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litecoin up or down

1. FTX创始人兼Serum顾问SBF:当市场呈下行趋势,我们能做什么?

...通道。————————以下内容为推特原文:1) Advice for people whose coins are down today2) NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE.NOT ADVICE.3) Well, first, that's everyone. Everyone's coin is down today. (Except USDT which is maybe up 2bps.)But some have never been here before.So what do you do, if you run a project, and that project's coin is down?4) First of all: there's only so much you c...


2. SBF分享Alameda投资理念:加密世界喜欢多头,项目长期发展更值得关注

...thought that I thought things would go up.9) But the truth is:I don't know if markets will go up or down.I'm just guessing.We all are.And I can't control it: none of us can.I'm just doing the best I can to pick the projects I think have huge potential.10) And, to hedge, shorting things with less upside.I'm not bullish on ETH-based DeFi as it exists: it just doesn't scale, and that's fatal.But that...


3. FTX创始人兼Serum顾问SBF谈流动性挖矿项目的可持续性及其对市场的长期影响

...s it revolutionary?This is *not* trying to answer the question of whether food tokens will go up or down short-term.?It's trying focus on the long-term ramifications of it.What is the core financial transaction behind yield farming?Well, basically: new projects drop most or all of their tokens on DeFi users in return for valuation and TVL.Are those justified?A lot for this will come down to what y...


4. FTX创始人,Serum顾问SBF谈流动性挖矿项目的可持续性及其对市场的长期影响

...s it revolutionary?This is *not* trying to answer the question of whether food tokens will go up or down short-term.It's trying focus on the long-term ramifications of it.What is the core financial transaction behind yield farming?Well, basically: new projects drop most or all of their tokens on DeFi users in return for valuation and TVL.Are those justified?A lot for this will come down to what yo...


5. Litecoin,EOS,降价分析:4月5日

Litecoin正在以三角形模式交易,为突破做好准备,LTC可能会朝着250美元攀升。 向上的动作尚未发挥作用。 EOS跌至$ 5.85美元的水平,下跌后将被迫跌至$ 5.35美元。 Decred显示出看跌背离。莱特币 [LTC] 资料来源:TradingView上的LTC / USD莱特币形成了对称的三角形图案,并在194美元的支撑位上方积聚了蒸汽。 2...


6. Is it shameful to achieve freedom in ten years?

...ng work. Take your time step by step. The pace of this society is too fast. I urge everyone to slow down, slow down, and then slow down~ first do a good job of accumulation, improve yourself, lay a solid foundation, and accumulate.In fact, look at those who have achieved financial freedom, they are not getting rich overnight. For example, Nangongyuan, now you only see him laughing and cursing, eas...


7. Steem,Polkadot,Litecoin价格分析:9月7日

...它可能会进一步走低。莱特币 [LTC]资料来源:TradingView上的LTC / USD莱特币(Litecoin)与比特币一起下跌,然后下跌了更多,因为它面临着巨大的抛售压力。在莱特币图表上用青色箭头标记的交易时段中,观察到支撑位在非常高的交易量的背景下经过测试,然后下跌。 这表明,莱特币在短期内仍以恐惧为...


8. Litecoin,Stellar Lumens,DASH价格分析:10月9日

...。 交易者可以尝试“逢低买入”,但是市场势头有所回升。在其他新闻中,Litecoin重新启动了MimbleWimble测试网(一种增强隐私的协议)。 这是在欧洲刑警组织(Europol)的背景下,收紧其围绕数字资产的隐私法规。恒星流明 [XLM]资料来源:TradingView上的XLM / USD0.0726美元的水平仍然是恒星流明的关键支撑区...


9. 加密货币Analyst Calls 991% Bitcoin (BTC) Boom Conservative, Forecasts Future of XRP, Litecoin, Da

...or his optimism. The AIG founder also predicted bullish futures for a number of altcoins, including Litecoin, Dash, Zcash and Monero. He says XRP’s price, in particular, could “explode much higher in the future” if it is increasingly adopted by financial institutions. Despite his bullish outlook, Dergunov highlights the extremely risky nature of investing in crypto assets, noting that govern...


10. Ethereum’s Rejection Could Spark a Massive Selloff; What Factors Should We Consider?

...sure that led to a strong and swift rejection.The strong rejection at this level has put ETH into a downwards tailspin, even forcing it to lose its position within the $140 region.Analysts are now noting that this rejection came about after the cryptocurrency hit a key resistance level, which may lead it to drop to the lower boundary of its current descending channel, potentially leading it as low...


11. Litecoin,FTX令牌,复合价格分析:10月17日

在顶级数字资产比特币和以太坊的日线图上目睹了价格的积极波动之后,其余的加密货币市场似乎正在朝着看涨的复苏方向发展。在小时图上看到一些看涨的迹象,可以看到莱特币很快就会瞄准其上方阻力。 复合和FTX代币最终似乎有可能陷入停滞的看跌拖累。莱特币 [LTC]资料来源:TradingView上的LTC / USD...


12. Litecoin,Tron,Zcash价格分析:10月30日

在市场广泛抛售的情况下,莱特币见证了其购买量的下降,数字资产跌破了关键支撑转为阻力位。在高度波动的情况下,Tron承受了强大的抛售压力。最后,Zcash的技术指标也表明其短期短期交易会议的前景看跌。莱特币 [LTC]资料来源:TradingView上的LTC / USD截至发稿时,莱特币的交易价格略高于其趋势线...


13. Litecoin,本体论,Zcash价格分析:9月27日

莱特币突破图表上的阻力位,并可能在面临下一阻力之前的第二天或第二天录得更多涨幅。 本体论可能会在短期内继续显示出看涨的势头。 Zcash多头也显示出力量,并有可能在未来几天推动价格上涨。莱特币 [LTC]资料来源:TradingView上的LTC / USD莱特币的交易量高于平均水平,其过去的阻力位在45.7美元...


14. Litecoin,本体,Digibyte价格分析:10月21日

随着两种数字资产都在交易图表上占据绿色区域的地位,莱特币和Digibyte的短期前景仍然乐观。然而,对于本体论来说,看跌的市场再次浮出水面,山寨币在过去两天的估值下降了3%以上。莱特币 [LTC]资料来源:TradingView上的LTC / USD撰写本文时,莱特币的交易价格为48.93美元。 当天早些时候,该数字资...


15. 信任机器—比特币背后的技术如何改变世界

...,在它的网站上,提供了上百万的免费音乐服务。Napster itself was swiftly shut down, but it inspired a host of other peer-to-peer services. Many of these were also used for pirating music and films. Yet despite its dubious origins, peer-to-peer technology found legitimate uses, powering internet startups such as Skype (for telephony) and Spotify (for music streaming)—and also,...
