link with 连接列表-o, --outputSerialize and write the compiled output to this file输出文件ARGS:Path to the Move IR source to compile 输出文件夹c)?MOVE编译器的组成compi...


14. 有链YOUChain公测网与以太坊智能合约实测对比

...lc');const fs = require('fs');const youchain = new YOUChain('http://test-node.iyouchain.com');const address = '0x59677fd68ec54e43ad4319d915f81748b5a6ff8b';const contractWrap = (content) => {return {language: 'Solidity',sources: {'Adoption.sol': {content}},settings: {outputSelection: {'*': {'*': ['*']}}}};};fs.readFile('Adoption.sol', 'utf8', async (error, data) => {let output = JSON.parse(solc.com...


15. 有链YOUChain公测网与以太坊智能合约实测对比

...lc');const fs = require('fs');const youchain = new YOUChain('http://test-node.iyouchain.com');const address = '0x59677fd68ec54e43ad4319d915f81748b5a6ff8b';const contractWrap = (content) => {return {language: 'Solidity',sources: {'Adoption.sol': {content}},settings: {outputSelection: {'*': {'*': ['*']}}}};};fs.readFile('Adoption.sol', 'utf8', async (error, data) => {let output = JSON.parse(solc.com...
