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eos token distribution

1. Alibaba Filmmaking Arm to Distribute New Movie Rights via代币: Report

Alibaba Group’s movie-making arm Alibaba Pictures reportedly plans to tokenize distribution rights for its new film “Striding into the Wind,” Chinese English-language publication China.org.cn reports on Nov. 22. The company has purportedly signed an agreement with New York-based decentralized entertainment platform Breaker, formerly known as SingularDTV, to distribute the film overseas...


2. 当前区块链领域中DAO和DAC面临的问题

...C。一开始对此也是一无所知,后来经查证,得知DAO全称为分布式自治组织(Distributed Autonomous Organization),而DAC则为去中心化自治公司(Distributed Autonomous Company)。如果从宏观角度来谈,骆驼认为DAC也可以归属DAO的范畴,两者面临的问题都相关,所以此文中两者都可以从DAO来探讨。关于DAO最著名的事件...


3. 【译】EOS Constitution V1.0 | EOS公约1.0版

...bers voluntarily consent for all Members to permanently and irrevocably retain a copy, analyze, and distribute all broadcast transactions and derivative information.成员只能在他们权限内发布他们能够发布的信息,并且同意所有的成员能够永久和不可逆转的维护一个副本,分析以及传播所有的交易及相关信息。Article XIII - Informed Consent | 知情...


4. EOS社区意见领袖梓岑:Voice的竞争对手是Twitter等媒体社交巨头

...ckone 团队的实力更强、能量更大、资源更广。3. 而到了最后成熟期,靠 DAC(Distributed Autonomous Corporation,分布式自治系统)的自动运行、自我治理和自然进化能力。这一点很重要。我们过去常常听到一个声音,认为传统互联网巨头杀入区块链行业,将会是降维打击。但我的态度刚好相反,互联网巨头做...


5. What is the Nature of Blockchain?

...ai Wei (As a tribute to predecessors, the smallest unit of Ethereum is Wei), proposed an anonymous, distributed electronic cryptocurrency system: B-monney. It was the spiritual mentor of the later Bitcoin, but due to its limitations and design flaws at that time, it was a lost cause. In 2005, Nick Szabo finally put forward the idea of Bitkin where users can solve the math problem and use the encry...


6. 赌徒高手反撸赌场,赌场老板ap死鸭子嘴壳硬。YAS社区挺住啊!

...how I code the contracts.I will not claim back the funds offered by the hackers. I dont know how to distribute them back to others affected. Let the hackers distribute it back to each owner as they want it. I myself own majority of those YAS but some people also lost. Those who gained were swapped for eidos already at my expense long ago. So I took a hit many times not just this.If I claim those Y...


7. DOTPADwilllaunchpancakeswapsoontostarttrading

...lized IDO platform of the Polkadot network. DOTPad will give cryptocurrency projects the ability to distribute tokens and increase liquidity. DOTPad empowers investors and allows cryptocurrency project creators to provide token sales for the upcoming DeFi cryptocurrency. DOTPad has found a solution to motivate and reward all token holders in an inclusive and low barrier to entry way. DOTPad displa...


8. 邹传伟:央行数字货币的路径选择批发型vs零售型以何为先?

...re (MAS), 2017, "Project Ubin Phase 2: Re-imaging Interbank Real-Time Gross Settlement System Using Distributed Ledger Technologies".3. Auer, Raphael, and Rainer B?hme, 2020, "The Technology of Retail Central Bank Digital Currency", BIS Quarterly Review, March 2020.4. Bank of Canada (BoC), Bank of England (BoE), and Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), 2018, "Cross-Border Interbank Payments and ...


9. MDUKEY超级节点配置及指南(简)

...获取收益收益到账地址为超级节点的`Reward Address`查询佣金收益:mdukeycli query distribution commission -h获取佣金收益:mdukeycli tx distribution withdraw-rewards --commission -hexample:mdukeycli tx distribution withdraw-rewards \$(mdukeycli keys show $VAL_KEY -a --bech val) \--from $VAL_KEY \--commission \--chain-id kunlun \--fees 200umdu2.3 超级节点处罚机制2.3.1 ...


10. IOST公链的经济模型和创新技术分析

...大部分技术还需要跟进,这里选择几个比较重要的技术进行分析学习。▼、Distributed Randomness ProtocolDRP在恶意节点数目在一个特定比例之下的时候可以去保证一个公平性。DRP 产生的随机数用于划分切片、将节点放到不同的切片并且选举切片中的leader 。为了实现这种随机值,这里主要采用的是通过client 和...


11. STD——针对各行业业务特性,打造基于区块链技术个性化行业解决方案

...ises. Blockchain is one of the focuses in the current wave of science and technology. A new type of distributed it architecture is constructed by comprehensive use of point-to-point communication, consensus mechanism, encryption algorithm and other technologies. It maintains a distributed ledger in the form of collective negotiation, and automatically executes various business rules based on coded...


12. 如何实现真正的FairLaunch?

...次发行到全部流通的整个过程,我认为代表这个过程更准确的词应该为 token distribution。而token launch 是属于 token distribution 的一个阶段,是指 token 开始流通的初始阶段,通常在 launch 阶段 token 流通量超过总量的5%,时间不超过1个月。?这个定义非常重要,下文提到 token launch 都是指这个阶段,不再赘述。?...


13. DODORatingReport

...16% was given to the investors, 8% was given to the operations/marketing/ partnerships, 60% will be distributed to DODO supporters in the form of community incentives, and the rest 1% was distributed in IDO.DODO Distribution,Source: DODO; TokenInsightDODO Releasing Schedule,Source: DODO, TokenInsightThe vesting progress is shown in the chart above. What worth to note is, the community incentiv...


14. MTV顶级音乐全球首个音乐版权标的公链区块链资产

...y get a drop in the price from the value created in the entire music industry chainCopyright income distribution problemStill complainingEndlessFair distribution is still a castle in the skyAccording to relevant dataMusicians can only get 10%-20% returnFor the audienceIn the current ecological environmentListeners can only act as consumersCan’t participate more deeply in the construction of musi...


15. 七彩研究院YSL.IO—让DeFi最大化加密资产回报

...e YSL-BUSD vault:1.???Liquidity Mining Reward: 300% of initial sYSL token supply will be minted and distributed over 4000 days.2.??? Monthly Buy-Back Reward: These rewards are generated using the BUSD acquired from the Optimisation Tax, Amplification Tax, aYSL entrance fee, sYSL entrance fee and the sYSL exit fee.3.???Inflation Reward: The YSL.IO protocol will mint sYSL tokens on each block at an ...
